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A member registered Mar 07, 2022

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Eye patches became the whole new accessory everyone must have!

That is 100% why I would never blackmail her. My MC is too smart for that.

Man that could go either great or horribly depending on how you could manage Gisette. Because while she's kind of a horrible person I just have to admire her.

I don’t think he ever IDs her in his convo? I was having trouble at first and the reason was due to my princess not having figured out the way the actual murder was done and then not knowing where to find the evil for the murder weapon

Jarrod and Gisette are miserable, but people are not killing one another in the streets. Perfect ending for my super unethical lady who still cares about things such as taking care of her land and not dying.

My ethical Revaire widow is next and I'm hoping she's as much a hoot as last time I played her....

I felt bad when I decided to side with the royals (due to not having been able to chose the other side) but at the same time I'm kind of happy that while the ending is sad it also kind of gives the country a little bit of peace? Ok so it was 10 years of bloodshed and people we loved died but hey no more civil war! *sips tea in unethical*

Oh man thank you! I hit the wall with him and was screaming because my persuasion suuuuucked

Anyone else wonder just WHAT is up with poor Estelle being hated on by Gisette? Did she dump her? Accidentally insult her on day one? Just happened to fall in love with a guy that happened to be on Gisette's shit list so it's not really about her?

Ahh ok I just got spoiled with my other two finished routes is what I am hearing.

I didn't get any epilogue with her (might not be in the game yet?) and when I started a new game it just ignored that I'd ended up married to her when I clicked to add the bonus stats. But it did tell me all about our happy lives together. Sorry for being confusing!

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Oooh thanks! I need the guides to help me marry the insane prince and see just how much I can mess things up *evil cackling*

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1.3 bug, I keep getting these two at the same time which seems impossible to co-exist.

Edit: I also got an "you have no great skills" on my princess who I managed to get intelligence and insight to 100 on. And the game ignores that I ended up with Ana :( Sorry I am not sure how to see what the issue is as I have no code skills.

I got the same error as well. "Was she gunning to break them up" - first thought in my brain. Because I could see her doing that for some reason.

Best feeling in this game: Impressing the matchmaker the second time as a sheltered princess.

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Yeah I only had the ability to tell him let's be friends. It may have been on my part that happened since I am not using a guide so I just might not have the points.

It was going fine until the Matchmaker made her speech and now he's all "You made another choice you hussy!" Wait what?

Man I messed up, I decided to play evil and romancing Jarrod... And now he hates my guts and I'm waiting for the family to just push me off a cliff. Oooooppppssss

My bug is somewhat weird, during the ball I keep being told that I already chose the gifts.... but I have not. No idea if this is something I somehow managed to create by myself or not