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A member registered Jul 26, 2018

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Lol Same here, but I will go through first 2 weeks to get a feel of the new version

Hey! Love the mod, adding family members really reminded me of the old strive. Great Job.

Is it possible to request a feature here? I'd love quick animations. What I really want is near-instant animations, both for combat and between screens. I do not know if the time for the screen switching between windows is made for purpose of letting the game load screens but it is just too slow. I figured out how to speed up animations myself, but it was only the animation - for fight starts and so on - the time for the screen to move is still the same. I would love it if it was near-instant or even instant.

- Between town/mansion/villages/dungeons

- Start/End of fights

- Combat animations (attacks etc)

- Fade in/Fade out of loot/chest lockpicks

As adventurer and dungeon diver strive player, all those small actions make the game way less optimal. It is sure nice for the first 30 min of the game, but when you start managing 5 dungeon parties and the fights go in hundreds the inefficiency is so damn bothersome. It might be nice to make a scale where we can speed up/make it normal.

Also I got a question, I was looking into doing some modding myself, but I do not know where to start, what program do you guys use?

What I was thinking was to add an auto looting and auto lockpicking feature.

The loot would automatically bypass the looting screen and appear in a similar way to the girl's chatboxes which appear after the battle and fade away. Can you maybe point me where to look, I was taking a look at the combat events but not sure where haha.

The auto-lockpick would feature a solo portrait box next to the available character boxes and if you put a character there he will be chosen to lockpick/dissaemble trap automatically. You know, for optimization haha.

PS. Is it possible to make Lolis optional?

(2 edits)

It's been a while and I was not keeping up with the changes of the game. Yeah shame on me I know.

I really like the new way to improve factors, makes it much easier and it's less tedious. The materials we gather now can be put into crafting or upgrades.

The only thing I am confused about is that my stat cap seems to be static at 100 now. Even with the Excellent physical factor no matter how many times I sent my main char into battle bashing all the baddies it would remain at that number (which is 100 base + other bonuses). I do remember having this stat capped at a lower phys level (20 for terrible for daisy) before I leveled it up, but it might have been a coincidence and it stopped there just before I upgraded it.

Just asking for clarification, I am confused only because in the equipment screen we can still see the old cap displayed (which is 120 for level 6 factor) everywhere else it's 100 at any factor level. So this is going to be new normal or a bug?

PS. Seems like Dragonkin cannot learn how to fly although they are not harpies and do have wings ;( Not that they need that to dominate tankline but yeah, we wanna fly too!

Fairy BloodMage (The META fairy build)

1st. Acolyte (Best base in my opinion, although fairy comes with basic heal 25% bonus is really good, and it also unlocks bishop for bonus wit and huge mana pool increase)

2nd Archer (increase in speed, and accuracy, very very powerful basic class it will also allow us to use bows to train physical for bloodmage - fairy is very fragile and should not be on the frontline)

3nd Caster (Prereq to Bloodmage, it also upgrades wits factor so you should have your wit at level 5 before acquiring this class for maximum efficiency)

4th Bloodmage (welcome to the world of AoE nuke damage for minimal heal afterwards - get her a goooood weapon and look at dat fat damage)

I do not know what you guys are arguing about, The real build for fairy is actually the bloodmage path. Because of their diminished health pool, the cost to health is really low and the amount of AoE damage they can dish out is absolutely ridiculous.

I am pretty sure Daisy Event time is a bug, if you calculate 6 days x 4 periods of time it's 24 which would coincide perfectly with 24h that would normally make her appear on 2nd day.

(1 edit)

So for the Priestess Event I slapped her cause she was too bitchy < maybe this beat some reason into her?

Then I chose that I will make her my Wife

I just thanked Amelia for the tip, you know just to keep opportunities open.

