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I want downvotes to be removed!

A topic by Suspense Comix created Dec 20, 2020 Views: 1,105 Replies: 24
Viewing posts 1 to 8

So recently I posted a post making a petition of downvotes being removed, and all I got was disappointing. 

The topic was archived, and the mod just told me that they would remove my commenting ability. They shut me up and told me that downvotes are "To show other people's opinion about someone's comment"

So I want downvotes to be removed COMPLETELY because downvotes make the commenter feel disappointed, unhappy, and all those negative feelings.

I also want downvotes removed from everywhere, like comments and stuff. I want the FEATURE to be removed. 

Pinned ReplyAdmin (1 edit) (+6)

Downvotes are something developers can enable on their own communities as they see fit. As you can see here, our global message board has downvotes turned off.

But, in this case, you appear to be begging for paid games to be made free on game comments, which is against our rules, so I suppose that our downvotes feature is working as intended.

Please stop creating topics about the removal of downvotes, and please stop posting on game comments requesting for games to be made free. It is incredibly disrespectful. You’ve been warned in other topics already, so if you continue we’ll be forced to ban you from posting anywhere on the site.


(1 edit)


Moderator moved this topic to Ideas & Feedback

You are more than welcome to post ideas and suggestions on how to improve, but as mentioned on the other thread, make sure to be respectful of others.



If your idea can't withstand the biting criticism of a handful of downward-pointing pixels. It's not a very good idea.

I'm disappointed, saddened, and those other negative feelings, that I can't downvote this thread. 

Why are you being so negative?!


Because I was downvoted by my mom when I was born and it has been a Scarlet Letter on my entire existence. Back then we didn't have Keyboard Warriors such as yourself to fight for my cause. I would go to lawyers to see about suing my mom for having an opinion but no one would take my case. They just laughed at me. Their verbal downvotes furthered my downward spiral until I hit rock bottom. Which was even more worse because it was like a downvote from life itself. 


So that is why I want the downvote function REMOVED COMPLETELY

(2 edits) (+6)

That was satire.


Yeah, yeah whatever.

(1 edit) (+10)

My mother's downvote has followed me my entire life. Don't mock my pain! Look at what she makes me wear even as an adult! Disgraceful.

I think you just taped a sticky note with a Youtube dislike sign on your t-shirt. But anyways, I think downvotes SHOULD be removed


I say we also remove the upvote button. I feel particularly bad when I see other people getting more upvotes than me.

We should also get rid of analytics. Knowing I'm not getting millions of views on my week-old game here is driving me to drink.

Going further in the interest of protecting people's feelings, we should remove comments since any criticism against one's opinion is its own kind of downvote. You should delete this post because it is a criticism against and that hurt their feelings.

Keeping in the spirit of protecting people, we should ban social media. Seeing other people having more followers and doing things I can't makes me feel down. That can't be allowed. No one should feel any sort of negativity for any reason. Let alone during a voluntary, public activity using third-party software online.

Pushing onward to the utopia of perpetual happiness, we should ban friends. Some people have more friends than I do and therefore might be happier than I am. Such sinful decadence.

While we're cleaning up society to minimize the downsides of one's own choices, let's shoot everyone in the leg. There are some people in the world who have been hurt by one thing or the other. Why should some go on through life with two legs while there are people with one or no legs? It's downright greedy to not suffer the whims of fate. So let's push her hand and just put a cap in us all.

And finally, let's all stop eating. There are people who can't taste and watching us enjoy food is the ultimate downvote. I expect everyone reading this, particularly Suspense Comix, the true visionary who thought up the first step in our new future. To be the first in line to stop eating and show us all the way to a more perfect union.

My gosh that's so satire and deep


What's satire? When will you fully commit to making the world a better place by not eating? That's the end game of removing minor, personal discomforts. I await your visionary first step with fervent desire. Please live stream your magnificent attempt to make the world a better place. Be a shining beacon of humanity for all to see. Encourage others by your selfless actions of not eating for the greater good so that no one will ever be downvoted at all for any reason.




Now what goes with any kind of rating system is that it's always unfair no matter how you make it. All a downvote tells is that somebody dislikes something... and all an upvote tells is that somebody likes it. Big deal! If somebody tells me they don't like my game because it's too hard or too easy,then I know that I should alter the dificulty, and that is helpful. Problem is that most people cannot be bothered to go into details like those. However in the end upvotes are basically just as useless as downvotes. In fact, the only fair rating system is no rating system at all. 

Nobody likes to be downvoted, whoever yelling about it, and writing in all caps won't change anything. If you feel something's fishy about the downvotes, then we got a problem. I remember on another site that somebody downvoted all my games there in less than a minute, and then it's safe to assume we are dealing with a clown who likes to downvote everything that comes in their path. I don't know how handles those kinds of clowns, but I only hope they'll ban them and remove all their votes, and that such a thing is reported is all natural. 

I do know there are several sites who removed downvoting features in order to prevent flame wars. Some sites merely hid downvotes for the same reasons. Basically, when it comes to removing or hiding downvotes, I think when it comes to preventing flame wars. But one thing should remain clear. The possibility to downvote does exist for a reason, and there are people out there who downvote for the just reasons.


This is the funniest thread on Itch, possibly ever.


(1 edit) (+1)

I agree 


I'd say search the entire internet for showcase sites. Doesn't matter what they showcase, whether it be games, drawn art, music, books, anything... if they got a forum, you are bound to find threads like these... So if you need a laugh... 😜


In a forum I used to visit, I found a guy asking if he could connect a desktop to a laptop via USB to use the laptop's screen...

To be honest I really don't know if that is possible at all, but the entire thought never came up to me top to try or even look it up, as it doesn't really sound logical to me. Then again, I heard people saying when I was checking their computer and I got a Blue Screen Of Death, making me say the computer crashed that it was normal and just a part of the start up procedure, so let's say, I've heard crazier things.

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