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Predation is an adult 2D pixel side-scroller action game in development currently by Horned Lizard Studios. · By HornedLizardStudios, Tib Averus, Samantha Lockwood

Unable to initialize Vulkan video driver

A topic by Carbonized created Jan 29, 2024 Views: 708 Replies: 10
Viewing posts 1 to 4

i got this error but i have updated my video driver. any fixes for it?


Hello, and thank you for coming to us with this question!
Before we can really troubleshoot, would you be able to give us the specs of your computer? CPU, GPU, operating system, memory, things like that. One of the most important details, though, is the GPU you're using. We'll need to know the exact make and model of it.

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790S CPU @ 3.20Ghz

GPU: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600

Operating System: 64-Bit

Memory: 8.0 GB DDR3

I dont know if this is bad or decent. it can run other games without problems


I'll add a bit more context as the main developer:

Sadly that CPU's graphical unit does not support vulkan at all, and since our game uses that as the rendering device, it cannot run unfortunately. You can try a workaround:

Create a shortcut for the game's EXE file.

Right click on the shortcut, go to properties, and edit the "Target" field by including the following line at the very end of it:

--rendering-driver opengl3

This should start up the game using OpenGL 3 instead of vulkan. It's not ideal, and the visuals might look off, but it will run.

already did that as the error says but no luck. its fine though thanks for helping


Ahh, yep, that'll do it. We aren't currently able to support integrated graphics (Intel HD Graphics 4600), unfortunately. A fix could be found, but we haven't stumbled upon it yet. 

oh alright thats fine

when will the next update come out?


Hello, Reaper, and thanks for your question!
Currently, I'm unaware of an exact release date for our next update. However, as soon as we're satisfied with the amount of content we have ready to be pushed out, we'll let everyone know! As always, Patrons will get it earlier than people who aren't pledged to us, but it will 100% be free to access, within a bit of time after that!

If there were to be a time period when it would release, when do you think it would be?


Greetings, we're planning to release a few testbuilds in the next couple of weeks, mainly dealing with Input remapping and the AI!