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Bullet Knight GereonView game page

You're a Knight with a gun, and it sure is fun!
Submitted by WackySwacky — 20 hours, 58 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.

  • This was a really enjoyable game, I like the way you did the battle system, it's fast and simple. Great job!
  • Hey there :). Interesting concept, but a bit frustrating, imo. It would have been better if the player had to collect information to know how to beat monsters, or something like that. Cause here, we just had to try randomly spells and see if it work or not, and if not, you die, so it's pretty harsh. The story is simple, but your writing skill is good, better than 90% of the game i've played in this game jam. Thank for your submission, see ya :). Drag

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Submitted (1 edit)

Hi! Got to play through your game! Pretty short and pretty easy as long as you know what to do. Let's get over my points because I noticed quite a few oversights that could have easily be avoided:

- You can waste Unholy Flames and the Blood Orb from the Item menu.

- Wasting the Blood Orb in that manner, softlocks the game.

- There is two ghost party members that have nothing to do here.

- Considering the gameplay, what is the point of defensive equipment?

- There is a bat that can stuck you very early in the game and not moving. (Are you using pixel-based movement by any chance?)

- Unequipping your character entirely makes you unable to engage monsters at all. Considering it is safer to to avoid fight, this is an easy exploit to the end of the game without risking a game over.

- The final boss can be skipped entirely by just going for the crystal. By the way, defeating the final boss or not have no consequence on the ending of the game.

And that's pretty much everything I have to say. Good luck for the game jam!

PS: The name of your game make me feel like it could belong to a tokusatsu series. Don't ask me why. X)

Jam Judge

Hey there! Not sure if you saw, but we did high level feedback of your Jam entry on our YouTube channel:


A very interesting concept. It felt a bit like the old adventure games like Monkey Island, and would probably be a great game with a bit of polish. I did not find anything I really disliked about it, so good job. I did enjoy that each enemy was basically a puzzle.


Interesting battle mechanic.  Overall, a fun little game.  Wish I could've used my gun more :)

Your game fit nicely into the game jam. 

I liked the play feel and will totally be looking into Quixio's plugins just based on this game.

Small easy to traverse maps. Even drifty could play them once he realized he needed to use a bit of timing :)

Pretty high marks from me for what it's worth.


I found the story and the little bits of world building fairly interesting. The simple, but quick combat system  I think it has potential if you had the time to flesh it out a little more. The maps do look a little plain and would be more visually interesting if a bit more decorating.

Otherwise not too bad for your first game!


It's a challenge to make a good game, and it's extra-challenging to make a good game with strict time limitations and using tools you aren't familiar with. While I found this game enjoyable enough to finish, I felt like there were some points that would have made it stand out from the crowd more.

I liked the concept of encountering an enemy, then be given a choice of attacks to defeat it. Unfortunately, it wasn't very polished, so it was ultimately kinda disappointing.

There needed to be more on-screen animations! They make actions feel more meaningful. I understand that these shortcomings are probably due to your change in battle systems, but it's how my feelings were in the moment.

My biggest gripe about this game is the backtracking. I committed similar errors when I was creating my first game, so I know how easy it is to fall into this trap. It's annoying to go in one direction, then have to go back the way you came to get to the next thing! The maps were not too big, so it wasn't unbearable, but if there was one thing that I would change about this game, it's that.

Another thing that annoyed me was one of my pet peeves: false choices. Would you like to pick up the item that will advance the plot? <Yes/No> Um, why wouldn't I say yes? Only present the player with this kind of choice if it's going to be meaningful in some way (like with the final portal, giving the player a chance to collect anything they missed); otherwise, just make it an automatic action.

I appreciate that you didn't make this into a visual novel, but there were some spelling and grammatical errors that could have been improved by some proofreading. I also appreciated the inclusion of a "skip the intro story" option, so when a certain someone (whose name starts with "KV") forgets to try using the escape key to access the menu and save, they aren't forced to watch the whole intro sequence again.

This game was a good first effort, and probably would have been even better if it had just had the benefit of more time. Keep practicing, get familiar with the engine and your plugins-of-choice, and I'm sure you'll make something awe-inspiring!


Thanks, I 100% agree. Great feedback!


The story was interesting, I liked the twist of what the final boss was planning.

It took me a bit to adapt to the combat system in this game, but once I got the hang of saving every time I entered a new room it became an interesting challenge of figuring out whether I had the right abilities/etc. to kill the enemies in the room. (I didn't remember to equip anything until I was going up against the final boss, oops - so I kind of treated it as a stealth game.)

Gameplay was somewhat simplistic, but a lot more emphasis was put onto the creative ideas so it's understandable.

There were a couple of typos here and there, and the orphanage map looks somewhat off, but beyond that I didn't notice any problems. I was, however, curious as to why you locked off the Action and Cancel keys in the Key Input window. Does the combat system rely on "if player presses one of these specific action buttons"?


Thanks for the feedback!

I used a plugin in called QInput by Quxios and I believe that those keys are probably just locked by default and I forgot to change it. My original plan for the game was to make a full on Legend of Zelda style ARPG with gun mechanics (using QABS), but I ran out of time and ended up going with the combat system that I threw together on the fly. I guess it's kinda like a rogue-like now.  

Frankly this was my first time using RPG Maker and figuring out how to use QABS while also learning the basics of the engine was a bit too much (not to mention I started the game in the last week of the Jam). Anyway, maybe next time lol.


Yeah, as soon as I saw the Key Input option I knew you were using QInput. I am very familiar with Quxios' plugins, that's why I gave myself the title of "Resident Qplugins Expert" on Drifty's Discord. I'm always open to helping people figure out how to use Quxios' plugins.
QABS does have a steeper learning curve than most of the other battle systems out for MV (I recently figured out how to make a multi-stage boss, which is quite exciting). If you want, feel free to ping me on Drifty's Discord and I'd be happy to help you.