Hello YAL, I just bought the extension-- thanks for making such a great thing!
I'm currently facing a problem regarding live room editing, tho... Whenever I try to move an existing instance in the room editor, the game crashes showing this error:
############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in Room Creation Code for room rm_live ds_map_find_value argument 1 incorrect type (undefined) expecting a ds_map at gml_Script_live_room_loader_add_layer (line 13683) - var l_ql_depth=ds_map_find_value(l_ql, "depth"); ############################################################################################ gml_Script_live_room_loader_add_layer (line 13683) gml_Script_live_room_loader_run_impl2 (line 14014) - live_room_loader_add_layer(ds_list_find_value(l_lrs,l_lrk)); gml_Script_live_room_start (line 14046) - live_room_loader_run_impl2(l_rm2); gml_Room_rm_live_Create (line 1) - live_room_start();
I'm pretty sure I set up everything according to the documentation (I also tried following Shaun Spalding's video to no avail)
. What could be causing this? I'm tagging this as bug, but please let me know if this is my own wrongdoing!
(I'm on the latest GM runtime but I also tried on the first 2024.2 one, should that information be helpful)