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A member registered Nov 28, 2018 · View creator page →

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Excellent game, completely captured me for multiple days.
Had a blast ; ) playing it and couldn't stop till opened all content! Thanks for your great job and keep it up!

Thanks Man, glad you've enjoyed it!
Game needs more polishing and development for sure : )

Yep, I had no time to pollish the game and honestly suprised it is as good as is!

hmm... I would like to know more about your problem, especially considering it launchesfine for other people!

For example: have you had simmular issues with other games?

Thanks a lot for the feedback! 

All things you've mentioned came across while development, but sadly there was not enough time for me to implement them.

Currently I'm planning on updating the game focusing all of those issues and if you have any other issues / suggestions - please feel free to mention them! 

that's my bad of course, it will be fixed in the next update! 

Anyway thanks for trying it out! 

Without people like you, I would never assume it's too high 

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Sadly I'm unable to update the project till the voting ends, but I can send you a .zip file with the macos version

Oh, never mind! The Jam has already ended!
So there is no issue, and sadly I'm unable to update the project till voting ends

Yeah, you are right, that's the way I designed it
I'm very thankful for your feedback! 
I will lower base sensitivity value and will add a slider to further customize it.

Right now though I can't upload any updates due to the strange issue with the Jam

Hmmm, this sure sounds strange... No such behavior was on my side : (
You mean you did not do anything and camera went downwards?

Thanks for the feedback! 
Will a slider for the mouse sensitivity fix this issue?

Hi I'm a solo dev 
Want to find some company 
You may check out my previous works in my profile and here: 

I've got exhausted from working solo
Want to find some company
You may check out my works  here on my profile and here: 

Yeah, this had a lot of potential, but couldn't find strength to finish it off,
Thanks a lot for trying it out!

Would like to join anyone active and willing!
Please hit me up on discord Mikey4785#4785 or here

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Unity programmer looking for a team!

While technically this issue is correct, I don't see the problem as those pieces of text serve to illustrate ideas, and don't function as a typical text :)

Thanks a lot :)

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Well the idea behind the game is quite simple:
Player wakes up, and earns money (furniture represents a desk with a computer on it), 
But in doing so depletes his energy,
So the goal is to earn as much money as possible! : )

Hope I have answered your question and have a nice day! 

Thanks a lot for the review!
As nearly all comments have mentioned wrong camera positioning, I have fixed it!
Thanks for playing and have a nice day! 
: ) 

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Thanks a lot for the review!
As nearly all comments have mentioned wrong camera positioning, I have fixed it!
Thanks for playing and have a nice day! 
: ) 

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Thanks a lot for the review!
As nearly all comments have mentioned wrong camera positioning, I have fixed it!
Thanks for playing and have a nice day! 
: ) 

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Thanks a lot for the review!
As nearly all comments have mentioned wrong camera positioning, I have fixed it!
Thanks for playing and have a nice day! 
: ) 

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Thanks a lot for the review!
As nearly all comments have mentioned wrong camera positioning, I have fixed it!
Thanks for playing and have a nice day! 
: ) 

Yeah, exactly!
It definitely needs some introduction animations, mini-tutorials at the beginning, and in-game animations of player activities.
But other than that I'm quite happy with the result!

Thanks for the comment LordBundee! 
That's a great suggestion and it makes me a bit sad we couldn't think of this on the weekend.
I don't think we will return to fix this but that's definitely a good reminder to test our games more and to experiment with different mechanics before calling it a day.
Thanks for your opinion we are glad you enjoyed it ! : )

Thanks for the reply Ink! : )
Yeah we definitely need to find a couple of friends to try our games out before release.
After two days of development we just got used to this kind of movement and couldn't realize it wasn't ideal. 
Thanks for the suggestion! And wish you well : ) 

Thanks a lot for such a heart-warming comment Alex : )
We are glad you enjoyed our game!

Thanks for playing WD_STEVE !
Yeah, I think we will experiment with the movement  mechanic a bit more... In the beginning it was a space-asteroid-shooter-kinda-game :D
This also was my first time drawing sprites for a game.
And thanks again for such detailed review, wish you well : )

Bloody fun ! : )

Hi, KingW, we had posted  our game in time but forgot to submit it to the Jam. We would like to submit it if it  is possible.
Here is the link.

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The best game ever created by Team-2 :D