So iver reached the cat cafe part, and seemingly completed every day time objective. What do I do now? is there a cash amount i need to reach or go somewhere at a certain time of day? Do something in the dreams?
that's a darn good question.
All I can think to offer is the school library puzzle.
Anything else, the game is still in development- so there's only so much content that could be in the game. You might have exhausted all the content(hell if I know because I'm less good at puzzles than I thought I was)
I believe there's plans for Kari to get her own 'route' (not sure what that'll entail. There's currently no story content involving earning money, but I believe that's also planned (game is in development after all). Don't really know anything else at this time.
I'd personally love to see Unniex implement more morbid pregnancy variations to the dreams (Play Unnie's other game to know what I mean) and possibly a daytime birthing event if you manage to get her pregnant in the waking world (not jessica transformed).