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A member registered Apr 12, 2015 · View creator page →

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it looks great! which ai?

ah ok fair enough. 

the charity addition is honestly amazing, i always reach a point where i end up with an absurd amount of money, so i've been looking for this excact thing. great work so far!

is it possible to make this compatible with Leo's mod? 

is it possible to make this compatible with Aric's expansion? 

i was wondering when 0.12 will become public?

the whole reason i came up with this idea. is because in end i'd always end up with a lot of slaves and gold. and thus i tried to think of a way to actually have to reason to have that many slaves, and a way to spend all that gold. 

so the whole idea of getting gold / slaves. is not what the intended use of the mod is for. 

the intend of the mod, is when late game you, allready have all the upgrades for your mansion ( or atleast most of them), and a lot of slaves allready.  getting more slaves and gold at this stage, would have no meaning.

that's why i suggested adding more upgrades once you conquered an area, as that would add more ways to spend your gold.

the idea of getting gold and slaves, is an idea that would instead of " add " to the end game, would be something to replace the current game. which is not what the aim of the mod is.

that being said, i do agree that getting nothing when you finish an area is not the best idea, but also, getting slaves or gold at this is not what you'd want at this point in the game. hence why i suggested unlocking areas or other things to buy at shops, or other upgrades at your mansion.

i hope this puts some light on why i suggested an indea, that is essentialy just build up a meter, just to spend money. 

an idea i had for the " reward " of finishing an area,  i that you'd get a random reward out of a big pool of things.

some of the rewards would maybe be : 

  • +1 to max of a random stat on all slaves (str,agi,int,end)
  • +1 to max upgrades of rooms in the mansion
  • +10 to the lab beauty enhancement (i'm not certain of the current number, but i think it's +40 when beauty of the selected slave is below 60, this would instead make that +50)
  • +20% drop chance of magic items from encounters
  • +1 to max of all stats on main character
  • +20% income from all jobs 

this is just some examples. 

as you'd make it through the areas, then rewards would stack up and at some point you'd have incredible rewards.

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i thought of a mod for endgame, that would maybe prolong it a little bit.

the idea is simple, conquer the continent. but as grand as it seems, the basics are very simple :

the very  basics are : 

  • another job for your slaves that you can choose,  maybe just called " conquer ".
  • the job would then fill up a meter called " influence". (doesn't actually have to be a meter)
  • the influence would be filled up at the end of each day like other jobs. how much influence you would get is based on the stats and level of the slave. (more stats/higher level = more influence)
  • once the influence have reached max for the current area,  lets say 2000/2000 influence. you would then talk to your headgirl, where you can then pay an amount, to conquer the area. lets say 1000g. where you would then move on to the next area.
  • the next area would then require more influence. maybe 3000,  and to conquer it you'd need 1500g.
  • this could technically go on forever. where the influence and gold needed would just keep increasing.

that's the basics of it. 

the so called meter could just be reported at the end of the day as numbers, or it could actually be an ingame meter in the library you could check out.

this mod can very much be build upon also :

where whenever you conquer an arena, you unlock new items to buy from the vendors. or maybe you unlock an entirely new area ( the people working on MAD is allready doing a great job on adding new areas, so that could maybe be build in this mod, so they would unlock after conquering an area?).

As you might have an unreasonable amount of slaves at some point.  Maybe conquering an area could increase the max number of upgrades in the mansion?  

ofcouse you could perhabs also add some combat to this mod, so that when you have to conquer, not only do you have to pay the money but also do a fight, which get harder the more areas you conquer.

maybe even more than just the job " conquer" ,  such as "pillage" where you might have a chance to get gold. " propaganda" where the influence you get is scaled towards intelligence. and so on 

that being said this is just an idea, and even the very basics i find would be a cool adition for late game.

thanks for the update! the option to choose how long the pregnancy is, is great. 

after testing the new update though, i've come across two things : 

1 - sometimes still not to talk to a slave. what i mean by sometimes is that, sometimes i'm able to talk the slave while not being able to at other times. and this is just 1 slave. while i'm not able to talk to that specific slave, i can talk to other slaves just fine. 

this is the error that comes up when i'm not able to talk to the slave.

2 - i don't actually know if it comes from this mod. but you mentioned in your update, that some races might be out of place? what i seem to notice though is that it's pretty extreme. i tried using your array fix aswell but it didn't work. just the first main quest where yo have to find a human, was VERY difficult. even around wimborn. because the races that appeared were very random.

