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A member registered Sep 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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Of course! I'm glad that other people were happy with your game, it just didn't tickle my own fancy. :)

Great sound and visuals, but the game doesn't really feel good to play. The floatiness paired with tight (if not pixel-perfect) jumps and several blind falls had me replaying the same one or two seconds of level over and over again. 

Very chill, took me a little bit to understand what the game actually was, but I found it to be a nice little game that I would play on a long car ride on my phone.

Awesome game! Super challenging difficulty curve, but I can tell that that is just because I stink at video games xD

Thank you very much for playing!! I have no clue why the music would have cut out, it might be an issue with the engine. since I have it set to loop forever. 

It's cool, what's a jam game without a major bug, right?

Thanks! I imagined the health items as more like fruit. I totally spent way to much of my time budget on art and animation lol

Thank you! I kinda just arbitrarily gave the enemies health values, it wasn't super thought out, I'll keep that in mind for next time.

(1 edit)

I'll give it another try later tonight and see if I can get it, I think my issue was that if you use the flashlight while the other light is on, the entity can get under the light

Super cute graphics! Looks just like the games I used to play on the NES! The audio is wonderful as well, very fitting. If I'm not mistaken, it sounds like one of the themes is inspired by the Jurassic Park theme. The controls are finicky, and some of the jumps are tight and difficult, but the game as a whole is great. I love the checkpoints, as I made use of them often lol.

Wow, that was awesome. The character of the text boxes to the difficulty curve was amazing. Levels 6 and beyond were a complete blast, and everything before that set up a good understanding of the mechanics. The game looks stunning, and the control over the character is well done for a game jam (a little finicky here and there, but what can you do). My only gripe is that sometimes the contrast between the environment and the collectibles or hazards (red on red or blue on blue) is a bit hard to read at times. Well done!

The atmosphere and world building was great, but I wasn't able to get past the part in the basement where the white entities are flying at you and you turn on a light switch. After several attempts of the chase before and being attacked by the chase creature while under the light, I found it very frustrating. A good, creative story though.

I love the aesthetic and sound design, my only real problem is that the game feels too slow, perhaps if the speed-up button was a toggle instead of a hold? Very cute and enjoyable. :)

(1 edit)

I'm not really sure what happened for you. I redownloaded the game and everything works fine for me. Anyways, thank you for your rating

Edit: I'm glad you were able to fix it

Loved it, already posted a comment but I have to to leave a review.

Very creepy, I loved it! I found the difficulty curve to be impeccable and it lasted just for the right time. The ability to buy one more warning was a great addition and added a lot, I found myself trying to decide if I should risk it to get the next upgrade or buy the extra warning.

It took me a while to figure it out, but I ended up winning first try. I like your submission! The only two things are: 1. I could just keep using the big dragon and had no incentive to use the other "spells" and 2. The art difference wasn't the best (pixel and vector)

I really love the sound design and it was a more unique take on the theme and imitation.

It took me a while to figure it out, but I ended up winning first try. I like your submission! The only two things are: 1. I could just keep using the big dragon and had no incentive to use the other "spells" and 2. The art difference wasn't the best (pixel and vector)

I really love the sound design and it was a more unique take on the theme and imitation.

I really like your game! The only thing for me is the difficulty curve. It started off pretty difficult and remained the same the rest of the time. When it got faster, I didn't notice much of a difficulty increase. Maybe start it off easy and have it get gradually more difficult over time. Nice work!

The game was wonderful! To me it seemed a bit easy, but it was a really good Zelda clone! The collisions were off-putting and I would've prefered wasd controls over CF2.5's built in movement (I assume that's what it is), but I understand that it was a Jam game, so what can you do. Overall, very lovely. I think it would be a great idea to expand upon it further.

I love it! My one issue is that if a defending player has all of his units in the keep, and the attacking player then destroys the keep on their last turn, then it is impossible for the game to end in a victory, as the next player must end their turn by placing down units, which cannot be done without an occupied space. I can create a video and link it if this is difficult to follow.