Complete Novice, I only "know" self evident things. I'm editing my save via the online save editor and am doing well enough copying the names and structure to get what I want, BUT still would like to cut down on my trial, error, and speculation if any ones willing to share what they know and answer some questions.
Question#1 Any harm in changing the MC's specialization. They're a permeant fixture in the party and I can't really theory craft and optimize them like I can with the slaves. Ideally, I'd like to have the starting spec and a slave spec, but if its one or the other with out any issues that's fine too.
Question#2 Been adding traits and effects to get some more custom slaves with out spending another half day on RNG, effects I add don't seem to actually be taking effect. For instance I'll add "Robust" to traits and it'll list on the character in game but when I add the effect, the bonus endurance doesn't apply, and I've no idea if the fear modifier applys. What effects can be added that actually take hold in game?
Question#3 My hair is permanently stuck in a bun. Is there any way to restyle the MC's hair or change hair types in game, and if not where do I edit them in save and what can put there?