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Wavering Systems

A member registered May 30, 2017 · View creator page →

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maybe you remember this game jam entry ? As some people told the idea was good and deserved more polish, I took some time to try to improve it and just published a brand new version (adding score, better audio, etc.). You can check it out here : . If you're not interested at all, sorry for the bother !

maybe you remember this game jam entry ? As some people told the idea was good and deserved more polish, I took some time to try to improve it and just published a brand new version (adding score, better audio, etc.). You can check it out here : . If you're not interested at all, sorry for the bother !

maybe you remember this game jam entry ? As some people told the idea was good and deserved more polish, I took some time to try to improve it and just published a brand new version (adding score, better audio, etc.). You can check it out here : . If you're not interested at all, sorry for the bother !

A few suggestions. When we're hit it really looks like the game goes on as if nothing happened. There should be some indications, like removing the enemies and putting the player back to the center of the screen.

It is quite hard to aim too, the game would probably be more pleasant to play with twin stick controls.

Is the AI working ? When I play it barely moves at all.

Good job on this one. You understood how puzzle games should be done.

(1 edit)

I hope you meant blue ninja otherwise this lack of tutorial is really worse than I thought lol.

I was planning to add introducing levels for each combo but with my poor design it was painful to add this after the main game, I should have thought about it before.

Well I guess you won the biggest download file prize for this jam.

Decent alpha-stage FPS, I had some fun shooting bots in deathmatch mode. Horde mode lacks variety, as basically all enemy run toward the player. It would have been nice to be able to reconfigure the keys for non-QWERTY players.

Thank you for your comment. I'll try to keep improving the game so your suggestions might get included in a future update :)

Well, I'm really happy to read this. Thank you very much !

Thank you all for the positive comments.
Lesson learned about the water :)

I have an error message when I try to start your game : 

"There should be 'TerminalStream_Data'

folder next to the executable"

Any idea ?