Then the talk goes exactly like this:

1. Recruit

1. Greetings, princess

1. I wish to save you

1. There's a way to save you

1. I'm the next mayor of this city

1. I will ask your hand, but you won't really have the option to refuse me (honesty)

1. My feelings are sincere

1. I'm sorry for your loss, but you have to think of yourself now

1. Continue

1. Continue

1. Continue

1. You've tried to do what you thought was right

1. If anything, you would still be able to help people instead of dying

1. Continue

1. Thanks for the help

1. Sure, this could get her thinking beyond herself < this to involve Aire, I had sex (not rape) with her before so its not perfect gentleman thing

Aire Event:

1. I wish you? (to) reunite you with your friend (Call Aire)

1. Continue

1. Continue

1. Eventually we'll have to come to an agreement

2. I will treat you with dignity < just tested it again that 1st option here will fail you, so this might be it

2. I can't stop imagining you naked

2. We can work on it once things are set out

1. Continue < here she accepted it.

My factors are like this: Phys: 6, Wit: 4, Mag: 5, Charm: 3, Sex: 4

Stats: Phys: 125, Wit 85, Charm 14, Sex 100

Edit: just tested it again with Charm Factor 3

With Aire,

2. I will treat you with dignity < this seems really important, I had her agree to my proposal with Charm Factor Checks with just  level 3

With Aire boost on first attempt I managed to get her to agree to marry me with Sex Factor 4, my Charm Factor was level 3 so I did not try that.

So I noticed that an Experimental Version was released stealthily, so I went and tested it. Cannot delete a dungeon though, so that sucks.

Also, I am looking to create a new mod for the guild quests, not just the quests themselves you see. I want to change the frequency when they are spawned, and more. Does anyone know which files should I be looking into?

Sounds like the same thing I got.

Quest from Fighters Faction, Trouble Solving


The thing that first thing came to my mind when I saw the Growth stat was the Limit. That what I was scared most so the first thing I did was max it out on my precious fraternal twin sister 2nd char slave-companion.

Do not be disturbed, I actually love the current soft cap system on Class. I completely agree with its implication that the hardworking will be rewarded no matter how talented they are they will get there eventually as long as they are willing to work for it.

And after I got more familiar with the system I grew to completely disregard the Growth stat because it is not imposing nearly any true limitations to the person. Because I realized that the Growth stat is the Growth Speed not the Growth Limit. In fact if our 2nd char companion has the high Growth stat, he/she char is actually less powerful late game compared to Low Growth one which is quite counter intuitive.

Thus I formally request the stat to be renamed as either Growth Speed or "what I think it fits better" Talent.

I think it means better in context on how much effort a person needs to put into to grow. More talented char will need less effort (exp) than the less talented, but both will get there in the end.


Suggestion 1: Rename Growth into Talent

Suggestion 2/Mod request: Allow Main char to lower his Growth stat for extra stats, so that he can allocate them somewhere else. Yes, I know I can just save-edit it but I simply like to play by rules (even if its using mods it feels better, because  for me you are choosing game on ummm easier or higher difficulty) more than just outright cheat (which save-editing is). Man I gotta get into the godot documentation... zzzzzzz...

@nighphasmage there are only 5 beast races I encountered so far, wolf, cat, fox, bunny, tanuki.

You can find all of the available races when you start the game, I think you can actually select all of them as your starting race. In total it's 27 so far if you do not count half-races like half-wolf, half-cat, half-fox, half-bunny and half-tanuki

Hmm, I guess I need to start getting into Modding then *_*

I'm so unfamiliar with Godot, anyone want to help me out? xD

(6 edits)

As it currently stands our Manor is pretty generic, it comes with some land which is already hardcoded and a specific building must be built there. What I propose is to grant freedom to what types of building players want to build, their amount and introduce a soft cap to it.

