Please give any thoughts you have on the game.
1) you have several typos and errors in your text
2) playing the sub route, after the getting to the free roam, as soon as I got the call from work I got several errors (I tried to ignore them, but it ultimately went back to title)
3) I'm going to assume over time there is going to be more appropriate sprites to reflect whats happening (i.e. you are actually half naked when you are woken up) which also leads into appropriate CGs, like actually having the MC kneeling on the floor after being kicked, Clarissa actually hugging Darian, etc. (the big sister in the towel was really good though)
4) Are we actually going to get real cuck content? Cus that'd be really hot if your big sister and her boyfriend actively cuck you with you directly watching and/or involving other things
5) Is there really no plans to make Billy the top at all?
I don't want this to all sound negative, so here is some positive things as well:
1) The art is pretty good and likable
2) The "bitch" mood of the girls and the "doormat" of the MC are conveyed well and not in bad way that sometimes happens with games like this (when you're into femdom). Normally, I am not a fan of abuse that gets labeled femdom, but this actually feels rather appropriate and can see a lot of potential for really fun stuff moving forward, especially with the "scent" option in the beginning
3) While you had a lot of typos, your dialogue and interactions are done well. It's not a really bad MTL quality of "English" and that's actually something
4) Your responsiveness and communication is a good sign, and gives positive impressions for the game (especially if you fix aforementioned bugs soon instead of "next release)
Some questions:
1) How far are kinks going to go? Like I was interested in the idea of cucking and if billy can top, that means I'd also like pegging. Scent play, besides sweat also makes me wonder about watersports. Linda seems like she'd be really into doing figging, so that along with other spanking content is hot. Any of these on the menu at all or even considerations?
2) Do you actually have the story planned out and know how its going to end? I am not asking for you to tell me, I just want to make sure you're not going with the intention of "winging it" and finding you can't continue because you hit a wall when the sex isn't enough to carry the story.
3) What do you think your release schedule will be like for this game?
4)Game crashed right at the free roam start, so that's...not a good sign. Is there going to be more to choices down the road? Like you picked "submissive" or "dominate" in the very beginning and then got one choice to hop over if you have regret. Is there going to be more choices down the road or is this going to be like "Do you want to see scene A or B?" or "Do you want to opt out of X content?" ?
I guess that's all my thoughts for now. I wish you luck, the game is too short at the moment and having some detrimental bugs means I can't give a proper evaluation, but I am interested in watching this project and seeing how it develops in the next few stages. I think this is something I might want to support, but I'd have to see how a few updates go before I want to commit to anything.
Looks cool, might try it out after an update or two. How much "sandbox" are we talking about? Something similar to "Confined With Goddesses", more, or less.
And this is just a personal nitpick/suggestion. The femboy brother looks to have breasts in the previews. Personally if their was an option to corrupt them more to fem and make them a dickgirl (encouraging taking hormones perhaps?) I'd be all for that, I believe the current art gives a false impression in regards to that character at least.
I do want to iterate, the femboy is fine (i mean, I am into dickgirls, so femboys are just a step from that.) Just wanted to let you know. (also, I was serious about the whole dickgirl thing, having an option to influence him into that path would rock.)
Edit: Is pregnancy planned at all? for even an ending?
Before I get into any criticism I want to say I like the direction and look forward to how it progresses. I like the art style and the character designs. I liked the MC being a young man. I was afraid it was gonna be a shota, not that I really hate shota’s but they’ve had it too good for too long and I like seeing male MC’s being young men or grown ass men of reasonable height. I also see that you are taking feedback pretty well even though some of them are pretty rude, I respect that. And I will say also my perspective is from someone who is only here for the dom route, I’m a sucker for a zero to hero story. But overall I look forward to the future of your project.
The first thing is the demo, the initial release. Speaking honestly it felt premature and lackluster, not really a demo more of a proof of concept. For a demo you want to give the player a taste of what’s to come, you didn’t really give us a taste we didn’t even get to see the food if I’m being honest at best we saw the menu. And kind of the problem with that is that it sets sort of a bad precedent of will the updates and patches be just as lackluster. How the demo is also does make it hard to give proper feedback because there isn’t much to work with. When we had to go into the bathroom I was expecting a scene and was disappointed when nothing happened. To remedy this I would say for the next update give us a good amount more to work with when it comes to seeing some action. Obviously I’m not saying give us the bareback pounding right of the bat or make the MC an Alpha giga sigma male or whatever but you know show us some of what we came for you know. What I think is appreciated but no one really points out is some good groping scenes: tits, ass, hips, love handles, or whatever I always appreciate a good groping. especially an ass grope where you can see the fingers sink in? Chef’s Kiss. Some light choking would be nice and would work for either sub or dom paths, even some spanking would be cool.. Anything more sexual but not penetrative are the classics handjob, titjob, assjob, thighjob maybe the rare armpitjob or even the ever elusive and seldom seen hairjob. I personally always love a nice assjob or thighjob. I’m not saying jump the shark, just give us more to work with.
