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thank you so much! and thanks for reading the devlog too :)

loved the atmosphere (well, I didn't love it because I was scared - but that means it worked!) made through the limited lighting, sounds and story behind the game! 

(1 edit)

The art and the sound are really satisfying! I am not good at plaformers so...I barely just to the first power up - which was definitely funny and strange. If my skill was better, I know I would have even more fun playing this game!

Mylo is such a cutie!! I enjoyed the puzzles in this game - even when I was thoroughly stumped :')

This game has so much potential! I love the world built through the art work.
I defs got anxious while being accosted by fellow party goers, trying to pull words together and watch my convincingness levels slowly go down (almost like real life?!)
Scrabble is inherently a slow game, so sadly I think the game play is too difficult to enjoy, even for someone whose native language is English,  :'(
I like the powerup that I experienced (free 'any letter' tiles appearing), but frustrating that my letters at the time were composed of 90% vowels!

The title definitely piqued my intrigue and made me want to play the game :)
While I did brute force my way through the entire alphabet to get the 5 words, seeing the powerups was a cute reward. Based on your responses to other comments, I would love have tried out your refined version of your game!

love the atmosphere you've created within this game through the art, sound and dialogue! i'm not very good at platformers in general so this was extra tricky for me (ngl took me 3 mins to make the first jump)