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A member registered Dec 21, 2020

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That's okay, take your time to recover and be well. I've been having fun with Loop Hero in the meantime (I tried out Death Crown and while I love the art, RTS is not my genre)

best run yet

Ooh hey now I have two more games to check out while I wait for the next update of City Tiles!

You did all this amazing art in 6 hours!? I love this style so much...

This is awesome, can't wait for updates!

Too hard for me - would be a lot better with more visibility, like being able to see further along down the road. Also, the intro text is hard to read on a high res screen a few feet away - a fullscreen mode would fix this as well as changing the text.

Adorable! I got bored at about 10% completion though.

cute animations! the gameplay felt clunky and slow though

Seems a little broken visually - the floor went away and my gun when i pressed E and then there were spiders... also IDK why anything is happening or what is supposed to be the goal. Mouse sensitivity is way too high.

LOVE the graphics. gameplay is fun too, short and sweet once i got the hang of it.

Awesome! It is very fun to balance between being too big and running out of snow. My one gripe is that the trail effect on the snowball is too static.

Sooooooo slow.

This concept is not for me. It is very unique, and I'm sure someone will like it. The art could be better.

Cool concept! I do not like the art, including the music, very much. Also, the animation for the blocks of slime (?) flowing into the sinkholes is very slow and boring to wait for.

The solution to the last puzzle was very unsatisfying to me. I liked the other ones. The music is fine but got repetitive after 15 minutes.

got stuck on konami code level. there is no "start" button so i tried space, enter, and typing "start" to no avail.

nicely done!