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A member registered Feb 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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Great submission. There was a few softlocks, but the quick restart button made those moot. I just treated it as a death fall.

This was amazing! Great job!
Love tounge-in-cheek projects like this.

Based super brick boy

Great execution!!

This felt a lot like those 1 button mobile games, which is a compliment.
Great execution and great fitting for the theme.

Crabwalking is walking too.
Also: Nice.

Honestly, just great! 

I felt engaged in the very simple gameplay and just got lost doing what I do.
I found a rather fun bug where you can keep filing papers after being fired though, so I managed to file 69 important documents in 3 minutes by using the classic business strategy: Cheating.

Honestly, great execution for such a small time frame!

I actually just managed to complete the first level by accident because I didn't know what the numbers meant by then, but it's intuitive and fast to pick up.

This was really neat! It's great to see that you managed to squeeze a tutorial into this short time-frame!

I got so frustrated with my lawn that I engaged in nuclear warfare. 10 / 10

Thanks for playing, and also thanks for the very insightful feedback!

Thank you, and thank you for playing!

Great art and hook!
Personally I'd like for the hitboxes to be smaller as I swear I was not hitting the enemies as much as the game thought I did, but that's more a skill issue.

Good job!

I am snek, I am hungry.

I liked the idea and visuals of this a lot.
The gameplay was fine, but I'd much appreciate bigger hitboxes on the enemies; or enemies that only require 1 hit to kill. That'd increase the fun-factor for me personally by an exponential amount!

All in all, good job guys!

This game made me mad and stressed. I felt like I was never really good enough to actually get a positive score... I love it!

I liked the concept A LOT.
The thing that made me not spend more time than I did on this game is probably the way you control the character. I think locking the mouse to the screen would make it easier to make the character do what I want it to. I was having issues with hitting the top of my monitor a lot as it stands now.

Good job!
This game was genuinely fun to goof around a bit with!

The art is amazing!
I did enjoy this quite some, but I did have a hard time understanding what the different bars was supposed to represent and more or less moved villagers randomly hoping I did good :P

I liked this!
It's easy to see the resemblance to VS whom you got the inspiration for and the scrap mechanic is a fun twist to the usual "kill enemies to get XP" trope.

Great job on this one!
I lasted 4 seconds the first 3 times and was confused out of my mind until it clicked.
It's nice to see such a simple concept utilized in a fun fashion.

Hey! Just FYI I think you forgot to add the game files.

Neat idea and a good execution within the time frame! 
I thought my chainsaw lost only gas whilst moving at fist, but once I realized that it's ticking away no matter my mouse movement the game got a little easier (:

Great job! This game was a lot of fun!
Although I wasn't very good at it.
Don't know if the submit score thing works or not, so I'll just..

Moves: 348
Time: 639.7

I liked the simple concept of this game. It's like that old Mario Party 64 mini-game where you use jackhammers to release different monsters.
it's also deceptive in how hard it is.

Great work! I like the fact that as soon as you press start you are thrown straight into the game. No buildup, just pure arcade action!

This was a lot of fun actually! 
The gameplay was easy enough to pickup by just looking at whats in front of you and try.

Sidenote: I did make it to the bouncy castle ;)

This had some great artwork!
I really enjoyed the shaking of the buildings, that's a subtle but golden detail.

Thank you, this was the first jam for most of us so it's great to see that someone played it!
I see after you pointed it out that we used the wrong inputmode for the canon, we'll make sure to fix that in the polished version (:

Imma go ahead and be cheesy here:
Finding your channel on YT was my reward, no cap.
It's great to see someone not only teach people HOW to do something, but also do it the right way.

You have my respect, please just do keep uploading and doing your thing!

Haha, oh my god! 
I never realized until you said it, but I've forgotten R in the infograph!

I'll make sure to add that before saying goodbye to this project!

Thank you for playing, and thanks for the kind words!
Truly means a lot for me.

Thank you for the kind words.
I'm glad you liked it!

Thank you so much!
I was a bit nervous to upload the game as in my mind I was going "IT'S NOT PERFECT, DON'T DO IT".

Getting this comment from you sets my mind more at ease.
Thank you for playing!

(1 edit)

The graphics were really neat!
There is not a lot of games that actually changes the sprite state for when you are aiming up or down, and just that tiny addition makes the game feel so much more premium.

I don't know how you did the shooting, but somehow, even with no sound or feedback; Shooting the gun actually feels quite nice.

I hope that you manage to add the loading mechanic before the deadline, it'd be cool to see!


Just tried the game again, and I just have to reiterate: The shooting feels good af.

I had more tries with this game than I wish to admit.

The gameplay loop is simple, yet very addicting.
I like the zelda-type timeframe feedback when you hit a mole, it feels good.
The one thing I loved the most though was actually post game over.

I think the reason I played for so long was because when I lost I never had to press replay or mentally accept the fact that I lost.
The game just resets values and the action continues - that shit is good.

Although, I never did do better than 110.
I am blaming my CPI.

I think focusing on gameplay instead of models was a great decision!
Congrats on actually getting a gameplay loop going!

I like the little story about the shadow organization that you wrote on the page description.
The way you deliver it has a very unforced comedic value, I liked that. 

As for the game I think the idea was good (everyone likes stealth games).
However, I found myself asking why I was detected a lot, and since I couldn't find a quick reset button (I had to reload the page every time I lost) it was hard to test theories and tactics to advance.

I did manage to get that sweet dubs in the end though, so that's something!
I hope that you keep going at it with unity and that you participate in the next jam as well, it's going to be very cool to see how far you have progressed by then!

Good job!

(2 edits)

The game was a bit unpolished (as all gamejam games are) but "the game suck ('-' )" wasn't accurate imho.

The core gameplay loop is in place and the concept is actually great!
On top of that I really love the retro graphics (I'm a sucker for that old school Nintendo look).

The only thing (I personally think) this game needs is Feel and Balance.
If you continue working on the project, do consider tweaking the damage the player does on the meteorite, and adding a few particles to get that sweet feedback.

One thing that tend to work for a lot of games is creating difficulty in numbers instead of power.
What I mean by that is it would probably feel cooler for the player to kill a meteorite in say 2 shots instead, but be bombarded by more at once.

I'm no expert though. All I'm trying to say is:
The game isn't bad, and you did a good job!

Man, this game was so soothing to play!
The music was perfectly balanced and never "in the way".

The sound effects also fit the aesthetics very well, and wasn't too loud or punchy. Good job!

(1 edit)

I don't think neither the character nor zombies look all that bad.

You did have some scaling problems with the UI, but when working with Unity that's no suprise, that shit's hard! The gameplay was a bit hard to understand at first, but once I gave it a good few minutes I understood how to play.

I assume that you learned a lot as you went, and I just want you to know that it was pretty cool how in 8 days you actually tried your own unique thing instead of just copying an entire tutorial-project from Youtube!

I hope that this has been a good experience for you and that you continue making games!
It's really the best hobby (or job) one can have!

Might contain spoilers:

Bro, I was dead at the PUA.
"[...] they are actually connecting with the women, increasing our population".
That's peak fucking comedy, ngl!

Although the gameplay is very simple and repetitive it was never a drag to play this game. The conversations was written in such a way where I was looking forward to see what was going to happen and it provided great comedic timing. The music is also quite soothing and fits the theme of the game, good job!

My only regret is only managing to find 3 / 5 endings. ):

That easter egg was "Nice"  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)