One of the things that could stick between nights is the facility console settings, like if you add yourself to the database maybe you should get the benefits of that across all future nights, and if you turn on the lights they stay on the next time you enter the dream
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Oh I can help you with that! You need to get the lockpick on the stool in the first room and go to the second locked door{its near the locked cabinet at the start} you can open that room to get a level two card, then go up to the top of the centre corridor and open the level two door there and Yuri is in that room!
I wont give any more hints(unless you ask) but once you've got a level two card and the bunny transformation you can get the level 3 card
It is nearly impossible to see doors if their on a down wall, maybe add some sort of highlight above doors to show their position? You've done something similar for side doors where the top texture is different so maybe something like that for down doors?
Also, some of the collision is not mapped on the right half of the mall