I broke the game lol https://streamable.com/k0wpt9
please fix so i can keep playing ty :D
I broke the game lol https://streamable.com/k0wpt9
please fix so i can keep playing ty :D
Wow thank you for all the kind words. I think almost everything you brought up is being addressed somehow in the first patch. Especially the slash spamming... whoever told you to hold the button in chat is the policeD:< but seriously I didn't find out that it's broken until like a day after and I was really hoping no one would notice before I could patch haha. You complemented all the art and dogged on the one thing I did myself!! lmao finally was waiting for someone to trash my disgustingly out of place turret launcher thingies lol. Getting those redone is still a WIP as I'm obviously not very good at pixel art. I tried to tackle the theme as combining ninjas with skeet which I agree isn't the best but I was so sold on the gameplay idea I didn't care how much it actually fit the theme. Again thank you for taking the time to play it and give great feedback.
hey made a game for a game jam - https://visgotti.itch.io/skeet-ninja it's getting some pretty good feedback and I might continue updating it. If you're interested in collabing I'm totally down. I'm going to try to find a pixel artist to partner up with and no one better than the originators themselves. But either way thanks for the awesome work!
Thank you and yeah I noticed the score bug, not the skeet getting stuck though that's interesting I'll look into it. The scoreboard was resetting but it's being persisted through a database now so that should be fixed as well. I'm going to wait till after the jam to make any changes to the game itself though. I made the game with javascript which I've done a LOT of the past decade so at this point I can hack together stuff pretty quickly without an engine. Thanks again for your positive feedback, it's extremely motivational.