Hi there!
If you have any feedback on the game, be it story, bugs or whatever.
Please post them here and we'll look them over.
Feedback: dis gaem sux!
"You look more sad than usual." Correct is sadder.
"The drunkard waves Steadfast off and turns to Finn" is missing a period in-game.
"[...] like you used to do." Not exactly a typo but that last 'do' is unnecessary.
"Will is no fighter." It's supposed to be Finn.
Sebastian's and Robert's names are revealed but their dialogue tag remain 'Guard' and 'Passerby' respectively.
The very first instance of thunder lacks sound Effects.
First: Thanks for all the feedback, truly!
I've fixed the typos and grammars errors here listed for the eventual fix patch.
As for Robert's and Sebastian's names they're done as such on purpose to kind of remove some personality from them, and put the focus on the others.
The lightning effect seems to be there, but it's a very quiet one as it's supposed to be distant. I'll bring it up a little for the next version.
Once again, thanks, and thanks for reading the story! Much appreciated!
Ok so, can we post our opnion on here was well? xd
What can I say, the unrequited love on the start looks so cute, it makes me want to puck enter in the game and scream to them that they love each other and that's nothing wrong
The visual for me looks all good, loved both Finn and Steadfast, just thought the sprite when Spreadfast turn to other side a bit weird cuz of the scar changing from left to right
The story was lovely, I was most of the time screaming inside cuz of how cute they are, and even better together, the poems to me were the best, the way they express themselves trough it? LOVELY.
I expect more of it, with high hopes
Take care of yourselves, keep making great vns please, or else I'll get nothing else to read xd