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A member registered Mar 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks, I 100% agree. Great feedback!

This game is great. Thoroughly enjoyed it. I liked the way you presented the story in a natural way and didn't just info dump the player at the start or just straight up tell them what was happening. What you managed to make with the RTP is very impressive. Overall it seems you were going for a more serious and mysterious tone for the game. As such, I thought that the joke about the doctor never using a cellphone again was a bit out of place. It completely shifted the tone from mystery to comedy and I couldn't tell if I was still supposed to be taking the game's world seriously anymore.  

Also, I didn't have any lag in my playthrough (some other players have mentioned that they have). But my PC is fairly decent so maybe that had something to do with it. I wish there was more of an ending to the game but I guess that will be in the full version. Regardless, I gave you max marks in all categories despite any of these small critiques I could give. 

I got up to the Demon boss. That may not seem like I got very far but it took me 2 hours to get there. The first puzzle was tough because you don’t repeat the hint after the first time you read the plaque. If you miss it the first time you will basically have to restart a new game. The save system doesn’t work. Every time I died I had to start over from a new game (I only died on the boss, pretty hard to die from the bats). The bats respawn a bit too quickly. Personally I would only respawn them after you leave the current map and come back. The combat system was good otherwise.

This game is just not completable in under 30 minutes. Maybe if you tried speedrunning it after you knew how to do everything and skipped through all the dialogue really fast. I don’t know as I couldn’t get past the first boss. And I really tried.

A few glitches happened during my playthrough. I got trapped during the boss fight when my attacks stopped working. This also happened before the boss on the bats as well. The animations still played but no damage was being done. Had to quit and start a new game when this happened. The sheep bugs out of existence every time I go near it. The bridge across the lake sometimes works and sometimes you have to mash directional buttons to get through it. Selecting a skill in the pause menu crashed the game. The lamp doesn’t actually seem to work, the dungeons were really dark. Maybe it wasn’t turned on but the dialogue pop up said it was on, and I couldn’t turn it on from the menu, so I don’t know. The HUD flashes on a black screen every time you enter a new map.

I liked that you included the KeyInput option, but it would have been better if I could have rebound the attack and block buttons from mouse1 and mouse2 to somewhere on the Gamepad. If there was a way to do this I didn’t find it. I understand not everyone uses the Gamepad so this is not that big of a deal.

The opening cutscene was good, a bit visual novel-ly though. Nothing wrong with that. The story overall seemed pretty good. I liked the characters and the world building. The use of ellipses in sentences was a bit excessive. It really slowed down the pace of the game and made my repeated attempts a bit irritating. I think I  over used ellipses in my game as well, so no judgements here. You clearly spent a much longer time on your game than I did mine. And I didn’t find any typos or grammatical errors, so that was great.

A Hint/Log Tab in the pause menu might be helpful. Something that logs important information and hints as the game progresses, like the clue about the first puzzle that isn’t repeated, or suggestions on where to go, what to do, etc.

Anyway, I will try and come back and complete this game soon. Overall I really liked it. 

PS: The Ys games are awesome. One of the games I’m working on is also kinda inspired by that series.


Thanks for the feedback!

I used a plugin in called QInput by Quxios and I believe that those keys are probably just locked by default and I forgot to change it. My original plan for the game was to make a full on Legend of Zelda style ARPG with gun mechanics (using QABS), but I ran out of time and ended up going with the combat system that I threw together on the fly. I guess it's kinda like a rogue-like now.  

Frankly this was my first time using RPG Maker and figuring out how to use QABS while also learning the basics of the engine was a bit too much (not to mention I started the game in the last week of the Jam). Anyway, maybe next time lol.