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Strive for Power

Fantasy Slave Management/RPG Erotic Game · By Strive4Power

Race Suggestions

A topic by Max created Aug 21, 2018 Views: 1,052 Replies: 22
Viewing posts 1 to 10

Heey so... This might just me being weird but this game is missing something... you can fight Wolves, Spiders, Cats, Slimey things and they're all represeted as Humanoid Races (I'm not counting some of the odder creatures) but what we really need (been bugging me for the past week) is bear people!

(1 edit)

I think it's now possible to mod in races! Though don't ask me how, not as easy as most other mods.

I'd love to see Mimic Girls/guys that appear when you try to open a chest. They would have red... everything by default.

EDIT: lines 509-513  

var chest = {
                            strength = 0,
                            agility = 0,
                            treasure = {},
                            trap = ''

Trap you say, hmmm......

perhaps canceled script for ambushes.

Full on dragon people would be nice, with lizard faces and scales everywhere and their own penis type with a slit and such.

Well, the challenge for modding in those races is finding appropriate portray for them unless someone decide to bite the bullet and actually pay artist commission.

We Need more squeakers!

What new racial traits do you think would fit these new races?

Increased XP gain/ carry capacity, ability to teleport you home from anywhere, can have more than one specialization, decreases other slaves toxicity daily, eats gold instead of food, can dual wield weapons but can't wear armor?

(1 edit)

Mice would have a negative trait (consider how the long tongue increases oral pleasure, but Mice have buck teeth so...) 

#BuckToothed    (negative sexual trait) (could be a totally new trait in general and not race exclusive XD)

Mice would make wonderful scavengers, Increasing the chances of a unique/Enchanted equipment being found at the end of fight by 10%

#Scavenger (Positive Combat Trait)

Mice Are the real life equivalent of Goblins and their special breeding powers.  Perhaps mice would be on equal terms on that field.

#Breeder (positive? Sexual Trait)

Imagine having a mouse in your party allows Instant escape, without having to wait your next turn (disclosing boss, or other battles where escape isnt an option)

#Escape Artists

hehe~ Were so awsome♪ ♥

Being a bear... you might not need rope to capture someone lol

Bear hug!

Always thought not needing rope would have been a great addition the the Arachna's trait

Definitely this. They would also cast "Shackle".

Bear hug: huge damage? the enemy must skip a turn?

So to add a race to the game, you first need to decide several things. Here's a quick template to do just that.


Racial trait:         

Stat potential: Strength-  , Agility-  ,Magic-  ,Endurance-  .

Skin colors:

Eye colors:

Hair colors:

Parts and details:


By parts/details I mean- Ears, specific height, wings, tail, horns, skincover like scales or plants, eye shape, body shape, legs, penis type, and whether they use surnames.
So far, individual stat potential (strength etc) has ranged between 1 and 6. Total stats between 13 and 20.
Location is the areas in which they spawn.
You can look at "" (Strive>files>scripts>characters) to see existing colors and parts.
Anything added that's not in the base game, like new racial traits or mouse ears , will require additional modding. But that shouldn't be a deterrent :)

So far I've found that the files involving Race is:

assets, explorationregions, laboratory, mainmenu, Mansion, newsexsystem, repeatable_quests, sexdescriptions, slavedialogues, variables.

Within the characters folder:  description, races.

I believe there all tied together someway or the other, I tried adding Beastkin and halfkin Mouse race, with this line of code in the Race script (I added the tails and ears, etc, but I cant figure out what im doing wrong... I am not suited for this line of work:

Mousekin = {
bodyshape = ['shortstack'],
description = "Little is known of the origin of Micekin, One rumer is that a lonely alchemist Spent his entire life transmuting feral mice to create his ideal companion. ",
details = "[color=aqua]Racial trait: pregnancy progresses lot quicker. [/color]\n\n[color=yellow]Stat potential: Strength - 1, Agility - 5, Magic - 2, Endurance - 4 [/color]",
skin = ['pale', 'fair', 'olive', 'tan'],
ears = ['mouse_ears'],
tail = ['mouse'],
furcolor = ['white', 'gray', 'brown'],
skincov = ['full_body_fur'],
legs = ['fur_covered'],
arms = ['fur_covered'],
eyecolor = ['blue', 'green', 'amber', 'red'],
height = ['tiny'],
stats = {str_max = 2,
agi_max = 7,
maf_max = 3,
end_max = 4}


I believe in you!. YOU CAN DO IT!

So many scripts to modddddddd. That list is really helpful though, thank you.

So glad they're gonna be adorable little shortstacks heheee :)

Can I suggest upping their max stats a bit. Maybe 6 agility and 3 Magic?

Honestly, im bout ready to give up. I have absolutely no Idea what im doing... :c

Ironically... "I give up" is my biggest motivator... DX

Don't give up on your dream! You got it! :D

As were putting our cards on the table

"Mimic" = {
        description = "An ordinary locked chest.... wait a minute... \n\nSupposedly created by slave smugglers in a teleportation accident, Mimics are living chests which house a humanoid form. \n\nInfamous for patiently ambushing greedy adventurers, their deceptive outer shell is hard as oak. While inside, a lithe body of vulnerable, tongue-like flesh, affords them enough speed to strike. \n\nIronically adept at picking locks",
        details = "[color=aqua]Racial trait: Elongated Tongue.[/color]\n\n[color=yellow]Stat potential: Strength - 3, Agility - 6, Magic - 1, Endurance - 6 [/color]",
        bodyshape = ['halfchest'],
        haircolor = ['red'],
        eyecolor = ['red'],
        skin = ['red'],
        surname = '',
        mods = {
            augmenttongue = 'augmenttongue'
        stats = {
            str_max = 3,
            agi_max = 6,
            maf_max = 1,
            end_max = 6

Until I work out how to tie them to actually opening in game chests. They will have a tiny chance to spawn in areas where you normally find locked loot. Mountain cave, Marsh etc.

Any suggestions are welcome (still not sure about the description).

(2 edits)

Any lock actually getting the race to appear in game? or not break the game? that's my issue with mousekin. 

edit: Pun unintended, but keeping anyway.

My biggest issue is finding Nil in console, auto disable mods...

I haven't even added them to a race list yet. So there's no chance for them to appear. But figured adding them to the "var starting_pc_races =" & "var allracesarray =" would be a good way to test, by making a new game and choosing them as a main character and starter. First need to finish the description and races files though.

Once one of us has success, it'll get a lot easier! For everyone.

(Gonna leave any sex and quest files alone for now)

I believe!!

Mushroom/Miasma girl, a Dryad offshoot.

Unlike more common Dryads that crave the sunlight. These mushroom capped monsters like damp dark surroundings and have rubbery fungal flesh with velvety soft 'gills'.
Their racial ability would be releasing lust inducing spores, when their own lust is very high. Could affect all other slaves that share the same sleeping quarters or workplace (Similar mechanic to the Tamer specialization, or basic inter-slave relations at the end of day)