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i have tried with only this mod and random portrait, and i still couldn't talk with any slaves. but i the only other mods i usually have with this is MEERD, random portrait and delayed portraits

 i also  have restored the backup files yes. i  still have the download in a rar file, so i just delete the whole game and unpack it again.

edit : forgot to mention is still happens, even if it's only this mod on

(4 edits)

i got the mod to work, meaning it doesn't crash all the mods. but i can't talk with any of my slaves.

whenever i enable the mod. it's breaks all the mods.

don't know if it helps but here's a description of what happens : 

after enabling it, the game has to restart because i enabled a new mod, after starting the game again. the mod destination is bugged, and there's no mods anymore on the list, if i then press apply or reset once more, and then restart the game once again. the mod destination is back, and the mods are back, but none of the mods work. disabling ARIC, makes everything work again, so i'm pretty sure it's aric.

So i tried again but with just humans this time because i tried the way you described, with just slaves from the slave house. and it seems to work great. age definitely worked, this i never found a problem with. The breast size also seems work, i had a few outliers in the beginning, but then i tried increasing the weight for the breast size to test it( to a pretty high number), and i hardly found any problems then. i couldn't get Debug to work but i don't think it was needed after all. 

i will definitely debug this once i have the time. but to answer your question, yes i had both a child and adult portraits. as i did realise the filtering would indeed pick an adult one if there was not a child one.

the way i'm testing portraits is, making a a new sandboxed game, customize start and make my start slave whatever race / age and so on what i want. i'm also making the amount of portraits in the portrait folder for that race smaller to make sure if it's working or not. So if i want to check if it's picking age, i'll mostly only have one adult and child one. as it should be only be picking one of the pictures. when i tested breast size, i had 4 different portraits with different sizes but all adults as i could just make the starting slave, adult, so the age wouldn't matter. i'm probably going to do the same thing with 0.5 when i'm going to debug, if there's anything wrong with this, do let me know :)

question : why is the script only differentiating between Adult and Loli, while Teen is just kinda both? how come it's not its own visual age?

also : great job! the mod itself does great for the most part, except for when the age is teen, i've seen some adult slaves with teen portratis while loli slaves also get them, not sure what's going on there. but for the most part it's working great.

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question : why are the mod scrips only differentiating between Adult and Loli, while Teen is just kinda both? how come it's not its own visual age?

more Seraph pictures would be nice.

The script is really buggy, and if it's just me having the problem, getting help would be nice.

a lot of the time, the portrait/body will have nothing to do with the character, especially seraphs,more than half the time it not actually a seraph portrait/body, it's things like portrait/bodies under fox, human, bunny , wolf, fairy even Arachna at one point(not exclusive to only these, it's been a lot of different things at this point).  however when it starts doing this i don't know.

when i first wanted to test out the new feature with portrait/body, i just made a new game - sandbox,  and then made the servant a race i wanted, to see if it would work, and it would assign correctly.  Even after making a new game - sandbox, a few times it would still assign correctly. but once i started playing a game, in the beginning it would assign correctly, but after a while it was like the game would become courrpted, and once it assigned incorrectly once, it would start assigning incorrectly more and more. 

sometimes just restarting the game would fix it, but if it did fix it, it would just be for a while, and it would start assigning incorrectly after a while again.

I did copy paste the elf and demon portrait/bodies into the seraph folder because there weren't that many seraph ones, and changed the names of the both the portraits and bodies so they matched to seraphs also. like instead of Demon-black(1), i renamed it ElfSeraphDemon, as going through all the of the names one by one would take a lot of time.

which is working ( when it actually chooses a portrait/body under the seraph race)

answer to both things : 

1- bandage, this can be done when you're outside your mansion by going under " control " in the button right, or the default shortcut which is " B "

2- resting, this should work, but having a slave assigned as " nurse " makes it go faster.

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Patch : 0.5.15d 

OS : win 10 

I tried fiddling around with the new Relatives system. it seems to be working for the most part, but i did find some wierd parts and one thing that just seems like a bug :

Bug - if YOUR character has any children with a slave, it just says "unknown " under father in the children's family tree. this will always happen.  it will only be the father, the mother will show correctly

weird parts : 

1 - if a miscarriage happens, the character will still appear in the family tree.

2- if you choose to give away a child, the character will still appear in the family ( this one does make sense, but are sometimes confusing)

that's about it, for the most part it works perfectly :)

There is one other thing, that i don't know if it's a bug or not, but whenever a character became " horny " or " very horny ", the trait would never dissapear, and they would just have a permanent debuff for combat. i tried a few things to make it go away but it wouldn't work. 

what is offspring base beauty based on? is it the mothers' base beauty? if so, is it the base beauty before any modifications such as the lab improvement / tatoos? example : get a random npc, with base beauty 55, uses lab to incease to 85 and then tatoos to 100. will the offspring base beauty be 55 or 100?