Could you elaborate on why we should drop the game? I really want to know what players against the game think we should quit it, any feedback is appreciated.
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Wow I am impressed, we did at least 3 full reviews of the entire script and still let slide so much, its impressive how much the human brain can just ignore blatant stuff when it gets used to the "meaning" of something and stops looking at the actual words...
Thank you so much for the input, we greatly appreciate it!
Reusing characters? That would be a fair point but we're not just using the same characters 1:1 they have visual upgrades, the very setting they are in is different, not to mention that was this just a spinoff ot a "TM 2" people wouldnt bat an eye, so letting creativity flow and doing new and unique is just a win in my books.
Thank you so much, I really appreciate it, I was the sole writer so i only spend the 1st and 2nd day writing as day 3 and 4 I had to be directing everyone.
I do agree with you, the start is a tiny bit rough, especially some early typos that might throw off a new player, but after you read the same thing so many times after making so many changes your eyes start playing tricks on you and reading what's supposed to be there you know?
As for a more detailed backstory, if there is demand for it I will make anther version of the game and fix all the issues i find while adding some more context, we'll see.
I already work with someone else as a team to make VN's but thank you, I know i had some typos but i really did not have time to fix them, i did all the writing, directing and programming myself with a friend doing graphics and someone i met along the way doing most sound too, it was incredibly hectic and extremely tight on timing, i struggled a lot getting someone to proofred and when i did it was already too late and on top of the deadline.
The ending section is meant to be semi-challanging, just like every game has levels a mystery visual novel gets harder as you play too, the initial idea for the game had different endings depending what path you took but i did not have the time to implement that by a long shot, though its partially scripted and i can do it in the future.
As for the project being around neuro, i honestly did not expect people to make so many neuro games, i think people gravitated towards that cuz of vedal himself making a neuro game...
Either way i am thankful you played it and i hope you enjoyed it even if you did struggle at the final logic puzzle!