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Michi C.

A member registered May 18, 2019 · View creator page →

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(Finally formatted this correctly, sorry for the repost multiple times haha) 

Hey all! Another lil update for my project 

(I wrote a pretty long blurb about this but it didn't save so I'm trying!! this!! again! One last time!) 

I haven't been able to work much on the project much due to life being a little hectic but! I finished one of the main tasks that I wanted to finish, which as horizontal and vertical collisions! It's still a small part of the project compared to everything else, but I wanted to start small and see if I can do it. 

It's small, but look at it go!

The next thing I'm probably going to work on is organize my movement code a little bit more and start working on state machines, such as attacking, rolling and so forth. (Should the jump be put in it's own state?) 

The thing that's making me a bit anxious is that I can't really conceptualize my character's size in comparision to the room/screen. I'm taking a lot of inspiration from Indivisible (less heavy on the rpg elements and multiple people on the screen (trying to keep it really simple!), and trying to gear towards something more of a street fighter esque game in it's transition room, but a lot of the same functions are used in that game.) I always look at the character size for refrence and I get anxious and a bit worried, thinking "Oh shoot, is my character too big? Is he too small (compared to the player character in Indivisble) ? How does a camera work and would that be too big or small??" I think the questions get me a bit anxious and a little overwhelmed because the core system of my game hasn't been created yet, and at the moment I'm not entirely sure how everything is going to work, just bits and pieces of it conceptually (or if the game that I want to make is even possible w/ game maker studio 2, haha). Regardless, I want to take things step by step, and hopefully there are some tutorials to help me out. I also want to update the devlog a bit more frequently too, so here's to that. Until then! 

Thank you so much!! :D I really wanna see if this can be made in GMS2 (for me with the colored syntax and everything - it's the one of the easier programs to get started with haha) or not, so there's a lot of experimenting, but!! it's something that I wanted to make for quite a while, and I fleshed out quite a bit of the concepts for some time, so I'm really excited to continue working and see what works and what doesn't! :0

Thank you so much Singulo for your help, I greatly appreciate it! One last question, would the camera have it's own object? I know that the script for the camera_set_view can be put into it's create event, and would the blank object just be put into the room? (Sorry, I just wanna make sure I'm doing this right ahaha!)

I see!!I think that could work, but I have a couple of questions since I'm a total newbie about all of this and I wanna learn how it works, so hopefully that's alright with you aha 

1. Could you elaborate a little bit more on the "rule of thumb?" 

2. Would scaling up the room mean changing the room dimensions in the room editor? I know there's video tutorials about cameras, so maybe it would be like that (2 cameras - one for the over world and one for the battle sequence?)  

 For real though,  thank you so much Singulo, you're helping me a lot!! I was super worried (and dare I admit, I lost a little bit of sleep trying to figure this out LMAO) so your help is greatly appreciated!_(:'33 

I see, thank you so much!!! Hm.... that's also I pretty good question, I was thinking about making the sprites for my game 120 x 120 or maybe something a little bit bigger? And make the player character persistent so that when they transition to the fighting segment - they retain the same height or is (a little bit bigger depending on the camera)? But I'm not sure if that's too big or not - some sprites for fighting games are massive so I'm not sure if it'll fit in with the platforming / fighting hybrid I'm going for yknow?  

The game Indivisible has a battle system I'm kinda trying to replicate, here's a short vid of their battle system. The player character herself is actually pretty small, but the camera zooms in on them during the fight, and zooms back out,  if that makes sense, that's kinda what I'm going for! :0c 

Here's  what 120 x 120 looks like for one of the spites, I'm not sure if it's small for a platformer or too big for a fighting game, if that makes sense? I'm not really good at explaining it I'm sorry ahahaha 

Thank you so much!!! :') I'm making my game in game maker studio 2!

(2 edits)

Hey all!! Here's an update for my little project: 

-Set up some sprites for idle, run (movement), rolling, and jabs and a solid sprite for walls - they are placeholders for now, but It kinda gives me a good idea on what sizes I want (and upon pressing a button/switching the state, you'll see a different color so it's a good indicator to see if the state works or not!) 


