Hey guys
I am a lettuce, and I am concerned.
How do i update from 1.3.2 to 1.4.2?
How do I take that save file across the realm?
Please do help me, my fellow players
I overcame this problem with the following steps:
1. Open the original game folder (the older )
2. Access the "www" folder and copy( or cut) the "save" folder
3. Open the new game folder, and then the "www", cuz he will be there for your eyes to look at; the folder you craves so much for~~
4. Replace the current "save" with the older, by pasting what you previously copied( or cutted): Your original game files!
5. You're ready to play, monsieur!
(sorry for the bad english, im not fluent)
I have found two places to obtain a Sakura flower, both are behind the green barrier in Valencia's forest. There is one south of the starting point near the portal to the north pole and the other in in Tana's camp east of the starting point. Both require Goddess slash to access so you have to finish either Mary's or Evelynn's story first and talk with Minerva before being able to finish Haru's story. The flowers are sparkling as long as you need to grab one for Haru.
Mary's storyline starts by walking in on her before taking a bath three times. Mary takes a bath in the evening in your bedroom. Walking down into your bedroom in the evening is sufficient to count as walking in on her for these three times. I recommend having at-least 3 charm (I don't know exactly how much you need for these but you'll need 3 charm eventually) before walking in on Mary the third time.
Mary gives you the task to find chickens again (this time in the center of town) later on in the storyline. After walking in on Mary enough and talking with her a few times you eventually gain the ability to help her with the chickens during mid-day so check in with her during these times. You might need some agility for this to trigger (I always get all my stats up to 3 before starting the NPC's storylines so I'm not sure). The first time you help her out here you do a chicken chase but after that it's automatic and it trains agility. You need to help her out at-least once more to advance the storyline.
I love this game. Play mainly on Android. However, since the last patch, the save file is gone and cannot be recovered. So I looked for the path where I could put the save file, but I couldn't find it. I need an APK with 100% save files or a path to save save files. I want to play the game again as soon as possible. I hope you can reply as soon as possible.
First you need to have goddess slice so you need to have at-least 1 point in passion. You need either Mary's or Evelynn's stories completed (completing Haru's story requires goddess slice). After you have goddess slice you need to explore the Valencia forest with Mary (so you have to progress far enough that she agrees to go exploring with you). After entering the forest you go south through some vines to a portal that only opens with Mary present. You go through this portal you arrive at the north pole (!?) outside of Santa's workshop. Look around and you'll find the charm that allows you to create the Christmas outfit for Mary. You can also examine one of the light poles to get a kissing scene with Mary.
Hey Siren I like your games more, mainly Zombies Retreat, well, I wanted to ask if there is a place to download a file for Town of Passion if the game fails, what happened was that there was an error talking to Flora, the young front from the flower shop, version 1.8 ... I was wondering if I can fix this myself ...the error has to do with the custom file 1 in the images / face folder.
The tablet in the green area is in a little whirpool after entering close to the place that takes you to the christmas area, the blue one is in the blue area, between the ninja outpost and the entrance, just go forward and there should be a sign that gives you a puzzle, btw, the ninja and the treasure girl have the exact same scene.
First off really enjoyed game town of passion so far. Also how do you fix aptitude quest? Its glitched for me and when i go to do it on android the action button is in middle of screen and i fail because wont work then screen goes black and stays black so i always have to go back to previous save and i want to progress through story but need to do aptitude test to do so.
Regarding the Fae quest line in the walkthrough on patch 1.8.2 where after destroying the barriers from the blue boundary you can enter the pond that's supposedly to have a whirlpool for you to enter to access the flower meadow in midday well... The whirlpool that is supposed to show up is not there. Please I need help, did i do something wrong? or is it bugged. I need answers please...
you should add lots more of costumes i really enjoy this game i paid 10$ to download cause i wanted to help you out but im sure everon would love it if you added more costumes and maybe even some new girls you could even make like a donation goal for you to do it and i would love to see a Town of passion 2 come out in the future
I've been trying to open up town of passion on my windows 10
I've extracted it with a 7-ZIP extractor and have managed to get all the files in order
However the error main_dll failed to load: specified module couldn't be found kept appearing
And when I go to check some of the files status's are marked with an x
Specifically img and js files in the www folder
hello... i just downloaded the game... and i found an issue that im not 100% certain if its just me being an idiot, or if its an actual problem others have just decided to kinda go with... but when youre naming your character you cant delete characters...? I have messed around with rpg maker vx ace myself and recognize when a game is produced with the rpg maker engine due to its... unique qualities... however, i assume this was probably mv if i had to guess... i might be wrong, but again... just a guess... the point is, when using ace i recall the same keypad... on that keypad, if im remembering correctly, there was a blank character used for spaces, which is present, however there was also a key dedicated to removing characters labeled DEL... this keypad doesnt have that key... so how, on mobile, without the keyboard hotkey option, how am i supposed to change my name from Player to something else?
And again, i may just be an idiot, but im asking the question to hopefully resolve this issue... whether it be by me learning that i am, indeed an idiot, that the answer is slightly less obvious, or through an update, if this problem requires that...
An update to fix this issue could be as simple as renaming the pc sprite to nothing... literally no characters... while it would possibly require some minor eduting to the dialogue to push home the point that youre naming the pc, or something of that nature...
But... alas, i again am just here to reveal a potential problem that i very likely am just unaware of the simple solution...
I truly do want to try out this game as it looks incredible from the description and screenshots, but i tend to have very specific... roles... that each pc i create plays... good guy character, bad guy... etc... and each of those roles typically has a specific name so i can easily identify which role im loading... and not being able to name my character is kind of a big deterrant for me... so i would greatly appreciate it if a member of the dev team could explain exactly what im missing...
Thank you for all the great work as well... having a following such as this is extraordinarily difficult when producing indie games and is extremely inspiring to someone like me who hopes one day to publicize my own games.
oooh... ok... thank you... i very much appreciate the swift reply... and now that i have this information... i bid you good tidings and a bright day... as i have a game to play