  • Land Units - right now, a building can be built because there is a "land space" already allocated to it. I propose to add Land Units to a building, and as long as we have enough land units a building can be built. If one wants 10 Smithies, why can't he have them?
  • Buying Land - We start with a certain amount of Land and have the possibility of buying more. Let's say 100,000 gold debt is mostly to cover Master class and all their rights and privileges.
  • Land Cap - As a Master, we can buy some land but up to a certain limit. To increase it, we need to do to achieve something special. You still will need to spend gold to buy the land, these only increase the maximum amount of land you can have. Let's list the possible possibilities:
    • Buy some rights using unspent Guild Faction Points in Guild Upgrades. Guilds have some to spare but not for anybody.
    • Nobility Titles. Not sure if this one is still applicable as the last King was overthrown. It is unclear what system currently rules over these lands. But as they say: The King is Dead, Long Live the King! Even if Monarchy was overthrown some class systems should be in power instead. Let's give our protagonist a chance to climb the social ladder. Higher social Title, more land can he own.
      • Buy a Title. As the saying goes Money makes the world go round, even if you do deserve it, some will be needed for legal processes and certification, and some other bs - besides money one will still need a certain amount of Fame(?) or some other stat? There is also an option to make it a soft cap - If you do not deserve it then Much More will be needed for it - enough Fame just provides a huge discount but is not strictly necessary.
    • Marry the Princess (as equal seriously? don't) and become a King - unlocks Land Cap
    • Make the Princess your loyal love slave, marry her and become a King - unlocks Land Cap
    • Make the Princess your submissive slutty slave, (pretend to) marry her (just for image and credibility issues) and become a King - unlocks Land Cap
    • some other ways to increase Land Cap
  • Job Buildings - currently the buildings only unlock some of the game features. What I propose is to introduce the buildings that improve production and entertainment jobs. So you can own your own Bars, Brothels, Restaurants, Lumber Mills, Quarries and so on.
    • Increase to job efficiency - to counter how unbalanced the combat job's experience and stat increase is.
    • Worker limit cap - one building can only support so many workers, if there is a need for more, just build another building. First come first serve, which workers are affected is dependent on the order on the character list, Players need to order them themselves.
  • Building Upgrades - first only basic buildings can be built and that building will be upgraded further adding more worker limit cap and higher efficiency, some upgrades will require more Land Units. A higher upgrade can unlock better but specialized jobs, for example, High-class Courtesan which pay much better for both high sex and high charm servants but way worse if one of that stat is low. Here are some examples.
    • Carpenter's Shed > Lumber Mill > Lumber Factory?
    • Miner's Shed > Quarry > ???
    • Drink Stand > Bar > Tavern > Luxurious Tavern > High-class Tavern
    • Food Stand > Small Restaurant > Large Restaurant > Luxurious Restaurant > High-class Restaurant
    • Private Room > Small Brothel > Large Brothel > Pleasure House > Pleasure Palace
    • Servant's Shed > Servant's House > Servant's Quarters > Servant's Lodge House
  • Building Add-ons - some modifications that do not require Land Units, has some positive effects but also can have some negative ones. Mostly furniture, they do not need to be built, but it would be nice if they could be crafted. Examples:
    • Bunk Beds for Servant's line buildings - doubles the capacity, but gives a small debuff due to discomfort. Can or cannot be negated by adding different furniture.
    • Luxurious Beds for Brothel line buildings
    • Better Quality Alcohol for Tavern line buildings - increases Fame? but lowers income
    • Improved Quality Tools for resource line buildings - this one would be a major overhaul, no need to equip worker tools or worker uniform, add them here and they automatically apply when a worker is assigned to the building.
  • Building Blueprints - consume it to start building or upgrade, every building is built on a different plot of land and will require different foundations and measurements. There should be two ways to get them
    • Unlock them in the guild by spending Faction points - specific buildings only from the same Faction Guilds. Then buy them using Gold. The basic ones should be unlocked from the beginning.
    • Research them to unlock them (the same bonuses as upgrading) by yourself and then craft the plans by yourself (also the same bonuses as upgrading).
  • Building Maintenance - there should be some building costs to maintain it. Higher-level upgrades require higher maintenance. If the player does not want to spend too much gold on this he should assign a worker to do it instead, which should be a nice job for end game builders.

Not sure where to put it so I'll post it here:

On my 9th play through I just noticed that Aire's quiver mysteriously vanishes into her ass. I knew she must have had something stuck up there as I cannot get her to have sex with me >.>

Seriously, that quiver is way too short....

(5 edits)
  • "The need for sex could be determined by lust, which slowly increases over time; it just makes no sense that having multiple orgasms makes you hornier."

I absolutely agree with this. What I believe in current Lust system this stat is a amalgamation of Horniness/Sex Drive/Sex Appetite and Sexual Energy (read Sexual Satisfaction quantified and given supernatural properties with similarities to Mana). As it is currently it is quite illogical that Sex interaction and Public Sex Humiliation increases Lust while some other sexual skills like Reward with Sex and Serve decrease it. What I propose is to divide the Lust stat into these two:

Sex Drive - Increases with time, the rate and its dependency should be roughly the same as current Lust. It also passively adds some Consent. As the servants become more horny they should be more agreeable to sex actions. If the servant experiences orgasm and has enough SD(Sex Drive) it consumes certain amount of this stat to enhance the effects, like gaining more Sexual Energy (effects below), more loyalty and so on. Current effects should be decreased for balancing purposes. There is also an option for buffing prostitution, when slave is horny (has enough Sex Drive) consume certain amount it for bonus gold instead.