The Sprite7 is a placeholder sprite for my  player character/protagonist (what spr_tec_idle should look like) 

Here's what he looks like:


 However, when he's put into the room, he's a lot bigger than I thought he would be.. 

The sprite size itself is 193 x 495. I kinda wanted him to be roughly the size of his boots, or the bottom of his yellow sash.. so I did some scaling back and I lost some detail, but I think I made it work, and here's what he looks like now:


He now stands at 90 x 231, I know it's not the ideal size but when I run the game now  (the room is 1920 x 1080 dimensions) he looks like this:


A lot of detail is lost...does anyone know how to fix this issue? I think I'll use the a placeholder box for the idle sprite  for the time being, but I still wanna see if I can fix this issue as well. 

Hi all!! I'm super excited to be working on this project! I have a couple of a couple of ideas on how I want my game to work in the long run, but for this game jam I want to have a working prototype with 4 basic things: 

  • Horizontal and Vertical Collisions  with the player 
  • State Machine switching between different states, such as: Moving (and Jumping!) , Attacking, Blocking, and basic Combos 
  • When the player attacks an enemy - there is a transition to a different room, and in that room, the game functions similar to a fighting game -  with attacks, blocks, and combos
  • Once the player defeats the opponent, the player is transported back into the room before, and continues on their way through the level with platforming segments.  

I have a bit more written in a loose doc here  but for now, all I really want to figure out is those 4 things listed above, and sprite work as well. At the end of the Jam, I want to have (at least) a blueprint of how to integrate these 4 ideas into a system that (hopefully!) is enjoyable to play, and I can continue to expand upon later (much like how the VA-11-HA-11-A devs did with their prototype game). Can't wait to get started! 

1. Hi there! What's your name? Want to introduce yourself?

Howdy! I'm Mitch, but I also go as raykinu as well (and on twitter!) 

2. Did you participate in the last jam we held? If so, what do you plan on doing better this time? If not, what's your reason for joining?

A friend and I actually tried to do this game jam a couple of years ago - sadly we didn't submit anything because we were both a little overwhelmed with the workload. However! This time I want to create a very small and basic prototype of a game that I've been conceptualizing for a while, I'll try to make it as basic as I can, but I'm also very excited as well! 

3. What games are your favorites? Did any of them inspire you, or made you want to make your own?

I'm a huge fan of fighting games and games with really rich stories. Games like Va-11 Ha-11-a, Indivisible, Skullgirls, Streets of Rage 2, Mamoru-kun has been Cursed, Undertale/Deltarune and Touhou Project and Nier: Automata  really inspired me to make a video game and create my own.  Also the fact that almost all of those games are made by indie / solo developers is incredibly inspiring!! 

4. Do you have experience with game development? What did you do/with what engine?

I've worked with Game Maker Studio 2 for the longest time, but I've only worked with tutorials, I understand a lot of the concepts of what I want to do, but I'm still a huge newbie despite everything (putting everything into code is the hardest part for me haha) - but I'd love to take this as a huge learning experience and make something out of it!! 

5. Tell us about something you're passionate about!

Robots and protags! If the protagonist is a robot, then that's a huge bonus. I love writing really rich and well written protagonists and deep relationships between characters and intresting stories to go along with it. 

6. What are your goals for this game jam?

Build a very rough prototype of the game project I want to create.  Just some basic platforming into a transition room where the "Fighting Game" styled (think Street Fighter and Skullgirls)  fights take place and once the fight is over, and then have a transition out of that room and back to the platforming segments, much like Indivisible. I feel as though if I really break it down and have a start then the rest of the game will shape up in time, and I can refine and tweak with time.  Like I said in one of the earlier questions, I have a really good idea on what I wanna do and how to do it based on tutorials that I've watched, but I'm not really sure how to put this system into code, so I'd love to figure that out during this jam, and hopefully it's smooth sailing from here on out! :D