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A member registered May 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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I'm willing to bet that you watche that Limbo spider procedural animation tutorial on youtube (if not then my mistake). Honestly, this is a genius use of the limbs!

Challenging didn't know what I was doing and what the cards does at first BUT I enjoyed it. The last puzzle is the cake.

That's awesome to hear!

I appreciate the lack of jumpscare. Pure vibes. I love how the game looks! Looks so polished. I played it twice, I was hoping something would happen if I chose to be like "it" or refused. But the game just closed, or it crashed? Anyway. Kudos matey!

Loving the granny and fish designs <3 The sfx is cute too. 

Kudos to little nephew 

I thought it's just a fishing game, it's a racing game! I only found out from the description on the main page. I already had fun catching the fishes lol. No wonder the speed is that fast. 

Noted. Thank you for your feedback and playing the game!

I like the art of the fish and the radio music when unlocked :3 I enjoyed it, I unlocked all the funny hats. 

 I did find a few bugs like IF I have 0 hooks and bought the 3x hook, my inventory hook goes to -2. And IF I bought multiple 3x hooks, only 1 could be used.

Awesome! I'm so glad our gave our game a second chance. Thank you!

Takes a while to get used to the controls, but it's fun once you get used to it. I do love the art/models, it vibes with me.

Aww this is cute <3

I thought it was a horror game at first xD coz of the darkness and music. It's awesome how much discovery you can do in the game. Few times I didn't have to look at the achievements, I just get them by exploring. Like swimming with the fishes, literary the first thing I did in the game, felt like the game KNEW the player would do that!

I'm loving the Finding Nemo references. That goggles gave me a flashback 42 walabi Sidney! Seeing Marlin and Nemo swimming together is cute too!

I don't really have much feedback or bugs to report... the game as they said, is polished. But I am proud to get the Sea Expert achievement :3 

Yes! The game is FF clone :D . Well tried to copy but it's harder than I thought lol, I may have overestimated myself.

I'll take note on the background (damn google image can't give me a good background. jk!). 

I checked the big fish spawning. I think I've put the spawn point too close to the edge. I have adjusted the points further so now they shouldn't spawn within the player's area. The pivot is experimental 😅 I tried putting the pivot on the mouth instead of the body coz I thought it felt more natural to follow the head, i think?  Which probably isn't right. Thank you for your input on it. It might not be a good game design in general. 

Dash, oh man, I thought I already fixed the max speed. I bet it's a code problem, I'm trying to look into it but... well it might take a while.

I appreciate this feedback lots n lots!!! Plenty to fix and update. I'll be sure to try giving quality feedback to your game too. Thank you for playing our game!

I got them all under 25 sec :P Hard to control at first coz the mouse is too sensitive but I did got use to it.

The art is super cute <3 an easy 5/5

I'll have to optimize the dash, still trying to figure things out. Thank you for the feedback and playing our game! Our composer would be delighted by your compliments :D

Yeah. I don't buy it, Dad totally overfed the fish (and maybe killed that "guy" too). The puzzles are challenging but solvable. Great game!

I keep getting jump scared by the shark T.T Couldn't get pass 3 questions no matter what. Tip please???

Fishies are cute! Love the music choice too.

Same xD

Wow wow. The variety of fish is impressive. Kinda wish there was a fish book for the fish you've caught, but still, kudos for the amount of effort put into this!

The controls are very very hard 😅 The concept is fun though, who wouldn't wanna try eating an endangered space fish!?

Oh man, it's awesome seeing someone who knows that game! We'll try to find a better background after the jam. Last hour rush is no good at all. Thank you for playing our game!

Took me longer than  i wish (skill issue) but I did it! 1030 fish defeated and mama fish dead!

I've said it a lot in discord but I'm saying it again. I just LOVE the art. I did get stuck like a lot... and the final stage (avoid debris) is harder than I thought, like I had to constantly keep moving coz if I stop and the bedri is already behind me, then it's already too later. But I enjoyed it. It's satisfying to complete. Easy 5/5


Augh.. the pixel water makes my eyes cross. Kinda wanna catch one of the seagulls. 

As with most game, score system would be very much appreciated. Otherwise, you're just waiting to die. Faster weapons and enemy spawn would boost the trill too. Otherwise, it's a decent game, I'd like to see how you'll expend it.

So peaceful. Love the music, kudos to Kevin. i would adjust the reeling sfx for a softer cozy vibe, but still. Good job.

The first game I tried back then. I appreciate the added "press a to grab" tutorial coz I did got stuck at that part when I first played it. Love the wavy seaweeds in the background the tank feels so alive.

Swinging is fun. A little hard to get used to tho. It would be nice to have a score counter. I thought the bar below was the goal but it's just for the dash.

I kept getting stuck and flung in every direction. It's funny at first but it gets frustrating when I got serious and tried finding all fish parts.

I love their angry face when they don't get treatment lol

Cute <3 I'm getting Le Fish a lot

Very cute <3 Took me a while on the 2nd puzzle lol

Neat! I'll wait for the artist what they think.

(2 edits)

Ahem ahem. We have an artist, a programmer, next we need composers! Yes, with an S. We need 3 music for stage level and maybe 1 more for main menu. Not necessarily all made by 1 person ofc.  Drop you samples