Sexual Energy - If there's some, certain amount will be consumed every turn/hour for buff to productivity and some obedience and loyalty or buff to (in future because there's none so far but I hope they will be added) entertainment jobs, like waitresses, dancers, singers and so on - happy girls are more beautiful, well fucked happy girls even more so, and a prettier eye candy obviously increases sales more - in which case, same as above, consume certain amount for bonus gold. Also this opens the new resource which can power Sexual side Social skills like Seduce or Charm. For example, you can even remove max capacity on those, but make cost high like 100 SE(Sexual Energy) for seduce and 25 SE for Charm.

  • "Moreover, slaves that have great sex can gain inspirations to work or fight better, or just bonuses, like experience or stat increases."

I do not recommend buffing damage and def or any combat stat with current equilibrium, it is still too op compared to production so far. I do like the suggestion about experience and stat increases. Let's say well satisfied servants would be more inclined to focus on their work and improve themselves for a good master, again with the current state of the game it should be for production jobs only.

(5 edits)

Reseted. ver 0.3.0

Stopped trying to play after I found a very annoying bug.

Quest Encounter where it requires me to fight Threat - Rebels, does not show anything when I arrived there. No new location where I can fight the battle. Nothing can be done, they just sit there for days without doing anything >.>

I can recall them to mansion, but the quest cannot be completed at all.

also found a bug in combat section

Somehow Drag and Drop Lesser Heal does not work in between battles.

I can provide saves if they are needed

(1 edit)

I'll just post a minor question here, since I don't want to create new topic for small things.

Where can I get Dragon Bones?????? Me want Adamantine *drools*

Also, can't find Mythic Leather either, but this is not as important as the Adamantine hehe

I guess it's not in the game yet??

Edit: Nevermind about Leather, found it in 2nd upgrade of Leather Gathering

Is Daisy currently the only non-random servant we can own?

Is it possible to get Aire for example?

We definitely need to get Princess *drools* but not in exchange for our most precious servant *cringes* In strive 1 I took a beastkin wolf slave early in the game, nicknamed her Disposable Sacrificial Slave and then later gave her amnesia elixir to really name her that, fucked her everyday, and brought with me to every single battle so that I could exchange her for Melissa, but it still did sting when I clicked that button...

(2 edits)

Edit: Sorry did not notice that it was 75days ago, but here is a walkthrough for current 2.1a xD

  1. Do not try anything funny first 6 days, no smithing, no tailoring, no upgrading
  2. Cut wood and fish and sell them to get gold for more slaves. Wood > Stone, Fish (also seems dependent on Wit) > Meat in terms of gold
  3. You can then sell them for gold and get Stone, Meat, Bread and Veggies at Shop
  4. If you need Wits (Mage char) throw them into cooking, make vegetable soups, you get 3 gold profit per pair of veggies and meat cooked.
  5. The best servants are servants with no profession, unless it is a profession you want, which for first week is ONLY Hunter and Worker. Just avoid Terrible Physical stat (easily recognizable by max 20 physics - the first one in the column even before you click to see details of slaves. Avoid Terrible Growth stat, if you have no choice then remember that these slaves will probably max out at 3 classes, 4th class costs 1k exp.
  6. Fuck your servants. Yes, do it every day haha. Just pour all 5 skills onto one slave at first to get 5 consent to unlock more options. Irresistible Sex Trait makes the game look easy. Use Lust Relief for only for XP other options are not worth it. Just make sure your slaves get Hunter or Worker for their 1st class so their productivity becomes great. 
  7. Slaves > Peons. They need less consent, less consent needed means more sex, more orgasms means more xp, more xp means they can become useful faster.
  8. Get 5 slaves as fast as possible. More slaves more cash. Sell the resources you do not need, buy the ones you need.
  9. If you get good roll on Servants and there are a lot of them with good Phys and Growth stats with zero to max  one class, it would be wise to sacrifice a little productivity and Upgrade Mansion Rooms at day 6,  so you can buy them before day 7, slaves reset every 7 days.
  10. By day 10 you should have 9 servants or even more with great income, so now ... From now on The way I see it, we can do whatever we want... hehe love Venom.
(5 edits)

Sex Toy class requirement is off. Natural Pet Class requirement is always true, so it is possible to get non bestial Sex Toys, but completely impossible to get bestial Sex Toys... I mean please, I did not want to make Daisy into a Sex Toy to whore her out. I'm a gentleman, I DO NOT whore my slaves. Ever. I just keep them to myself... But yeah, Sex Toy Daisy currently impossible.

