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Win7 MineSweeper but as a 3D ARG horror game! 💣💥 -SunSweeper

A topic by O_TIRE created 17 days ago Views: 167 Replies: 8
Viewing posts 1 to 7

S U N   S W E E P E R

So a few days ago, I started working on my new project.

I have decided that I want to share more about my ideas and design choices on these devlogs instead of just showing what has been added like my devlogs for Reanimated.

It's a reimagination of the classic game 'Minesweeper' that was shipped with Windows 3.1 - Windows 7!

About the Gameplay:

SunSweeper is a 3D horror game which heavily relies on audio clues. You are stuck in a mine-deactivator truck and you must find your way throughout a mine field. It's impossible to see the outside because all the windows of the truck are blocked with metal rods in order to "stop" any mine debris from entering the cabin.

The only way to find the rotation of your vehicle is via signals which you have to send manually using a button. The response signal doesn't show your rotation but instead, you have to count the duration of it in order to find your rotation in degrees.

Your X and Y position is displayed on two digital monitors.

In Minesweeper if you move on a safe tile, the game hints to the nearby mines by displaying numbers between 1-9. But in SunSweeper when you move on a safe tile, some sounds will play around you. These sounds work just like those numbers but you will use the pitch & pan of these sounds in order to figure out their numbers.

There will also be a shop which sells temporary upgrades.

If all this sounds confusing don't worry, there will be a tutorial in the game which explains things better than me!
(Please keep in mind that gameplay mechanics might change)
About the Story:

"There has been an ongoing war between Auroras and Solars for nearly a 100 years now. You are a soldier from the 'Aurora' army who is forced to participate in this war. The job they gave you is minesweeping. At midnight, they force you to get into a truck named 'MineWiper29' and find a path throughout a minefield before the army sends their tanks. You can clearly tell that this truck is not designed to survive mines because it is a modified version of a famous brand of milk truck!

But you have no other choice. If you don't do whatever they say, you will probably end up six meters under the dirt.

Your only social interactions in the day, are the kind soldiers who wake you up at 2am and kindly throw you into the truck, and your virtual assistant 'Pixelixel' which is as smart as a bread crumb.

Until one day, you meet MineHead. He has a small shop in middle of nowhere. He sells scraps. Most of his trash are useless to you but some of them can be helpful.

Even though he seems friendly, he's a retired mine planter who worked for the 'Solar' army. Even though he's retired, he had to join the army again due to the lack of experienced mine planters. And guess what! He's the one responsible for planting mines on YOUR way..."

The only two characters you meet in the game are Pixelixel and MineHead. I will not explain the rest of the story but trust me, I t ' s  g r e a t.

(Please keep in mind that story might be tweaked)

Current progress:

I am currently designing the characters and the truck. The designs of MineHead and MineWiper29 are done and the only design remaining (for now) is pixelixle.

These are their designs. They are just sketches with solid colors to make them easier for me to model in 3D, I swear I'm not this bad at drawing!

-MineWiper29 (Sketch only)

-MineWiper29 (Color guide)

-MineHead (Colored modeling guide)

-The symbol of Aurora army

-The symbol of Solar army


Yooo lets goooo. For some reason I cant find the reply button, but whatever.

Are you using Unity again?

Also will this be another endless game or will there be an ending???


Thanks :P

The story mode (that has an ending) and the endless mode can be chosen from the main menu.

First, I was thinking about making this in Unreal but because of performance issues I scrapped that idea. Godot was also a good idea but I'm a bit worried that it might struggle with high poly models and volumetric lighting. So I chose Unity again.

The only thing about Unity that has recently let me down weren't the new fees, it was the lack of good changes in Unity 6. I really want to give them another chance and stay with Unity until version 7 comes out because overall it is a great engine. If version 7 adds nothing interesting again then I will have to look for another option.


Hello everyone!

I have done a lot!

Welcome back to the second devlog for SunSwiper!

In summary, I have finished designing Pixelixel and modeling the MineWiper29! (the main vehicle which player uses)

My design choices!:

I'm not trying to achieve complete realism with SunSwiper, instead I want it to be a mix of realistic & stylized.
I want the atmosphere of the game is very dark, so I colored everything with gray scale (white, gray, black and everything between them) to give it a sad and hopeless feeling. But there are still some things that are not colored with the gray scale, for example the steer & acceleration lever handles and the TV which Pixelixel is in.
I did this to make those elements stand out a bit more than the non-interactable objects.



The reason its design took so long is because I knew that I will have to animate it in the future. So the design had to be simple enough to animate but not too simple to be boring.
I tried animating it in Krita but that turned out to be very difficult so I did the animation in Blender.
*Its face will appear sometimes on the TV (located in the MineWiper29).

-MineWiper29 final model (Front view)

-MineWiper29 final model (Rear view)

-MineWiper29 final model (Interior view)


-MineWiper29 exterior design (With materials)

-MineWiper29 interior design (With materials)

I Wish You a Great Day!

