Hey Guys,
I read your page on itch.io with great interest and decided to download and play Rock bottom. I thought it was a great little game. I liked the audio, graphics and picking up some of the letters became much more trickier/fun towards the later part of the game. I found as I went on that I really wanted to pick up the next letter as well ... I just wanted to know what the next letter said.
As the game progressed it got a lot harder (Play Act 4 OMG) but I really couldn't stop playing until my hands were hurting from using the xbox controller. I'm a non ctroller user but I goota learn to use one sometime.
One thing that I couldn't work out through out the game though was seeing as the game is about loss/depression and the fact that people can turn to alcohol, are there spikes or bottles of alcohol in the game? They do look like bottles of alcohol to me and I suppose becuase of the nature of the game they can be bottles. Alcoholism can from from loss/depression and can worsen the situatiuon and even lead the death (This is a bit deep sorry lol)
I got as far act 4 though and it's unfinished because I played for over an hour with an xbox controller and my hands were killing me so I will go back to act 4 later and post that up.
Well done DEVS, I really enjoyed playing Rock Bottom. The whole game just nitted so well.
Thanks and Good Luck
EDIT - Whoops, I've just seen the keyboard controlls but I reckon I was distracted by my children/Dog and missed them when I read the page. School boy error lol