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Strive: Conquest

A successor to first Strive For Power game, currently at alpha stage · By Strive4Power

0.6.0 Bugs

A topic by anonyw created Jan 16, 2022 Views: 1,220 Replies: 5
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(1 edit)


Started a new game skipping the prologue this time. Probably advanced start.

- Can't create new save - Button invisible (probably outside below window frame), clicking existing save slot does work

- Mouseover at the obedience percent show "Expected work time left: x hours", which probably now should be times 6, or just turns, assuming that is what it is meant to be

- Some of the initially generated Dungeons had 7 turns travel time, which now seems quite excessive

- Upgrade at the slave place in Aliron only showed Growth Factor as option, not sure if intentionally changed

- "Not enough rooms" warning appears at 5/5 population when trying to advance time, no reason given

(1 edit)

Can confirm above bugs/changes.  Some of the forest locations (villages/dungeons) did not have their travel time adjusted, I think explains that one.

- I entered The Distant Den, opened a chest at the first room, then advanced and... nothing.  It advanced, but there was no encounter and no 'victory' message either.  It didn't bug out the dungeon, and I forgot to check if there was an error message just then.  (The console was full of stuff by the end of the play session, but nothing that only happened once, all repeated 'errors'.)

- Access to Daisy's event in Aliron did not show on Day 2 (or 3 or 4), but was available by Day 6.  I do not know if that is intentional.

- The sound when completing a monster hunt quest in a dungeon (e.g. Kill 5 Goblins) is odd.  It sounds sped up or cut off maybe.


To above point about Slave market only upgrading Growth Factor, the other upgrades are now under the 'Upgrade' button in the Character screen where you select new classes, and now cost xp instead of gold and materials.

- Cheers.

Edit:  I accidentally selected Daisy to move in the Travel screen while she was in Training.  That shouldn't have been possible, but it happened.  Nothing broke immediately, but when her training was done, she wouldn't return to the mansion or go anywhere else.  Just says 'Relocating: in 1 turn'.  This might be because the location I was going to was a dungeon that I deleted afterwards.  I'm not worried about fixing that save, just reporting the bug.

I am pretty sure Daisy Event time is a bug, if you calculate 6 days x 4 periods of time it's 24 which would coincide perfectly with 24h that would normally make her appear on 2nd day.

On day 100 if you still haven't started the civil war the bank won't take its payement.

Good day.
Faced the following problems:
- if you use rewind by half a day and by a day, then triggers related to time (Daisy's quest, civil war, debt payment) may not start. (I had to manually edit the save game, because 170 days have passed and nothing)
- In the lair of the griffin, there are random battles with the rebels, and if you win them all, then the dungeon is considered passed, and you will never meet the ancient griffin.

I had simillar issue, i seem to have skipped  ginny_visit and had to get it on day 40 through save editing. I didn't even know there is a church, that sure is annoying. I've only realized that because i couldn't progress main quest.