Hi all!! I'm super excited to be working on this project! I have a couple of a couple of ideas on how I want my game to work in the long run, but for this game jam I want to have a working prototype with 4 basic things:
- Horizontal and Vertical Collisions with the player
- State Machine switching between different states, such as: Moving (and Jumping!) , Attacking, Blocking, and basic Combos
- When the player attacks an enemy - there is a transition to a different room, and in that room, the game functions similar to a fighting game - with attacks, blocks, and combos
- Once the player defeats the opponent, the player is transported back into the room before, and continues on their way through the level with platforming segments.
I have a bit more written in a loose doc here but for now, all I really want to figure out is those 4 things listed above, and sprite work as well. At the end of the Jam, I want to have (at least) a blueprint of how to integrate these 4 ideas into a system that (hopefully!) is enjoyable to play, and I can continue to expand upon later (much like how the VA-11-HA-11-A devs did with their prototype game). Can't wait to get started!