so i found these three candle structures on the map, you can use a lighter on them but that's all i know. Does anyone know if there are any more of these? Or if they are associated with an event can you give me a hint on what to do next?

Gather unknown signals from deep, silent space · By
so i found these three candle structures on the map, you can use a lighter on them but that's all i know. Does anyone know if there are any more of these? Or if they are associated with an event can you give me a hint on what to do next?
Okay, I've found eight total now. I noticed the pattern in their placements: 1 for each of the stations bordering the fence. For the ones directly north, east, etc., you go just past them (roughly halfway in between the station and the fence). For the corner ones, you go between the two stations that are closest to that corner (for example, the one between Papa and Victor). Those are always slightly closer to the station furthest away from the base.
It's worth noting that the candles do go out eventually. I relit the two of them that I was sure had gone out, and so unless I messed up, all of them should have been lit at the same time. I haven't noticed any changes though, so I'm going to try to recheck all of them tomorrow and see if any went out. I might also check other locations that make sense to see if there are any other candles.
Here are the last of them that I found ( there could be more, but these are the ones I found by following this pattern):
I found all eight candles lit them and nothing happened. Another commenter showed them on the map and they make a perfect circle. Maybe another one appears in the very middle of the map, or the base after lighting them past a certain hour? Or maybe more appear in a smaller circle inside the perimeter of the first candles. Gonna need to do a lot of experimenting.
I know I'm kinda of late and i really want to be in this investigation, be sure to use the 8 use lighter it was possibly made for this, did you do this in some kind of order? There might an order for this maybe in alphabetical order or in that devil star order, like starting from romeo and then Sierra and complete the circle, and the note how long does it take to go out so you can know when to start again, since it's in a shape of a circle why not go in the middle of the circle at the base maybe something happens a might be a signal event too you never know but, search in base for anything unnatural, and keep aware of any change of the games theme music if it change there's a possibility that something happened, i don't know if this was in 0.8 or 0.7 but if it was in 0.7 it would be in the wiki (0.8 wiki information is still in progress) or reddit as i came to this place from reddit but no answers at all, if you can't solve this i will try my best to help as i said everything i have in mind in this, be sure to update the community on this it is very interesting, good luck.