•- Procedurally Generated Open World Adventure Game -•
Engine Used: GameMaker Studio 2
Repository (GitHub): https://github.com/gurpreetsinghmatharoo/lowrez-2018-procgen
~Procedural Generation: How does my system work?
At a time, a certain square area is generated. Its size is in the AREA constant, currently at 512.
The constant DIVISION is the size of the distinct parts of an area (of the size AREA). A division currently is 256 (so each area has two divisions). Each division is of a certain type; it can be a village, a forest, a hostile area, and so on.
The constant SIZE (12) is the size of each individual block that holds something (grass, tree, house, etc.). You can also call it a cell or a tile.
So when the grid for the current area is creating, the divisions are generated, and looping through the divisions, tiles are placed. Different tiles have different chances of being placed inside different divisions.