Syano's is the only "secret" one, but that's about it. I didn't hide anything behind getting all the achievements, thought that'd be a little mean haha
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Okay, I pushed out an update that should fix it. I can't tell since I can't recreate the bug to check, but I hope it works.
Hm, sorry, I'm not sure what's causing it, but I believe it's some kind of compatibility problem? A cursory google search lead me to this:
Edit: Actually, there seems to be a plugin or sorts for this? Let me test it out really quick.
I'm really glad you enjoyed it! The game performs a reset on Lyra's settings right before so I can force you to play the gimmick fight as intended, so it worked out perfectly in the end for you! Also a small thing, but I'd really appreciate it if you edited your post to hide the name of the last encounter since aren't any spoiler tags for some reason. As for future games, there aren't any planned, but I'll be posting on my twitter about the next project I work on. It's coming... soonish? Won't be anything like Stygian Flowers, though.
Thank you for the kind words! There's actually nothing after that boss, it's just a bonus fight for people who liked the puzzle combat enough to fight it. Maybe like 3 lines of dialogue but you're not missing anything, and I made sure to put the real important stuff right before. She's not meant to be "beat" either, just stalled out. If you want some tips though, you definitely need to write down all of her moves and time the survival skills to block them. Abuse Felt's cooldown reduction skill to make sure those skills come back in time for a second cycle. You can replace cover with one of Felt's taunt skills to funnel all of her single-target one-shots to a party member you can repeatedly tank it with.
Since it's been so long since the game came out, I don't mind writing out some help. You only need to beat three fragments to access the true end, so you can choose the three you find easiest. For the fourth fragment, if I remember correctly, you can Guard with Thorn, use Rita's Impervious, and Felt's Scapegoat on Thorn to straight up tank the first Beckoning. Then refill Thorn's mana with Killing Drive and then you can use Shock and Cover+Elusive Winds to survive long enough to beat them down. If you want to RNG it, you can use Elusive Winds on someone and pray the Fragment lands the 1/4 chance to whiff their attack. Personally, I'd just pick the first three Fragments since they're pretty simple to deal with.
Sorry, it just might not be your cup of tea as a puzzle game. The game went through multiple rounds of playtesting, and it's already at a far easier difficulty than I first imagined as you can brute force all of the main fights with a single build. I've had people tell me it's too simple and easy sometimes, and I've had people tell me it's far too hard. That's why I put a cheat item in the game that let's you skip all the main fight: because I know the combat is not for everyone. If it helps, you should reconceptualize the game as a series of gimmick fights where you have to find and solve the "trick".
That said, I greatly appreciate you taking the time to write feedback out for me. Ultimately I know this is more like a conflict of expectations, and I'm not quite sure how to phrase it better than what I've already done in the description.
Cute art. I found a little bug where you can mash Continue in the main menu and the game would load multiple times. You probably also know this but if you run through an area and enter a cutscene, you can see the enemies run in place. Probably should despawn them beforehand. +1 the others saying it could use a skip. Also, have you thought about adding a button that hides the message box? Could be nice.
Just lost hours to this again. I remember you saying this was 90% done, so grats! I've had runs where I couldn't find a specific uncommon despite going for it every time, or oftentimes going into an area and only getting trash. Also, agreed with la_fafafa, the "penalty" thing next to the bonus multipliers is a little misleading. Otherwise, it's a lot of fun.
Love the visuals, they're insanely stylish. I don't know if this is a bug, but if you reroll from Nogre to Choke, the HP stays "1 of 1" until you hover it, and when you let go it becomes "3 of 5".
I think my only gripe is that sometimes you can be fighting an enemy that's at 1 health and you hit x1, but combat spirals wildly out of control and everyone dies. Guess that's just RNG for you.