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Wow, that was awesome. The character of the text boxes to the difficulty curve was amazing. Levels 6 and beyond were a complete blast, and everything before that set up a good understanding of the mechanics. The game looks stunning, and the control over the character is well done for a game jam (a little finicky here and there, but what can you do). My only gripe is that sometimes the contrast between the environment and the collectibles or hazards (red on red or blue on blue) is a bit hard to read at times. Well done!


Thank you very much for the kind review. Credits for the artstyle and most of the mechanics goes to Gavin Eisenbeisz's course

The contrast issues are last minute, for I needed some harder ones on the levels after realizing that the original version (a whole lot darker with much more lightning) was single digit FPS even in the editor. I'm glad you liked the pacing of the learning curve. I would have loved to play around with the platforms and lasers a little more, but the jam already ate up a lot of time. The two full weekends decision was great though, couldn't have finished without it.