I’ve read all I can about the two payment methods. However, I am struggling to find compelling reasons to let itch collect payments on my behalf.
I’m also concerned that I cannot find reasonable justification for the two delays itch imposes on payouts: 1) 7 days before payout button appears, and 2) (even larger delays) reviewing payouts.
Collected by itch.io, paid later
- allows co-op bundles
- takes care of tax
- simplify payments between multiple creators (by letting Payoneer take care of it)
- 7 day wait for payout button
- 10 to 75+ days wait for payout to complete
- Tax treaty interview
- Tax withholding discrepancies
- Payoneer fee
- Tax identity fee (one-off)
Direct to you
- Money paid instantly via PayPal/Stripe
- Tax done separately
- Currency conversion done at payment processor
In terms of fees it’s pretty equal. Fees for transaction and currency conversion are taken at some point in both methods. Tax is arguably easier with itch, but there is a big barrier to entry with the tax interview and the following confusion when tax withholding percentage is incorrectly displayed.
I found an old thread that described multiple reasons for payouts being in review for long, unexpected amounts of time. TL;DR initially it says the delay is for fraud prevention, and then changes to say that the delay is to allow for refunds; neither very convincing).
To offer alternatives for both of those:
- Fraud prevention can be handled by Payoneer, as detailed here: https://www.payoneer.com/about/security-center/
- Refunds could be subtracted from the next payout, or from any connected account (eg. PayPal)
The cynic in me can come up with many financial reasons that itch might want to hold on to this money for as long as possible, but I’m hoping those thoughts are unfounded.
The phrasing on the itch page contrasting these two payment methods seems very biased towards itch, and makes it sound like going with “Direct to you” is a complicated process fraught with danger, which is a bit of FUD as it actually just takes a few clicks (one to choose it, and one each for PayPal/Stripe)
So, my questions:
- what on earth is going on here?
- are there plans to speed up payouts and remove payout reviews?
- am i missing something obvious?