The current system works like this: there's no game code or content in the launcher at all. The whole game is packed into the RPA file. We won't be changing this in the near future due to our current content and build pipelines.
Creator of
Recent community posts
- Link to the affected game page
- (18+ game, just in case) - Size of the file you’re attempting to download
- 7Gb - Was the file recently uploaded? (If so, when?)
- October 29th - Was the file uploaded using Butler? (This is only relevant for page owners)
- Yes - Your geographical location (if you’re comfortable sharing)
- Multiple, we are receiving reports from our users, and I myself experience the issue - A brief summary of the issue - does the download cut out? Slow down? etc.
- We've mostly receiving reports of corrupted downloads - the download shows a completed, but the file is only partially downloaded. This is the same for me, the download reports as complete at 4.6Gb. - Are you downloading via the app or through your browser?
- We're receiving reports about downloads from the website and via the app both.
To be honest, I find it hard to believe that there haven't been any changes to the algorithm or some kind of mass flagging or something. From November 5th to 8th we've lost 70% of our traffic, and I've seen complaints from many developers about the same period.
And ever since we continue to drop in the Popular lists for tags. Around Nov 5th, we were on the fourth row in Popular for our main tag, and today we're in 3000th place in Popular for the same tag, even though the traffic to the page has stabilized.
I understand that the algorithm needs to be opaque to prevent exploitation, but it would be nice to at least know the big no-no's that could cause this kind of fall.
The full game - - is available for Android