(1 edit) (+1)

EEEEE PIXELIXEL IS ALREADY MY FAVE!!! for some reason the car gives me Iron Lung vibes lol :3

My Future

Hello everyone, believe it or not, it's me again!

A Ramble About My Future

I have made a decent amount of progress on SunSweeper. But not too much, because lately I have been thinking about my future, specifically the tools I will be using to make my dream games.
I have recently made some changes to my workflow. For example I have switched from VS to VS Code (don't get me wrong, I still love VS).
But most importantly I've been thinking about what game engine I will be using to make my dreams come true.
Currently I'm using Unity. I know that engine has gotten a lot of bad reputation over the past few months, but I still love it because it was the reason I got into game development in the first place. Besides that, some of my first projects (that I haven't published) were made in Unity. I ADORE those first projects (& I'm planning to finish them one day). So Unity still has my respect(not Unity Technologies tho)
With all that being said, I'm not sure if Unity can handle my dream games. These games will have high GPU usage and will fill up a lot of memory.
Let me explain one of these games for example:

One Of My Dream Games

I'm not going to spoil any of it, but I will still try my best to explain it.
So basically, it's a Micro-Voxel, Sandbox, Survival, Adventure & Mystery game which is inspired by Terraria (And a unfinished project which I will not name here).
I'm sure you have heard about Voxels before. Games like Minecraft & Teardown use a custom Voxel engine. A Voxel engine's job is to render millions of cubes while using the least amount of memory as possible.
Here is a comparison:

As you can see, Micro Voxels are just tinier Voxels. This means in order to render a scene with these tiny friends, we need a lot more of them and that is not possible without optimization tricks.

These engines are usually written with C++ and OpenGL, but I know none of those :P

I'm willing to do anything to achieve my dreams but it's best for me to take my time and choose the best decision instead of rushing this important step.

For now, I see three choices:
1. Learn C++ and OpenGL
2. Learn C++ and Unreal Engine
3. Master C# and optimize the shit out of Unity

First option is viable, but I have to forget about college in order to pursue that due to the difficulty of C++ & OpenGL combined.
Second option is much easier, but unfortunately every time I try to compiler a C++ script in Unreal, my computer goes on a stroke.
The third option is by far the easiest, but it's not guaranteed to work at all.

These three options are really hard to choose from, that's why lately I've been a bit busy.


This was originally supposed to be another devlog but I chose to work one more day on SunSwiper, and then make the devlog because I didn't have anything appealing to show.
Also I'm thinking about using my YouTube channel more frequently and uploading devlogs there! Though, it's still just an idea...

So expect a Devlog for tomorrow

B    Y    E

My Twitter: https://x.com/O_TireStudio

My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN0iYgX0-d_cIgUeHAR9LOg

With Unreal, I've seen a lot of high-class games made with it, but the PC requirements seem to be the hill that makes or breaks it for a lot of people. I've heard of people with larger projects needing a high-class high-end desktop with 32-64GB RAM.

I'd look at how things are running for you on Unity first. If there's computer slowdown, I wouldn't switch to Unreal. If it runs fast, well, maybe think about it - though I've heard the Unreal engine is more demanding in that regard. 🤔 


I currently have 8GB of ram which is laughably bad. Though I will be upgrading it to 16 or 24 GB very soon. 8GB just doesn't do the job when you have YouTube, Visual Studio & Unreal open at the same time. But I think with 16GB of ram and VS Code, I should be able to at least compile scripts. So it is a viable option.

Though I feel like I should do a lot more research about Voxels before deciding. I mainly have to decide if I want to make the Voxel engine in C# or C++ or with the mix of both.

(1 edit) (+1)

35% Of The Gameplay is Done

Hello everyone, It's me  a g a i n .

As you (probably) saw, I have finished making many gameplay elements.

Here is a list of Finished Gameplay Elements:

-Controlling the truck!

-Spawning mine field (WIP)

-Mines and death animation

-Many sounds + dynamic engine sounds

-Custom HDRI!

My Design Choices:

So, I don't think that I have ever said this. But the main idea of the game is a bit EVIL!
As you probably know, this game heavily relies on audio and in short, beating the game without audio is impossible.

From the day one, my idea was that I will lower the game's volume to something like 5%, to force players to increase their computer's volume by a huge amount.
But... there is one audio which is not capped at 5%, and that is the explosion sound!!
So When You're Moving Your Truck In A Tile And Closely Listening For Audio Clues, Your Speakers Might Kindly Say:

B O O M!

The other design choice that I have made is to make the game a bit more video gamey instead of making everything ultra realistic.

There will be enough realism to make the game immersive and enough game elements to make it fun.


-The custom environment texture (HDRI) I made in Blender! It really captures the theme I wanted for this game. I Love it >3<

-MineWiper29 (In Engine Footage Before Adding The HDRI)

- MineWiper29 Interior (In Engine)

Good Bye.