Like I said I can’t give much feedback cause there's not much to go off from the demo and other people have already told you about the stuff with sharing and proper tagging so I’m not gonna repeat anything and you’ve already made changes. There were some instances where the characters said Ian instead of my chosen name so I would check that. I’m sure it’s just because it’s a demo but the text saying characters are dressed or acting a certain way and the sprite not matching it can be seen as pretty sloppy but I’m sure that will improve as you progress.
The last thing is Billy, not that he's a femboy, love me a femboy but that he has too much chest curve. You can't give him that much chest curve and call him a femboy. I think you should decrease the curve, give a slight subtle curve that's almost unnoticeable, widen his hips, and thicken his thighs a bit more too. Then you got yourself a quality femboy. I like his hair, face, clothes, and demeanor. Billy is a cutie patootie. Just that chest curve is bothering me.
Anyways, I hope my feedback gives something to work with, good luck, and I look forward to your progress.
I was ready to trying the game but reading that if we go dom route we get less content and we need to sharing first my wants for play tye game leave very quickily i was thinking that if in the sub route we are the cuck that in the dom route we are the bull but no we get threesome yeah... Dosent seen very fair to dom players ....
Also i see that the mom only gets sub route ....
If you want to make a femdom and cuck game go for it fully im not one to judge
But if you are gonna make two paths i least i expect that we get equal content but seeng the planned paths for the characters ...
One path that in the dom route we get to forcelly have thresoomes and sharing ,the mom only have sub route and then i expect that the wrestling path whit the aunt she is gonna dominate us right ?
Well i hope you can answer if this is gonna have equal content or not i like incest games and i like the art of this game but if this is gonna be more sub than dom i rather spend my time in another game that cater more my likes
Good luck dev
Wait the Mother is sub only? After playing the game and seeing how much of an utter bitch she is. That's a deal breaker for me. You don't make a character like that and make it so your only option is to submit to her. Out of everyone she needs to be knocked down several pegs. So I'm hoping that is a misunderstanding or something.
Ok i end giving a try at the new demo i can say that if you you not like femdom content this game is not for you i know that you say that you start as a loser and then get more dominant but i see two problems :
1 if this is gonna take to long the people who is here for the dom content is gonna get angry and leave before the story where the MC is actin less like a dormat and more like a normal human
2 At the end of the demo the only characters that i like is the little brother and the aunt the others are a peace of shits and a bitches i was expecting that they bully a little the brothers and have at least some positive traits but no they are bad especially the mom that threats boths her sons like shit and let their daughters bully them after playing the demo i am left whit anger and whit a feel of is this are the main girls why i should care unlesa the dom path is gonna be heavy maledom and revenge
Well that is my experience a porn game where the you really dislike and dont want anything whit the main girls .....
Well i think this game is not for me after playing the demo it let me feeling angry i thinked that in porn games the main girls should be desired not hated .
Well god luck dev its a shame i really like the art
I want to say that I really like the fantasy setups/writing/simple art/characters in this game. It's a really great start (there's not much publicly available yet, I think I got through a single play through in about an hour, (I played the non subscriber version)) and I'm really looking forward to more and seeing how it progresses.
Lol when it comes to crazy premises for fantasies in dirty games there's a hump a lot of games hit when trying to set it up that can lose me if they try to be too serious or self conscious about it, the tv report essentially suddenly yelling "Incest is legal!" and that changing anything with some characters thoughts on long established relationships made me laugh, it worked well for me.
I played the sub routes and basically all of the setups really worked for me for my preferences so far, though I did find Linda a little bit shocking/grating being that mean to the player and especially Addison. But I'm not sure that's not setup for a character arc of Linda being de-stressed and a bit kinder later that I would be very down for. But, either way with the writing and setups so far, if the author gets to do what they want to do, I will be invested in learning what happens.
The concept of having all of these story paths for each of the characters with sub and dom routes for each and a sort of choose your own kinks setup being able to filter out/decide on stuff you don't want (ballbusting for me) seems like it's gonna be a lot of work to figure out as the story progresses further. Sounds complex writing characters naturally with 2 versions of them acting scenes, it's gonna be a biiiig ol' work of art if you manage to pull off all of them throughout the entire game half as well as you've set them up so far.
I wasn't expecting to like this art style as much as I do either. It's simple and communicates the characters and setting well.
I wish to support but for the moment I am skint so instead I just want to send kudos on this strong start! Thank you for making something fun!
Also, since many folks seem to have baggage around it and are trying to tamp it down, I wanna speak to support the inclusion of the ntr/cuckolding stuff. For those who don't want it, the game gives you prompts and every option to turn it off. It's a small and entirely avoidable part. But I really appreciate the game exploring that fantasy as it adds another thread to the vibrant weave of kinks and relationships in the game.
Errybody looking up porn games is probably into some kinky stuff at this point in adult gaming, that's what fantasy and porn art is for, safe space. Love for my weirdos. (But also, it's really not a big deal in this game in it's current public state either, plz provide more dev, way more! ^^ )
Thank you for the game!