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A member registered Jul 07, 2024 · View creator page →

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Bro is either some pad or brass part on the background that keeps crackling on high fqs like the one on 1:30, other than that was very nice.

Mixing is not the best but the vibe is there. verynice

Is so nice, but is so tiny.  Surely made me feel happy for a bit thx. :')

Ok is rough on the edges all over the place, still sounds fine tho, but my main point would be if u settle the room. this ambient space of yours, u need to move it a bit. Play around with revebs/delays on all the tracks u got along the way, fading in/out etc and you'll see how much more live this room can get.

It kinda falls off in the middle but overall sounds nice I liked it :)

Verynice breakcorish take on the theme, I respect the outro as well was nice, however it lacks mixing a bit, especially that kick drum that got me spooked legit bcs of how loud it was when it started at 0:40.

Is a nice idea overall, but mixing for sure is not there, guitars eat up so much fq's space so u have to keep it in mind when u compose/mix, drums are constantly in my face as well, a bit of variation and breathing space would be nice.

Letsgooo some breakcore in here for once. 

Bro noway u just dropped a ballad lmao. Verygj tho, the more variety the better.

Is rough on the edges mastering wise, like the beginning just slams into my head 100% volume instead of somehow rolling in, bassdrum/heartbeat is a bit too much as well. Other than that prolly one of the best submissions imo, very nice vibe.

It matches the theme, sounds nice, however all this huge room u got feels unused. I appreciate the silence and all but some sort of ambience would be nice imo.

A bit of dynamics in main paino pattern would be nice, as well as some ammount of mixing of mids along the way.  A bit of polishing and will sound just like another ror2 ost verynice.

I hope? I mixed everything right smileyface, but as soon as i started to add 4 layers of taiko drums shit got wierd and out of control realfast kinda demanding more mid fq and thus distortion as they sit around this mid'ish synth space. Feels like I need another week+ of just listenning to this mess over and over to bring it to logical conclussion, those key shifts at the end I think I didnt manage to solve in time given.

Odd time sig on Perils is very nice, room wise sound decent as well prolly one of the best submissions imo. The only thing i hard disagree on is marching band, almost military type beat percussion that sounded super dry for some reason and was not "wierd" enough time sig wise compared to whats going on around it. 2nd one is nice as well, idk if is me but i hear organ cracking on upper end.

(1 edit)

First of all sry for not replying to ur comment on the last jam, I was like "I'll write a novel about how I feel later" and never did mybad.

Constructively speaking yes, it's just too much ambience for me to mix perfectly enough to match the mood I was going for. Ambience part has like 6-8+? different steps sounds as well as around 4 general ambient tracks I did try to fade in/out for a few days. Point of having less rev at the beggining was to give a 1st person perspective on the room ("icy field") crawling his way back home through the snow, gradually moving the perspective further as they get closer to their destination. Is just a lot of room to handle mix wise, and me trying to make horns as powerfull as possible without overdistorting them requieres too much room frequency wise for them to stand out and not drown in all this ambient mess. Tldr is just too much for my current setup, plus somehow this idea turned into 15m~ of audio, I should've just chilled tbh.

Yep agreed, this is pretty much 3cuts of 2m each out of a 6m piece. Prolly will update the version later on with proper fade-outs/ins.

Prolly one of the best submissions overall, even tho i got ultra triggered by late?delayed? synth at 0:16. Verygj

Ppl sayin it doesnt fit underground theme, u need to stop being so scared of pipes and learn to chill, dungeons are as spooky as u want them to be.