- Cool Artstyle - Looks especially great for the portraits.
- The letter-looting mechanic seems to not do anything as of yet. Which is fine, just confusing for the demo.
- I have no idea what's going on during battles, but if it's random, and I have no way to change the outcome, that's fine, as it does look cool.
- Both Jack and the monster whiffing their rolls on the first turn, and then combat ending feels bad.
- Having minesweeper as the recovery minigame is bizarre, absent deeper association with the rest of the game's mechanics.
Karapath DEMO v7's itch.io pageComments
tbh I had no idea what to do in this game. Also I'm running in a VM and there was some weird multicolor noise in the dithering
Interesting gameplay, I'm not sure if I quite understood everything, but I saw some monsters.
Like everyone else has said: Great visuals and great UI!
Love the visuals, they're insanely stylish. I don't know if this is a bug, but if you reroll from Nogre to Choke, the HP stays "1 of 1" until you hover it, and when you let go it becomes "3 of 5".
I think my only gripe is that sometimes you can be fighting an enemy that's at 1 health and you hit x1, but combat spirals wildly out of control and everyone dies. Guess that's just RNG for you.
Started 3 runs in the default configuration (mili)
The game has a great presentation. The art style plus the dithering effect looks very cool and the UI is very snappy and satisfying. I didn't "get" the game, what I had to do to progress. I got a lot of letters that I could deactivate, defeated a bunch of ogres and then had nothing else to do in the map. I believe I'm missing something.
I know there is more to it since I have seen screenshots of items and NPCs talking, but I don't understand what I am supossed to do to advance or what the stats on the screen mean.
One of the mobs is the "boss", when you kill it, the tile changes into an "Exit". In this screenshot if you walk on all crosses, you will find it. Will push pushed a patch to make it clearer in 10 min. The stats are your likelyhood of winning the specific fight. Thanks for playing.
Edit: there's also no NPCs speaking in this demo yet
Ty for the change. Gave the game another chance, won a run in mili after several tries.
I must be missing something again. Leveling seems to do two things. It heals you to full health but also makes every monster more dangerous. The player doesnt grow stronger in any way, leveling up makes the game harder and heals you from 7 to 8. Not a good trade. So my strategy was don't fight anyone except the boss and don't explore anything because that gives exp. I know there must be a more fun way to play, but this is the only strategy I found to be effective. If this is the way to play (again, I must be clueless here), some serious changes must be made to leveling and player progression.
Battles were random so I felt I didnt had any control over them. The time were I feel more engaged and in control was in the minesweeper mini-game. And that sucks since I want to have fun battling instead.
One thing that got me thinking and strategizing around was the plan to heal mid battle. Before starting the final boss fights, I came close to leveling up, so if I needed a quick heal I would explore the map to get exp, level up and fully heal. Killing a random ogre would do the job too.
In the thread you said you wanted people to shit on your game, but I don't think thats deserved. What you have to do is give the player more control on the situation and modify the root of the battling system. I'm sure you can find a happy middle point between full control and single-click battle. Experiment.
> don't fight anyone except the boss and don't explore anything because that gives exp
unfortunately, that's the optimal play right now and I'm running out of ideas on how to fix it
>some serious changes must be made to leveling and player progression
yes, and I'm willing to make them, it's just a matter of finding them, if you have any ideas I'm all ears
Since you have the basics, you can go in any direction. Almost infinite possibilites. Play rpgs of different kinds and see what you like or not. If you want to stick to gambler kind of gameplay, why not go deeper in that? Casinos have chips, roulettes, cards, magicians and drinks. How about mixing those things with the classical medieval style in some way? Like the player is in some futuristic casino where influence and gamble on the life of heroes from the past. I'm just rambling nonsense here though.
I'm sure that if you ask the question the right way in the /agdg/ thread, you will be swarmed by people chipping in with interesting ideas that will spark your imagination.
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