Concept is simple but fun. The most important thing is reading the rules of the game carefully and not getting sidetracked. Enemies' route is predictable but not that boring. Finished on 2nd try because I got sidetracked.
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Wow, starting animation is nice. And graphics in general are nicely done. Creepy nice done creatures create the fear of unknown.
Sometimes it’s hard to see. And because of that it’s easier to lose (I could see the danger but not were would be good to run).
There is some story but it feels like it doesn't matter as much.
Upsetting (in a good way) story, considering we know more than main character.
It was already possible to see a theme of reality restoring itself, but after update it’s now very clear. To be fair, I was also reading some discussions after playing the first time, but I don’t think it would matter in second playthrough that much.
And Claudio is good at being annoying.
It’s nice to have a checkpoint. There’s barely any gameplay but the story-focused game doesn’t need more.
Interesting presentation as 3 monitors (?). Also nice color theme and graphics.
Music combined with a red screen feels weird, considering the tone of what’s happening, but it fits and makes engaging with story even better.
Interesting game.
Somehow it was hard to understand how to progress at the very first quest. But maybe it’s because I didn’t pay enough attention. The map is really useful.
Windowed mode doesn't work well. Maybe it has the wrong size.
Two art styles are very different and transition caught me off guard somehow, but it makes sense.
Story feels like it’s told indirectly.
Thoughts about what it could be:
Looks like quest-giving ghosts are a representation of main character in different age and events reflect events in his life, but I may be wrong.
Endings are confusing… Well, the second one is confusing in combination with other two. But these endings made me think about why are they like that, so they're good at that.
Nice story, even tho I wasn't patient enough to finish the game properly (failed at the very end and was too tired to try again). This cult... is messed up.
It’s nice that darkness is such an important element of the story (and setting).
In a sequence of avoiding monsters visibility is very low. It kinda makes sense in context but is also disorienting. And it’s hard to learn how monsters are moving so I had to stop playing and return the next day. At least there were checkpoints so it took not that much time.
Title menu is interesting. Color palette and graphics in general work really well.
Video segments are unexpected. Somehow the most random thing jumpscared me (sounds in the bunker). And the results of failure are really horrifying.
Seeing sci-fi setting is unexpected. Graphics have a style.
Some things are uncanny valley (title music, continuous beeping (?) sound and the meeting). Possibility of gameover is scary but after replaying I'm not sure if it's possible to lose.
Ending is a bit underwhelming but maybe it's okay.
Locations are not very big which is good, considering moments of confusion I had a few times.
Yeah, goofiness easily comes out somehow, and it's nice it was fun. I too laughed, just not out loud.
I'm glad that not fully understanding what's happening at least didn't make it not fun. Admittedly, explaining things and making games understandable to players is not easy, at least for me.
Thank you for the review.
Сподобалося. Квест вимагає уважності, але пройти можна, хоча й застрягала надовго.
Звертати увагу на діалоги корисно. Спочатку мапа здається дивною, але в контексті цієї гри працює (і схожа на ту, яка могла б бути в реальному житті).
Оформлення приємне. Мапінг, як і у пріквелі, незвичний, але функціональний і атмосферний.
Подобається, що можна пропустити одну з локацій при бектрекінгу.
Наскільки розумію, No Signal - це кінець демки? Демка сподобалася.
У цілому сподобалося. Не найпростіший квест, але впоратися з ним можна.
Пам'ять і уважність важливі, щоб не застрягти чи витратити купу часу. Я особисто записувала де, що здавалося важливим.
Лору на диво багато можна дізнатися, але багато що знати не обов'язково для того, щоб пройти.
Остання міні-гра доволі складна. Рухи складно передбачити, якщо взагалі можливо, і вони доволі швидкі.
Стиль мапінгу незвичний, але зрозумілий. У цілому приємно та передає ретро-атмосферу.
У цілому процес гри сподобався (хоча за цей час зрозуміла, що навіть українською словниковий запас у мене невеликий).
