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(1 edit)

Maybe we could just do a study group on Discord? I’m doing a web game.

I couldn’t get the controls to work well. but the bird did move left and catch. Somewhat laggy. It feels like a Warioware minigame.

I wonder if you could try something: reduce the color depth of the images from 32 bit to 24 bit. That should really help.

What about an endless runner that focuses on innovative boss battles?

They may have calculated typical downloads and set an appropriate price, which means you’re not in their market.

If you haven’t played it and you do have plenty of free time, I’d definitely suggest Sky: Children of the Light. If you do play it, there’s eventually an area that tells you if you continue you can’t turn back. That choice I made there is one of the best gameplay experiences I have ever had on any device, and beyond that I’d spoil it. If anything that game is worth it if you ever wanted to play games with very convincing clouds. Cute probably 8/10, wholesome 11/10 (depending if you entertain or care about the micros).

Most games by Nitrome is cute and awesome.

I just uninstalled a Merchant game populated with furries because they added VIP only drops. Cute and way too greedy!

I forget the rest at the moment.

Sorry, I meant the platform you published on usually has advanced statistics. For example my Trijam entry here on itch has information about what days it was played on, what websites they came from, click through rate, and so on.

There’s lots of data points, what does that say?

A fast look at that “porting” problem (in this case I’d personally prefer “compile”) took me to ironpython.

Considering that was all done in 3 hours that’s impressive!

This is to do, and redo, the tutorial at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Games/Tutorials/2D_Breakout_game_pure_JavaScript or if you just search for it the “MDN 2D breakout tutorial.” The goals are to update the game (it uses archaic standards that are no longer supported), maybe add something, and maybe even remove something. The game and/or the tutorial are valid posts/submissions only if uploaded to itch in some way, so no external links!

This is really more of a bulletin board thing, not a Jam. Or maybe an “unofficial” one! If requested I will copy and attribute the tutorial here, too. Let’s have some fun.

It feels like more thana MVP, and I’d say everything worked well: It loaded quickly, the av didn’t glitch, the control felt smooth, the progression worked, the randomness feels random. I’d like fixed fullscreen unlocked.

However, I didn’t sense where you’d want this to go: what’s one gameplay thing you would add? I’d like the colors to also be random.

What was your process adding another version? I actually had to patch on mine 🤯

Trijam makes you submit a regular project to itch before submitting it to the jam. I hope to submit another project before Saturday and I can see what, if any, the differences are.

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You need to also note that there are kind of advanced controls for the files when you edit a submission.

For instance my Trijam 266 submission had a platform problem that I just needed to update one thing. So in the edit screen there are several options for both zip files. I could do many things, including delete, either or both of them.

I do wish there was an archive option, like versions that are still playable but the casual player doesn’t need to worry about.

Nice clone of parking. The crash mechanic is awesome, wish it could be part of a combo system. 👍

I can’t test it on my x64 at the moment but after loading on my ARM it’s got a lot of system lag despite the 7mb size.

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That lack of reviews is actually part of this Jam, as who can review it first is randomized. I think that’s for 2 reasons - the reviews don’t matter (cherry on top), and the more popular submissions aren’t as easily bandwagoned.

I had a crazy bug fix, hope you didn’t need to do anything. What steps do you need to do to export to WebGL? I suggest submitting a download first then adding a WebGL version later so you don’t get stuck on the details before the deadline, for example you can add it now.

Another one, let’s get to it.

A genius suggestion led to my MVP. I need to do a quick CSS update though. Hope everyone had fun.

Hi, sorry for not being able to participate for weeks, but I’m back. So this time I’m keeping it simple-er!

How is everyone prepping?

I have 2 immediate prep goals - to getgud with Godot C# and JS on 2D/Android/touchscreen. So I’m committed to do 2 pre-trijams: redo my last submission and do another I missed. These will likely be HTML buttons while I study more advanced touchscreen stuff. I’ll compare with easygamemaker, too.

I added a point because you did something with the game page, too.

  • What problems did you have?
  • What else would you do next if you still had time left? I’d suggest a boss.

By the way thanks for also enabling touch as if it was a click.

Definitely 4*

I just installed .NET 8 but didn’t get started relearning Godot yet. The 2D tutorial goes over configuring C#.


Hahaha, great!

