Hey all!! Here's an update for my little project:
-Set up some sprites for idle, run (movement), rolling, and jabs and a solid sprite for walls - they are placeholders for now, but It kinda gives me a good idea on what sizes I want (and upon pressing a button/switching the state, you'll see a different color so it's a good indicator to see if the state works or not!)
The Sprite7 is a placeholder sprite for my player character/protagonist (what spr_tec_idle should look like)
Here's what he looks like:
However, when he's put into the room, he's a lot bigger than I thought he would be..
The sprite size itself is 193 x 495. I kinda wanted him to be roughly the size of his boots, or the bottom of his yellow sash.. so I did some scaling back and I lost some detail, but I think I made it work, and here's what he looks like now:
He now stands at 90 x 231, I know it's not the ideal size but when I run the game now (the room is 1920 x 1080 dimensions) he looks like this:
A lot of detail is lost...does anyone know how to fix this issue? I think I'll use the a placeholder box for the idle sprite for the time being, but I still wanna see if I can fix this issue as well.