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A member registered Jun 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks! Also I can't believe that was three years ago already, haha.

Thanks so much! And sorry to hear about the softlock. Did it seem like it happened after anything specific? I think in playtesting there was one time where the camera spawned in the basement but the character was upstairs (or something like that), but I wasn't able to replicate or figure it out.

I wonder if the doors thing was a bug. I haven't had that in my playtesting but I'll definitely keep an eye out for it, so thanks for pointing it out. It should be 'E' or left face button (which will light up on the bottom of the screen when you can interact with something). Could be I need to make the interaction box on the doors larger.

For levels my original idea was to have the max be 20 but I lowered it to 5 since it's only two rounds to keep it at 30 minutes or less (Schippie is 99 because he's just too powerful, haha!).

Yeah I tried to have it so the spatula was slower and more power and the cleavers were more nimble. Maybe I should make the damage disparity bigger or just rethink the spatula attack pattern. The bottle is meant to be a ranged weapon so I made the damage the lowest since it's easier to sit back at a distance with it.

I suppose a big part of it is also the boss itself, I was hoping to have different phases that favored each of the weapons (so like one is power, one is speed, and one is range focused), but didn't really have time. So I can see where they aren't all as effective as they should be currently. 

Thanks again for taking the time to play it and give feedback, it's already helped a lot.

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Thanks for playing and the feedback, I really appreciate it. Also, thank you for mentioning the level thing, I had everyone at max level for testing and forgot to change that back, haha. That should be fixed now.

Couple of questions if you don't mind so I can make improvements:

Were there any bugs or issues you encountered with using or obtaining money or was it more that you felt it wasn't useful in general? The money is used to buy new characters at the inn, gamble with jackpot, recover hp/mood at the clinic, build the training ground, and then boost character levels with extra xp at the training ground (after it's been built obviously). I also planned to have purchasable weapons and items that could change stats but didn't have time, unfortunately. It might have been tuned too generously, though in terms of how much you earn per round. I do also feel like some of the systems aren't as effective in such a short version of this game (specifically like resting at the clinic, which would make more sense over a longer amount of time/rounds).

For the weapons, were the spatula and ketchup bottle not actually doing any damage or were they just ineffective in their design? Damage wise the spatula should do 20 per hit base damage, the cleavers are 10, and the bottle is 5.

I've definitely thought about it, but unfortunately I can't promise that I will.  I just don't have a lot of time, and when I do I tend to find myself starting new projects. But I'll let you know if I do, thanks for the interest.

Thanks Kyle, that means a lot to me coming from you.

Cool, let me know how it goes. I only had my PC to test it on so it was tough knowing where to set things.

Sorry to hear that. Did you try turning down all the graphical settings and running it in windowed mode?

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Thanks for playing,  I appreciate the comment and feedback. If you want to see anything you missed/the ending, I made a full walkthrough video:

Yeah it is probably the most difficult part of the game and is required to get to the end. Here's a walkthrough video timestamped to the platforming part if you want to see how I did it (or if you'd rather just watch the end instead):

The game definitely lives up to it's name, Sleezer was great/vile.

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Thanks, I had written a very slow and limited turn based system a few years ago for a different project, so I was able to build this one a lot more efficiently from the ground up.

Fantastic, really good job combining all the ingredients in a way was that vile but also felt natural/fun. The slow doors was a nice extra touch.

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No problem, I genuinely enjoyed it. I often get the same feeling of doubt when I put something creative into the world, but not matter how it turns out, it's always worth doing.

Very cool atmosphere, digging the gameboy RE vibes. Also, I probably should have read the ingredients a little closer, that "use item/interact on the same button" one definitely got me a couple times before I realized, haha.

Really liked how the ghost switching worked, it was especially fun to adapt to early on when I had less control over it. Mechanically felt good too, had a lot of fun searching every area for as much experience as possible.