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A member registered Nov 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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Finally a game with "guitar hero" controls support!

SEHR starkes game! Einfach zugängliche Puzzle-Mechanik die gut skaliert über die Level und vor allem das Sound-Design ist 10/10!

Warscheinlich mein favorite puzzle Game des Jams!

Danke für das positive Feedback zum Artstyle!

Mit den Effekten wie "zZz" hast du total recht!
Wir haben wirklich gemerkt, dass bei unserer Idee die Vermittlung der Zustände und Interaktionen auf jeden Fall die größte Herausforderung waren :D
Danke fürs Anzocken auf jeden Fall!


Pixelart und Sounddesign passen super gut zusammen. Fand die Steuerung und die Power-Ups super intuitiv und wusste relativ schnell worums geht.
Sehr nice und runde Sache!
Das Leaderboard und Highscoretracking ist richtig nice, besonders für ein Jamgame richtig geiles feature!

Habe leider auch das problem, dass ich die Battles nicht zocken konnte, aber Vertonung, Artstyle und Musik sind schon mal Super stark!
Sagt gerne bescheid sobald es ein Update gibt!

Achso aber über "fritz-kola Kola-Kaffee beste ❤" müssen wir eventuell nochmal sprechen xD
Irgendwo hört der Spaß wirklich auf :D

It took me a second to understand the mechanics and it was a bit weird that i could not zoom out to see the whole station at once in the beginning.
But the gameplay idea is really really nice! At first the smoke went way too far and i had no chance to get through it. Second run i succesfully trapped the smoke in a small section. Then i noticed the outer gates and got the idea for letting the smoke out. Manage to transfer the smoke out and survived.

Really great little experience for that small amount of time, VERY well done sir!

Sehr witziges Game, vor allem die Musik, Grafik und Soundeffekte sind richtig nice geworden!
Ich hatte leider mit dem UI aufm Ultrawide bisschen Schwierigkeiten und konnte nur knapp den Startbutton treffen :D
Feier aber die Voxelgrafik und den Musik-Wechsel wenn das MONSTER ERWACHT!

Fand die kleine Intro-Präsentation mit der Steuerung usw. super hilfreich, weil man den Text auf der Game-Seite ja doch nicht immer soooo genau liest :D Aber im Spiel nochmal einen kurzen Wrap-Up mit den wichtigstens fakten zu bekommen ist ne super gute Idee!

Danke das freut uns!
Die Overcooked assoziation ist definitiv gewollt :D

Haha danke <3

Ah thats an interesting concept and now also makes a lot more sense why i could just evade them when i am awake :D

Danke dir und freut uns, dass es Bock gemacht hat!

HAHA so muss dat ╚═| ~ ಠ ₒ ಠ ~ |═╝

Ye UI scaling is not trivial and 3440x1440 is probably not that usual :D
It was still playable since i was lucky enough to grab the very top of every button and found the functions by trying it out. So it wasn that big of an issue.

Uh i honestly was not aware of the option to brake, but i tried it now and it makes the cycles pretty frequent if you take too long :P
But makes its definetly a bit easier, thanks for the headsup!


Super nice, dass ihr in der kurzen Zeit so viele verschiedene Angriffstypen hinbekommen habt, auch wenn für das Shop/Upgradesystem leider die Zeit gefehlt hat.
Mit ein bisschen polisch und den letzten Features kann ich mir vorstellen, dass das Gameplay richtig rund wird!
Starke Grundlage auf jeden Fall und "Abgabe 1 Minute und 39 Sekunden" vor der Deadline könnte glaube ich Rekord sein :D
Freue mich auf ein Post-Jam-Update falls ihr nochmal was dran macht :D

Die Effekte und Sound-Design sind einfach super juicy!
Das der Background zum Theme der itch seite passt hat mich auf jeden Fall auch richtig abgeholt, super coole Idee.
Gameplay pacing ist super nice und die Powerups fühlen sich richtig gud an.
Eins der besten Entrys bisher!

The soundeffects are hilarious! I really had some trouble understanding all the different pickups and when the cigarettes spawn to be honest :D
The character sprites are pretty cool though!

The game fits the theme super well and driving mechanics felt really good!
I had some issues seeing the fritz bottles on an ultrawide monitor, as well as the menu was not showing the buttons correctly unfortunatly.
I wouldve liked to be able to restore my drinks somehow :D I was not able to finish after a couple of trys or did i miss a mechanic?
Overall pretty fun and nice entry!

Never thought that someone would ever thank me for suggesting to think about cat, banana, fire and laughing emoji before sleeping :D
Loved the character artstyle and music, last stage was pretty challenging, but not too hard!

Ahh i see, ye if the time is running we have to make difficult decisions :D
Haha sounds great, hit me up when theres "otter survivors" ready to play!

