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Scenario Catalog Sticky

A topic by Viditya Voleti created Mar 31, 2021 Views: 1,400 Replies: 25
Viewing posts 1 to 18
Developer (3 edits) (+1)

Here is where we can share the various Scenario Cards we've made! 

Scenarios will set the End Conditions of when a round is over and who takes it. Scenario Cards may also alter the basic rules of the game and a Scenario Card always overrules a basic rule exactly like card text.

Think of these like Formats! While there are the Basic Rules, you can always make a whole Scenario that hacks up the game to fit your playstyle. These can be just objectives to end rounds, or even more detailed play that goes into deck size, hand limits, what happens when you draw your last card, and so on!

You could even make Scenarios that turn the game into a cooperative boss fight, where you have to work together to defeat an incredibly High-Level threat. Get creative and use this space to truly make Basic TCG yours and share it so others can try and build off it too!

Every game needs to be played with at least 1 Scenario Card set, but you can always introduce more in tandem to try and race to hit various end conditions or even just mess with weird and wonky conflicting rules!

Feel free to post Scenarios as text posts!

Even if you post a Scenario as a Card, please type it out as well for easy reading and accessibility!

Use italics to provide insight into the Scenario or additional rulings that may be missed


Act Threshold

Players set an Act Threshold for the game, suggested between 10 and 20, for a longer or quicker game. This is a number that when one side has total levels at or over the Act Threshold they take the round.

This Scenario is focused on accumulating Levels on your side while keeping your opponent’s Levels down, a battle to cross the Threshold first. The winner is declared at the end of the turn when someone initially crosses the threshold, giving room for the other player to do some counter plays

(1 edit) (+5)


For two players.

At the end of each turn except the first players' turn, players count their current levels. If one player has more, they get the Flag. If they already had the Flag, instead they get a point. The first player to 3 points wins. (The Flag is not a card or object; nothing in the game can interact with it.)

This Scenario is another battle for Levels, but it makes sure that "fast" decks can be beaten without simply destroying the object that's scoring them points. It incentivises knowing when to use your short bursts of points and evaluating which player will win a very long game. Generally, cards that are fun or interesting in Threshold will also be so in Momentum.

Be warned that games in Momentum might go long, as the Flag sloshes back and forth-- they might even come down to which player runs out of cards in their deck first! At the same time, they might also be decisive battles where players win without using all their potential tools. If you favor a particular game speed, you might like other Scenarios better. If you're open to a mix of slow and fasts games, you enjoy analyzing who's winning, and you like it when every card is an interactive tool instead of just those that say "damage", you'll probably love it!


For two players.

At the beginning of each player's turn, their opponent names a very high number, like a trillion trillion. At the end of that turn, if the active player has at least that many levels, they win the game.

This is essentially "first to do an infinite combo wins"! You'll want to build decks accordingly-- your Threshold or Momentum deck might not even have an infinite combo, in which case you can't win! In practice, you don't even have to name the numbers-- just the easiest way to define "infinite combo" is "bigger than whatever really big number you name, no matter what".


oh shit natalie i really wanna try momentum lol that's sick

thanku thanku

(2 edits) (+7)


A 2 Player Scenario

Arms Race is a 2 player deck building scenario, of managing power creep while creating a game. Each players comes to the table with 22 blank cards. First each player will create an Archtype Card. This is a level 15 card that starts the game on the field. It can not deal damage, but can have damage dealt to it. When you destroy your enemies Archtype you have won the game. Players will look at each other's Archtypes, than place their Archtype face down. Next players will create 6 level one cards, revealing them only after they've created all of them, and then placing them face down on top of their Archtype.

Players continue doing this to make:

  • 5 level two cards
  • 4 level three cards
  • 3 level four cards
  • 2 level five cards
  • 1 level six card

After creating all your cards, you're ready to play! Archtypes start the game on the field, and the rest of the game proceeds as usual, with the game ending after an Archtype is destroyed.


Uses the same rules as Arms Race, but after building decks, swap them with the other player.


Uses the same rules as Nuclear De-Escalation. You still swap decks at the end, but you never reveal the cards you make at any point.


these are giving me some real cool ideas i absolutely love this real time counter balancing!!!


ANNIHILATION SHOWDOWN is a totally unintellectual scenario where destruction and disempowerment are rewarded. Apologies!


apology accepted this rules lol




hahaha yeah this is good shit


 Here, have some morphs.


Spiral. A slight variant on the standard point race with a bit of a catch up mechanic for multiplayer games. 


Oh I really like this!! The play field discard is a great catch up mechanic

(1 edit) (+3)


SETTING UP: Before play, create two decks. One consists of 10 level 0 Coin cards that read “(Coin) Gain 1 Coin”, two of which may have either the passive ability “When discarded, draw a card” or “When discarded, make another player discard a random card”. The second deck consists of all the rest of your cards, called the Stock.

PLAY: At the start of each turn, flip over four cards at the top of your Stock and shuffle any previously revealed Stock cards back into it. You may pay Coin equal to a card’s level to add it to your hand. Coin is retained between turns. Cards don’t require sacrifices to be played. At the end of your turn, draw back up to 5 cards. If your deck is empty, shuffle your discard pile back into it. Whoever reaches the Act Threshold first wins.

You probably want to make custom cards for this play mode that deal with drawing more cards, discarding cards, interacting with Stock and gaining Coin. Most decks should still work for this mode though, just might struggle to get cards on the board without having ways to get more Coin.


Oh this is really fascinating! I can't wait to try it 

(1 edit) (+3)

I was thinking "how will I like to win in this game?" and this is the answer I come up with: 


wow yeah this is an incredible scenario!!!

I too would LOVE to win this way, and what a great way to enjoy everything BTCG can offer :)


This Scenario is Lit!

