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A member registered Dec 21, 2021

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Fun game, managed to get to 6k lbs over the course of 2.5 hours.

One bug that I did notice with the combining logic: When there's two pairs of collisions between combinable balls on the same frame, *two* balls of the next size up are created (which then usually instantly form into the next size up).

See this Codebullet video for how this could go bad: @ 4:00. In that clip, two collision pairs create two fruit, which immediately combines with each other and a different fruit (three collision pairs), which creates exponential growth of collisions.

You could try to detect when there's a single fruit colliding with multiple others and only spawn one fruit from all collisions combined.

I see, I didn't realize there were more releases because I forgot to hit follow on this game. Followed, and best of luck in your future.

So uh, is there a programmed kill screen in this game like old arcade games? At this point, it would take serious effort for me to game over.

The corruption mechanic doesn't appear to function. After events that say they increase corruption, your corruption status stays at 0%.

A few comments:

In the city levels, the "floor" of the buildings sticks out past the walls, you can bonk your head when trying to jump up if you're too close.

Moving platforms feel wonky to use in my opinion, teleporting you into the center when you stop moving. This teleporting also causes a bug in the city level where the platform goes through a building: as long as you don't move you'll phase right through with the platform.

If you walk up against walls in the city with larger chest sizes, the damsel's boobs will actually move forward off her chest for one frame before snapping back, then moving away again...

There are times when invincibility frames dont seem to work, like when bonking your head off a ceiling when touching an enemy.

Relay server is taken down, you would need to create a free DeepInfra account and link your API key to get it working again.

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It appears the server that he was using to relay the AI prompts to DeepInfra is taken down/dead. If you follow the instructions to create your own API key (click the yellow "Enter API Key" text), you can still play as normal. At some point you will get rate limited by DeepInfra though.

When the predator eats it, she gets locked out of eating anything for a long time (at least a minute). You can tell if she is still under its' effects because her body will be twitching and shaking during this time.

I'm sure it wasn't after the fourth bell. She ate the other kid, digested completely and was patrolling as normal with a completely flat belly. I also could not drop items at all from my inventory, because that normally gets locked out while being chased to prevent you from just dropping keys before they're eaten.

Bug: Sometimes after being chased you are permanently locked out of picking up and using items. I believe it happens when the predator is hungry and goes after a different student while in the middle of chasing you.

There is a lighting bug when reloading sometimes. When you load, the mountains in the background will be fullbright, the sky will be dark blue, and there is no lights on inside the hut.

I think it's when the game is saved at midnight.

Hunger can go into the negative, especially noticeable with contaminated produce at high infection levels. This is important because of MREs - MREs seem to subtract a set amount from hunger and then set your hunger to zero, giving a ration for every <x>% negative the number is.

When you're at like 120% infection, eating 2 or 3 contaminated produce and then eating an MRE can give 20-30 rations. Then you can reduce your infection with drugs and be able to survive a long time off of the newly gained rations. My highest amount obtained this way was getting the "Lick walls in underground base" event, then eating 8 contaminated produce to get 80 rations.

I don't know much about Godot 3d, but is there any chance of getting better lighting effects in the game? Something like ambient occlusion to lessen the harshness of the dark shadows and brighten up the night scenes would be great.

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I don't think it's possible to fail at convincing the outskirts man to pump himself. It didn't seem to matter how many times in a row that you fail to convince him, I have never been attacked.

Edit - Fail as in critically fail to the point where he attacks you.

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Here's a quick video of the bug. I didn't get the underground scene to stick this time, but you can see for a brief moment after starting the scene the UI swaps to the normal options to explore/sleep/use items.

Edit: Added picture showing the underground UI bug. Didn't double click this time, the event just fizzled, displaying the "Examine Self" description instead of continuing the event.

This might be just a balance choice, but it's odd that the breastfeeding woman encounter doesn't restore hunger when you are forced to drink. The Mina encounter does restore hunger, so it just seems inconsistent.

