impregnated by goblin, you have to fail every check when you encounter her, and with naga, I can't remember. You can get impregnated by goblin and then go to naga to even have a baby naga goblin thing. Something I suggest is a butt plug to prevent it from coming out (goblin egg). The goblin has to be futa. Also the naga I think has to be the one you interupt her mating or something(playful i think).
The easiest way to get goblin eggs is to lose to the female goblin, then fail all of the endurance checks. Once you're egged, they can become fertilized by centaurs, werewolves, harpies, or nagas. There is a special naga encounter (naga cave in) where you will be kept by the naga for the duration of the pregnancy
No. And you can't actually get pregnant, either, rather you take inside someone else's eggs and give birth to them.
Wasp and Arachne can fill you directly with eggs if you agree or lose to them.
Mermaid can fill you with eggs if you first fertilize her.
Goblin Female can fill you with her eggs, if you get smashed by her in combat long enough, or if you lose and fail Endurance checks. But to give birth, you have to either be incremenated by Wereslut, Centaur, or Harpy, or fail to escape from a certain type of Naga you meet relatively late in game.