Sniper's Medium Armor benefit is redundant, prerequisite Archer already has it

Geisha's Reward with Sex is redundant, prerequisite Harlot already has it and max. charges don't stack, checked them thoroughly, few times, inside and out :P

It is not really really redundant but Great Shackle is completely utterly BS-ly inferior to Mind Control. And they come together with Dominator. I mean any shot with Mind Control preceded with free Punish and Warn (to build Authority) is probably going to mind break slave into a fangirl. Why shackle them? I get the CD is 5 days, but it's still complete waste of 50 mana compared to Fear or Sedate and especially Seduce. Seduce (25 mana) comes with OP OP Incubus/Sucubus Class, one shot stops loyalty decay for 2 days (best done few turns after daily brainwashing ritual  so you can squeeze total 3 resets) and I don't believe the combination of Praise, Sedate and Charm, Reward with Sex (high lust gain thanks to Charm) THREE times without stacking penalty will not fangirl the slave (yeah I call capping loyalty that).

As I had some free time to spare I contributed  a little into the unofficial wiki: *cough, cough* I'm not boasting, but that was mostly me *hehe* I added all descriptions, but couldn't find druid class, most probably cause I'm a hardcore dragon fan and it's hard for me not to choose dragon when I see the choice. BTW love the Dragon Knight class <3 Not that I managed to get it before I completed the current game content... but it was completely doable before day 30. Okay I'm sidetracking here.

The point is that I noticed that your tooltips and skill descriptions are completely not standardized.

Sometimes it says "Deals Water magic damage." Sometimes it says "Deals magic water damage." I believe it's better to stick to one pattern.

Sometimes you use % like 400% damage (probably from weapon, physical so prob 400% ATK) in Assassin's Class Assassinate. Sometimes you use x, like 3x weapon type magic damage Blood Mage's Blood Explosion (yeah I'm totally confused with this one... probably 300% MATK, and element is based on weapon/staff? But weapons don't have elements?). Far more often there's nothing mentioned which I assume is 100% phys/magic dmg or so. You do not need to use a concrete number, it might be better to say "light" "moderate" "heavy" "tremendous" or something along the lines, but the thing is stick to script so it becomes much clearer.

Here's is another example, this one is totally clear, it means until the end of that particular battle, but it's written in 3 different ways. Choose one please *_* I believe blacksmith's is most clear.

  • "until the end of combat" from Blacksmith's Weapon Refine
  • "until the end of battle" from Dragon Knight's Dragon's Might (love it! And would love it even if it was useless, not sure, never needed to use it lol xD)
  •  "for 1 combat" from  Ruler's Inspire . 

I would also advise you against using "target" in skills, make it ally/all allies for targeting ally units, enemy/all enemies for targeting opponent units, servant for social skills.

Archer's Water attack is not completely random, you can choose the first target, so it's better names as chain or ricochet or something else or make it truly random xD or just specify like "Deal (moderate) physical water damage to one selected enemy and one random enemy"

There are typos here and there like Sex Toy's useless Enthrall (it's Enthral now), cause who would take Sex Toy into combat? Like take her there so she would just stand there and look pretty? But I forgot to note them down, and I'm too lazy to look for them. I fixed them in the wiki content tho.

All in all, it might only bother freaks like me, but if you want it to be less confusing then it's better to stick to one format. It's clearer for players, easier for us to navigate through the game (first time, cause subsequent times we just faceroll through based on memory). This is one from your longstanding patron supporters, albeit to be honest it's just a symbolic one. This is not a threat :P I have been supporting since first Strive, through Displaced (not played yet cause no idea? not in the mood? I dunno.) and I'm superglad it's onto Strive 2 and will continue to support in future!

Anyway that's it, I probably missed something but that's all I can remember right now.