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A member registered May 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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Cheers mate, just uploaded a ROM file available for download :)

Moons Unite!

great challenge, great gameplay, can see people speedrunning this game haha

Best game I played in the jam so far, the story hits right in the feels. Music is wonderful, the story short but immersive. I love it. 

I always tell people that  video games if done right are better storytelling mediums that movies and series, this is a great example of what can be done in a week. Super impressive mate

Thank you very much

I love puzzle games, this was a good encounter in the game jam

I can jam to this soundtrack all night

I love puzzle games and this definitely hit the mark for me, very satifying. Has great potential to make more variations.

Definitely brings back memories haha

I've been collecting those poeple up and butcher them in the machine, feels more satisfiying hahaha

quite a smooth experience, didn't find it that exciting formyself however. Can definitely see strategy on how the game can be played. 

quite a smooth experience, didn't find it that exciting formyself however. Can definitely see strategy on how the game can be played. 

Heya, here is a tiny survival defense game for you to play:

Heya, here is a tiny survival defense game for you to play:

Hello everyone,
my name is Yanin, haven't been doing jams for a while and want to get back into it.
You can check my profile to see some of my works or the following link for my portfolio

Can add me on Discord: @yaninyunus
or drop a comment below 

My name is Yanin, I am a graphic designer and pixel artist. 
I am not sure if you are planning on doing any pixel art based video games but I am down to be involved in projects.
you can find my graphic design portfolio and pixel art works in the links below.

You can contact me via discord: yaninyunus

This game is so beautifully done, the aesthetics, the sound, interactivity, everything... Awesome work!

This game is so wholesome <3, especially the music. Got all the illustrations done also but not sure what to do next on regarding finishing the game.

hey, I can't believe I haven't seen this comment. Sorry mate, was working on any, though I am open for commissions

I am working on some already, though they are not in this cyberpunk aesthetic but rather more "ancient" vibe.

If you have anything related to this genre in mind, that you think will be useful, don't hesitate to suggest 

i love GBS <3 just need to sit and explore more I suppose

cheers mate <3

(1 edit)

Is this made in GB STUDIO? Because if it is, that is impressive!!
Edit: nevermind saw the answer in the comment below. this is awesome!

Man, I just came across your post in reddit. You are doing awesome contributions to the pixelart and gamedev community in my opinion. Thank you so much 

man this game is mini and wholesome. Beatiful art, fitting soundtrack and decently challenging puzzles.

Lol this game is so Meta, congrats on the jam mate


This ıs animal abuse, the tears in the geckos eyes got me. Amazing twist to a classic though. Thanks Dennis and Maddie

Absolutely amazıng, would be awesome ıf there ıs are some obstacles and more story lıne ıf a project ıs meant to be contınued. Defınıtely a sımple but a very easy to play and fun gam.

very cute rat. I love the 360 on the double jump. Defınıtely can be a fun game mechanıc. Too bad that ıt ıs quıte short. Thank you

Game looks great but controls are a bıt too confusıng and tough to play. Soundtrack can defnııtely be more ınterestıng

this was the absolute cutest game I've seen this week! Nicely polished and challenging. Awesome to see such a game made in GBStudio

should be up and ready to  go!

oh, let me take care of that, thanks

Hey thanks for the follow, this is actually a very cute tool. Just dropped in some sprites to see. Might be even faster to see the results of the sprites in here than animating it in photoshop really hahah

this is the funniest thing I have seen this week and the game is definitely amazing ahahah, thanks for this gem

A beautiful block pushing puzzle game! Enjoyed it a lot. Nice touch of removing the reversal character to teach new puzzle elements to the player! Definitely makes the learning curve way more forgiving!

That is the cutest chicken. The games principle is great definitely needs polish and some more challenge. Audio feedback would be great as well. Hope is was a great practice session for you in your single day participation in GMTK jam!