Fun idea to put the Vampire Survivors concept for a janitor that needs to stay awake :D
Unfortunatly the countdown did not seem to work for me, so i could not win. Was there any upgrades to get? It felt like i leveled up, but had no option to upgrade?
But you got the vampire survivors framework running and could easily expand on that!

Took me some time to check that i have to press escape to start the game lul
The music is amazing, also with the transitions and the endscreen was super satisfying!
I needed some trys to check the jump mechanics to be honest, maybe some kind of arrows suggesting the jump direction would've made it instantly clear. But thats just a minor detail.
Had some heavy icy tower vibes and had a lot of fun!
Also the pixel art is beautiful, huge fan.

Stimmung, Grafik und Musik sind super stark!
Habe kurz gebraucht um zu verstehen, was man in den verschiedenen Träumen genau machen muss, aber sonst wirklich richtig gut.
Mit den Sounds, dem Foto an der Scheibe und Artstyle nen wirklich nicer Entry.

Hey thanks for the update.

So Window mode worked way better for me.

I  have to admit that i was a bit lost, because i had no indication what to do or where to go. I think it would be great to give a small hint at the beginning what the target is. I mean jumping through the big portal is kinda intuitive, but after that i felt really lost.

I discovered a second biom with a harder unit that aims to be a boss a guess? Really liked the models and music, great work there, especially for a jam project.

The floor collision detection is sometimes weird, where my character is floating above the ground and not stopping to "fall". This also disables attacking. The inventory works great, drag&drop and dropping to the off for deleting worked super great.

The player controller does not prevent you from moving while playing full body attack/cast animations that results in the player gliding. So i would suggest to either stop movement while playing root motion animations OR blending the attack animation to the upper body only. That would make it look more natural, just a small addition.

Lockon seemed to work pretty fine btw!

Overall i would suggest that you  could concentrate on a way smaller level with a limited amount of enemy types to focus on a core experience and then add some guidance for the player. Its important (especially for jam games) to take the player with you and give a target/sense to what to do and where to go!

Music/assets are pretty cool, everything related to movement/animations could use some work, but i know its hard to get that right and i hope feedback helps a bit!

Unfortunatly cant rate, because it was unplayable for me.

The windows size is not scalable and UI are cut off on ultrawide screen. I was unfortunatly not able to get it in a playable format on my screen.

The music is super chill and the models look pretty cool for a 3D Jam project! The player controller feels a bit weird, when turning/jumping. Also its unusual that i need to the mouse buttons, but mouse movement does nothing, but maybe thats not a big deal when actually playing the game.

Also the quite button right on the start does not work =)

Let me know if you have an update to the resolution settings, i would love to give it a try!

BTW the meme made it into the intro of my (super late) devlog :D

I'm not sure if i mentioned in the discord already, but i LOVE the music!

Ye thats super unfortunate!
I will definetly have to have a look at performance next time =)
thanks anyway!

First of all img is 10/10! That just describes it perfectly well!

Thanks for the feedback!
Ye we went for auto generated tiles and i noticed that blocking trees too late tbh.

The other opportunities for reorganizing etc. where actually planned for later stages and more difficult levels, but we really went short on time there.
The "sacrificing" mechanics are a really interesting as well tbh! We shouldve definetly have a look into that =)

Glad you liked it and thanks for the input!

Ye that sounds super interesting as well.
I think that mechanic could build up into pretty crazy complexity!

Make sure to link the devlog if you do some.
Would definetly like to check that out!

The art/gameplay and overall gamefeel is really nice!
Its really really! hard to beat, but i kinda like the idea! Especially because that makes you plan around when and where to kill enemies!

Honestly fun concept and super fun gameplay!
Definetly one of the most fun games i played yet!

I really like the idea of a ecosystem simulation!
It was hard to get into, but when it clicked... it was super fun!
I think a quick sketch in the description about who is easting who, would make the begin way easier!

AAAAAAnd i forgot to mention that the soundtrack is REALLY great!

This was really awesome!
I really like the idea and it fits awesome to the theme!

Great entry!

I really like the idea, and it was easy to get into it without any explanation!
Great entry for first game jam!

The idea is super fun!
It took me some time to catch up with the controls and my brain had a really hard time.
But the gameplay idea is really good and fits super well into the theme!

I really like the basemechanic, i think it has a lot of potential.
Especially considering multiple concurrent lasers or different "modes" of tower, that could differ in functionality or damage types.
I think the "main" level could even be a little faster for me personnally, but thats probably personal taste =)
Great Entry, had a lot of fun figuring out a good pattern to cover a lot of lanes, without retargeting!

The midair grabbing felt a little bit clunky, but the art/humor is very nice!
I had a really fun playthrough, nice submission!