I don't know exactly what caused it, but after playing for a while as Female A (saving & loading many times) I could not swap characters to Female B when starting a new run. It would just force me into Female A until I closed and opened the game again.

Can confirn that double clicking breaks stuff. When clicking to enter the underground base there is a brief moment after the scene appears but before the text appears that clicking bricked the event and went back home before playing out the scene. The home screen was permanantly replaced with the tunnel image.

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Infection progress has the opposite effect on hunger than is expected. The random drug encounter describes you as (paraphrased) "extremely hungry as the infection converts all food into fluid". The same is noted in the examine self text.

Instead when you are low on infection at the start of the game you will starve in ~24 hours, but get to 75% infection and you can go 5-6 days without eating. The start of the game is extremely hard because of this, you need to get infected as fast as possible and then hope you find the elastic medicine.

There is an error that is still not fixed in this final version: If you use chapter select to skip past the decision to side with the other succubus, you get an undefined variable error in Jane's date.

Both errors result in both the "traitor" path AND normal path dialogue to be completely skipped. If a varible does not exist Renpy does not default to false on if/else statements, it skips the block entirely.

Depending on how large and complex you make the traitor branch later, this could mean skipping minutes of dialogue if not fixed.

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Just confirmed it on Android. The yellow-green leafy bush right next to the "Hide" button.

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Bottom center of screen, in the dark green area, very bottom left edge of the green area thereabouts

I assure you she's there, but you'll be mad at the location Only about 3-4 pixels of skin color are shown

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Reading through the script source and looking at what actually happens: If the variable you are checking does not exist at all, both *if s72ca* and *else* do not get selected. Renpy skips the whole section entirely.

This leads to confusion, because you have no idea why Jane is now face down on the couch.

You might want to start setting these event variables in the chapter select, either defaulting to the straight and narrow, or letting you choose.

I do feel there should be at least some heal or mana restore if you win. I did read that you might be attacked, but I actually thought it was 100% chance to get attacked and then you get a full heal after. 

What is the point of resting in the tower game? I was at 250/600 hp, full mana, "rested", and then after winning the 1v3 fight I'm now 75/600 hp with no mana. Clicking the rest button just says "can't rest again".

I got cheated.

On the difficulty select screen there are four yellowish circles in the corner of the menu. Clicking on one of them  will allow you to play Chaos.

A pretty great experience. A minor complaint though: the cleaning bot is very obviously the best vehicle, to the point where picking any other is pretty pointless (except on the completely flat map).

If you get a spin boost on the cleaning bot you can just bunnyhop to keep moving at ~110 km/h while everyone else is stuck doing 60/70.

I looked through the game files to spoil myself after reading this, and at the moment there is not. There is a brief shot of the girls from 'X' years ago when they were normal sized at the beginning of the game, but all other CGs are at the same size post-timeskip.

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These downloads are getting pretty chunky; any chance of adding download links to "add-on" packs that just have the new pictures and the updated script files for the next chapter?

It's been a few months since I played through the game, but there are no direct commands given during the hypnosis at all. The hypnosis scenes are suggestions rather than commands: "Your boobs will grow bigger", "You will be more accepting of same sex relationships", or "You are in love with me".

The effects are not instant, there is no forced-sex hypnosis ("You will fuck me"), and all hypnosis scenes generally last only for 3-4 lines max before the girls (or MC) snap out of it.

Honestly, this story could have the plot device be anything and little would change, though one recurring plot point is the hypnosis effects are unknown to the person being hypnotized.

Two quick bugs to point out:

When performing a grounded dive in partial-sphere mode, your state isn't updated to "not-grounded". This means you can do infinite dives and ascend to the sky, along with single + double jumping out of a dive.

Pausing doesn't pause any of the status bars, and your mood, hunger, health, and inflation potential still change while paused. The visual part of the bars will snap to the updated values once you unpause.

Other than that, very fun as a neat little platformer. It's very interesting having different movement abilities available to you depending on inflation state.