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A member registered Oct 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Fun little game, got to the end and it was fun, there was a sense of urgency but I could keep eating stale cookies :D Great job!

Thanks for the feedback goodguyplayer, I do agree the audio needed some work, I think we needed a global variable checking only one sound effect is playing at a time, will keep it mind for next time!

Thanks Moohm, appreciate the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback and playing the game 2coderok, seems pretty consistent we shouldve added a tutorial :) 

Thanks for the feedback LittleBeardMan, its working generally well in the browsers we tested (firefox / chrome  / brave - on windows), which platform are you on so we can try test it? Also was it lag or glitching? Would be good for us to know for future game jams. Again thanks for trying out our game!

The sprite art is so slick, nice use of the colour wildcard! Game play is sweet and intuitive, great job!

You're right, we should have made a tutorial level explaining the mechanics, thanks for playing :)

Muchas gracias por jugar el juego, aprecio los comentarios :)

Thanks alot, appreciate the feedback, you're absolutely right a tutorial level wouldve made it more clear how to progress!

super cool concept, great job!

lot of fun, super replayable, game over face is awesome!

a lot of fun once you get the hang of the controls,  awesome job!

really like the animation for the attack, fun game, awesome job!

you've built a beautiful world, music is calm and relaxing, awesome game!

nice, music is cool! cool ending :)

awesome, its a lot of fun, like the procedural generation and art style

Art style is cool!