Any number of players. Materials: Each player needs one book.
Each player chooses a book they don't mind marking up as their deck. A turn of play has each player opening the book to a page, marking what part of the text on the page is the level of the card, name of the card, the ability text and the flavour text, then each player reveals their card simultaneously and the cards are resolved using a great deal of conversation and imagination. The game ends when a victor is determined by the rest of the players or everyone is sick of playing.
-Brendan Prettie


ARMS RACE Kegan (@Keganexe)



new game+

Give the place between players a name: ‘Assignment’, ‘Mystical Cleanup Detail’ or ____…. Draw a card, and place it between players.

Every card you sacrifice against the Assignment destroys any word, shape, emoji, or pallette on the Assignment that also appears on the sacrificed card.

When everything except the Name, illustration and the Created By are destroyed, trace or otherwise emotionally reproduce what remains and then destroy the Assignment. To thank a journalist, give a report.

Continue until all created Arms Race cards are destroyed. Play Arms Race as many times as you need to make as many cards as you need or pass on to the next gen until you succeed or start doing this with real weapons.


“Welcome to the world of Ba…wait, Main Char, what are you doing here, is everything alright is Big Bad back? I have a class going if this could wait? As an aside, I’m sorry about that huge bolt of mystical leather there next to you, I really dont remember leaving that out. Laat night was… Oh,

“You had a dream last night? The weapons you travelled the world and popped through to others to have made were WHERE in your dream last night? I’m sorry to hear that, here, let me call Dy to talk with you, they’re good with dreams and bad feelings and sorting disordered things.

“Your dream told you to come here? Dona–What ‘donation’? You said there wasn’t any coins left ult melted lava tube– With what, the weapon–You brought all of them?!? Class,

“stay back! Main Char, what are you doing, what if someone steals one? Also, I use those stairs to lecture, they help me to think and not stutter, you expect me to step over all of them? What do you mean, ‘convince’ them? Do you know the troubled class we’re in?

“A rousing sp–Seth I see you, sit! Down! Alright class, disregard your syllabus, it looks like an old course just came back on the itinerary: We are going to learn–and I’m going to need to get someone to write me bulletproof waivers for–how to disassemble the greatest mutually destructive TV tools the universe had seen fit to shed. Let’s start with… this one.” Turn this card over.


new game+⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Give the place between players a name: ‘pile of Setting Elements’, ‘Magical Moment Mist Machine with Glimmer Mode’ or ____…. Open up wanderhome & place it between players.

Every page you can’t help but stop and stare at and feel and feel healing destroys any bad day, insult, or worry in your lives right now: you are alive. Someone out there really, really cares about that and cannot be happier that what you just declared is true.

When everything except what’s in front of you and in love with what’s above is destroyed, trace or otherwise emotionally reproduce what remains and then close wanderhome. To thank possom creek, give a review and share.

Continue until all the world knows about wanderhome and the events above are accessible anywhere. Play as many times as you need to make a space for something in you to grow like an indigenous oak surrounded by invasive buffalo after a catastrophic fire – slowly, only hopefully and over time, openly.

(4 edits)

A Trading Card Arise. Clone

A downloadable game

Makes 1-4 Spirits

Time: 30 mins

1/4 cup collectible moon trading cards (cored)

1/4 lb spindlewheel cards (halved)

4 MB Basic TCG cards catalog (uncompressed) 

1 average-size desire

3 tsps pure heart extract

1/4 tsp biodegradable glitter

500 ml breath

4 sprigs pet photos

1 word confirmation, asked nicely

Nonstick sanitizer spray

Sliced fresh greetings, sliced compliments, and pure heart, for serving

Sanitize the game surface according to the sanitizer’s directions.

Pour the desire and your heart into an invitation on discord and set aside.

Place the photos very gently in a considerably sized mixing manifold. Add any of your invitation’s replies and all the cards and stir.

Add the glitter and breath. Use a fork to shape into a deck. Don’t overstir; just mix until there is minimal separation left. Fold in the confirmation.

Set the surface of your play area with the cards and ask questions according to Arise.’s directions, except every deck starts with 20 connection and loses 1 connection per question, applying moon type, spindlewheel dialogue, basic tcg event like card level, and anything else found on the card instead of rolling a d6 to determine how many questions to ask. Serve with sliced greetings and compliments, and plenty of heart.

this recipe is based on a veganomicon recipe


For the Stellar Rhythms Jam.

Sentient Star

Turns out the small star at the core isn't like other stars...
Players set a Level. The Sentient Star Scenario counts as a Card belonging to no player with the chosen Level and the following effects:
(Harness Infinite Power) Whenever a player ends their turn, they may choose the highest-Level Card in play that isn't this Card and discard it.
(Doesn't Like Attention) Whenever a Card's effect reduces the Sentient Star's Level, that Card reduces its own level by the same amount after the effect has resolved. This cannot be prevented or countered in any way.
(Befriend A Star?) When this Card is reduced to negative Levels because of a Card's effect, the player controlling said Card takes the round. Otherwise, Sentient Star is set back to Level 0.


I love this!!! I was waiting for someone to make something related to the titular central star and I love the flavor around this! 

A game mode where you gotta balance manipulating the star and hindering your opponent is real cool! Also the relationship you've created with the effects is very very fun lol I'd wanna play this FOR SURE

Temporal Bandits

Made this for screwing around with time, and screwing over your friends >:3 encourages time debauchery and CRIME

(1 edit) (+1)

Tension (act threshhold modifier)-set a bigger act threshhold than normal (20-35 should work). After both players have had their turn, add 1 to the tension value (can be tracked with tokens or pen & paper) . The act threshhold is what you set it to minus the current tension value.


So I may have made 2 rip-off scenarios... Yay?