System: Windows 7 Pro, Core 2 Quad, 12 GB Ram, 120GB free space on drive.
Problem: When I add a new slave the portaite does not appear. There are two portaites after starting a new game, the Master and once you go to the borthel Emily's. The fist slave you pick the portaite or body image does not appear.
If you pick the first slaves name and put the cursor over a name in the residents window a sumury will apear, the only one that has an image is Emily's. Clicking on the name brings up the options for the slave, only Emily's portaite apears all others are blank. If you go to "Customize" and click on the "Full Body Image" the following errors are generated in the Godot Engine Editor:
At: core/image.cpp:699
libpng warning: Image width is zero in IHDR
libpng warning: Image height is zero in IHDR
libpng error: Invalid IHDR data
ERROR: save_image: Method/Function Failed, returning: ERR_CANT_OPEN
At: drivers/png/resource_saver_png.cpp:100
ERROR: Cannot resize image before creating it, use create() or create_from_data(
) first.
At: core/image.cpp:699
libpng warning: Image width is zero in IHDR
libpng warning: Image height is zero in IHDR
libpng error: Invalid IHDR data
ERROR: save_image: Method/Function Failed, returning: ERR_CANT_OPEN
At: drivers/png/resource_saver_png.cpp:100
Also the menu for chnaging or reseting the portaite and body images appears, how ever clicking on ay of the options does not result in any chagnge.
I tried adding this path to the "Select Path" but it reverts to "user://portrtaits/" and "user;//bodies/" If I change it to the recomended path of C:\Users\uid1\Application Data\Strive\ then it is saved however there are not any selectable *.jpg or *.png files only the *.png.import files.
I am wondering if there is a failure to convert/decode the images or reconize the .import in the user:// directory.
It isn't a rights issue because I have full control of both the install direecotry under Program Files and the user/Application Data/Strive directory.
The game is playable for the most part, just no images...
Thanks for any help or expination about the missing images.