Sorry to hear you’re having rendering problems and hope confidence fixes them!

I meant something more like a black hole does not light light return so something like that would at least manipulate the LiDAR if that makes sense.

I played a game like that but in 2D. It had platforming levels and mazes that used particle effects and raytracing in different ways for each sense. Maybe you could have different night vision lenses and maybe the They Live glasses. Are there also places where LiDAR glitches or is manipulated? I’m also wondering what the hall of mirrors 3D Engine glitch would look like with LiDAR.

Trijam 263?

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I’ll probably be using easygamemaker again so I’ll go based on that. My big problem in 262 was my steps were too aligned with the game instead of working with easygamemaker.

~~Bad News: Clue style whodunnit with some type of situational generation. I also want to generate the map with visual scripting instead of fighting the level editor. Simple shapes and text, tap to interact, topdown 2D. Stretch goal: mouse interaction.

Respect +: Motivational speaker tycoon with map and various starting points. Simple shapes and text, tap to interact, topdown 2D. Stretch goal: mouse interaction.

Focused Messages: Charisma based CYOA. Simple shapes and text, tap to interact, topdown 2D. Stretch goal: mouse interaction.~~

Butchering mania: Battle Royale. Simple shapes and text, tap to interact, topdown 2D. Stretch goal: mouse interaction.

~~You’re just a hack: Logic puzzle. Simple shapes and text, tap to interact, topdown 2D. Stretch goal: mouse interaction.~~

Update 20240327: I just installed Godot 4 from the Play Store, but I’m not really that happy about it since there’s no good coding method built in for touchscreens. I do have a plan though and I’m kind of excited to see if it’s viable out in nature. Does anyone know if there’s some coding plug-ins for C# that work well with touchscreens?

Update 20240330: I’m configuring .NET for Godot C# on my laptop now. Why do I have to opt out of data collection? 🤢 Anyways I’m going through a few Godot 2D tutorials for now and since I’m going to do a Battle Royale for 263 I’ll just mod the tutorial level, Dodge the Creeps at https://docs.godotengine.org/en/4.2/getting_started/first_2d_game/index.html

Easter Update had to back out of submitting something due to family medical stuff. I’m okay.

I just started working with easygamemaker here’s a mockup I submitted for the last Trijam:


Despite it not being a prototype, I consider getting this far in 2 hours to be a success.

That looks really cool thanks for adding screenshots! Sorry I can’t play on my device.

Sorry can’t do Unity web on my Android device.

2h52’ how did you track the time that exact?

It maybe my Android but after a few touch moves it starts jumping lower and lower. SFX sometimes plays multiple times at once.

Did I miss wall bouncing as core gameplay?

Understood, however for personal accountability do you have suggestions to self track 3 hours?

Next Trijam I probably will use some type of time block system like (10+2)*5, which would mean I would have 3 hours * 60 minutes = 180 minutes / 10 minutes = 18 blocks and 30 total minutes of sandwiched break time.

I cannot get Unity web working on my device.

It is touch interactions, not mouseclick/keyboard/gamepad.

I understand and sorry! It’s only 3 not really interactive mockup screens right now, but I plan on updating it outside of Trijam. I submitted it incomplete because they said to submit incomplete!

Great work I can get it to run on Android! Touch controls work amazing - it doesn’t scroll or resize the page either. Nice adding audio, too.

Trying to figure out what advice…hmm that’s hard considering the time constraint. Maybe a mute button instead of a pause button.

Also would have liked to see a smooshed ball instead of just racking up or deducting points pinned against the wall. And it seems when lined up sometimes it moves into the wall.

Wow, what was it that kept you away from dev? So it would’ve been like a Carnival game?

I've spent a few hours learning (and fighting) the easygamemaker.com web IDE while on Android and here is a mockup. It's getting long in the hours, I'm about to crash, and it's currently not playable. I need more time with this IDE. I'll still export it and submit it though.

My concept is a building repairer keeps the walls from falling down in a roguelite RPG. This would have been an example level 2 with 3 walls (the red blocks) needing fixed on the building. Was hoping to have some nice tactical skills (yes like AoEs) and finesse procedural (like trample) situations.

Would love to see this as an action RPG.

Mine too! Have a game idea, now how to plan this to get the 3 hours?!