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"Fast + Garbage" Game Ideas!

A topic by cre8tiveMediaVault created May 22, 2021 Views: 174 Replies: 3
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(1 edit)

Since this game jam theme was announced yesterday, here are some simple ideas for you to play with! Is you can think of any more good ideas that match this theme, feel free to post them below!

* Make garbage fast - This might be something like an Endless Runner

 * A piece of garbage escaping imminent disposal - Might be a mini- survival game for the garbage 

 * An ugly game where garbage is the hero - Zelda for a garbage hero!

 * An interactive graphic novel about garbage - A good storybook for garbage that might leave the player/reader with a message!

Any other good ideas?


Nice Theme! That matches very well with some of my recent ideas of game design!


Go for it! It`s been a busy weekend but we`ve got more people on the jam now and time is winding down! Can`t wait to see what everyone is going to produce and looking forward to your work! :)

I did it! A remake of my weird game jam game to Tokyo Game Jam! May Hulamameco survive upon us!