Цікавий спосіб реалізувати тему. Кольорова схема приємна. Інтерфейс мінімалістичний, зате не дратує. Звуків нема, але то не так страшно.
Про проблеми на сторінці гри вже вказано, а інших багів вроді нема.
Гра сподобалася. Усі варіанти дій не перепробувала, але пройшла.
У цілому можна зрозуміти, що робити (або що не робити). Щоправда, без інтернету застрягла б, бо, як сказали, деякої інформації всередині гри немає.
Сюжетні повороти сподобалися. Щоправда, остання сцена при отриманні кінцівки здалася не в тему (але сама по собі непогана).
Графіка не вибивається, як і мапінг.
Теми, як бачу, всі реалізовано.
Гра вийшла некоротка (принаймні, по міркам джему). Хоча значна частка часу пішла на невдалі спроби. Надіюсь, кранч стан не зіпсував.
На жаль, не мій жанр, тому мені важко оцінити, але, можливо, у своєму жанрі хороший.
Хоча напрям не сильно видно, навіть коли незрозуміло, що робити, вдається вгадати. Мабуть, той факт, що простору не так багато, допомагає.
Подібні сюжети погано розумію, тому складно оцінити. Можу лише сказати, що роздуми звучать сумно. Але атмосфера жаху незрозуміло-чого точно є.
Графіка до атмосфери добре підходить і в цілому подобається. Круто, що вона власна. На музику звернула увагу один раз, що, мабуть, добре, бо значить, що точно не вибивається з атмосфери.
Реалізації тем вроді зрозумілі (як і причина, чому вони не описані).
Funny and charming game.
Battles aren't hard but choice of skills makes think about what to use.
Some puzzles scared at first but they aren't annoying.
The plot is simple but it's good for relaxed playthrough.
Voice acting and graphics gave a nice style for a funny game.
In general, I like it.
Also, looks like a project folder of "Dracula is Dead" was uploaded to this page as
Thank you for the response.
Maybe, the browser is really the case. After restarting the game and loading autosave the error wasn't there anymore (there was one another instance after, but it looks inconsistent).
The story is very nice. And feels rewarding.
Battles are mostly easy but that's fine (especially considering game being storybased).
I like this game.
While the battle (after a few turns) this error occurred (WEB version):
UnknownError [Exception... "Out of Memory" nsresult: "0x8007000e (NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY)" location: "JS frame :: :: Bitmap.prototype.getPixel :: line 1519" data: no]
After that gifs on page started flashing
Gameplay is interesting. I'm not good at this type of games so it`s hard for me to say how difficult it is.
It's hard to close the game. I'm not sure how I did it (I pressed Esc on story screen, but game stopped only after starting the game).
Somehow I didn't realized Spacebar is used for restart, but that's not that big of a deal.
Also it's hard to read text (story is on distracting background, and in-game text is too small to notice).
Bug occurs if players interacts with the Cafe owner right after repairing the Pub. First message is shown but the choice after is not.
If player calls Edit mode menu or interacts with either with the Library owner or the Inn owner, the bug doesn't occur. Maybe, there are some other conditions which are similar and also prevent this bug.
Cute story about magical warriors. Choices seemed to me not important, but then I realized I was wrong.
I like this game, but I have a question.
In character description Zacharie's pronouns are they/them, but in demo people use he/him. I don't understand, why, and it doesn't seem right. Last comment is not relevant anymore. Just finished playing new chapters (8-12) and I liked them as well.
What a fun game. That's a good reason to look through simple RPG Maker games.
Characters are likable. It's fun to talk with them.
Shop system is interesting. As gameplay element I prefer one shop for every item, but as instrument for showing a real shop experience this decision works better.
The battle is easy, but that's fine, because I prefer easy battles over hard.
The result of the choice is weird, but it fits game very well.
I had a lot of fun playing this game. :3