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Recent community posts
"next gameplay update ready late April/early May." - That's nice, that'll be around the end of the current college semester :)
"the story isn’t that far off in introducing pregnancy either" - Honestly, felt like Yuri's Nightmare was trying to introduce pregnancy as part of the story, so even if that wasn't the intention.
I understand not wanting to touch the mechanics at the moment, just wish I knew they weren't fully implemented before I wasted a few hours trying to see a Forest Maiden birth... But, now I know, and we wait to see what April/May brings.
I personally like the birthing animations as a sorta, day time easter egg. The way you have them fully animated, and diverse depending on source, is one of the many things your games offer that I've personally not seen on another game on this platform. I already pulled off the ghosts' baby births, so I was hoping to see Blue Maiden's and Forest Maiden's. Guess those 10 days with Forest Maiden's was for naught :[
Any chance you might reconsider birthing animations, despite them not making sense for the story as it is yet?
Not a request for a hint... But has anyone wondered what would happen if your PC consumed a suppressant (forest) then went into the basement without a light to get attacked by the facehugger like creature? Would the game respong similar to how it responds to lilith, or just ignore the suppressant all together?
I've been a fan of the characters' dynamics and the direction you took since I happened upon your 'spin-off' as you call it, I was actually disappointed when I couldn't find the main game after completing Ukuzala. As for this game, the puzzles for Coffee Story just got us early players distracted by their complexity and as a result it just so happened none of us even considered to type up an actual review. I also don't think I've really seen under any game I've tried on this platform where someone posted a real concise review before. I usually only see those on games which have already launched on Steam.
It's my opinion that for a recently posted game, it's already a very well thought out and written product. Yes it's lacking in actual story quests in its current state, but no one expects a homerun with a game that's still under development. There's already tons of lore that collectively create a story and for the player to discover and ponder on, but I'm also aware that each of the characters will have their story lines expanded on in due time.
My hopes is that in future versions you might consider incorporating the option to, through a special sequence of actions, access and spend time in the other characters' dreams. Not just during a quest like with Yuri, but I really hoped to have a tea party with Alice and friends after seeing that in the sleepover sequence. However, as bhcp2 and VocalRhapsody have already vocalized, I believe what is currently needed is more story questlines.
Sorry I cannot offer you a more thorough review, it's just not something I think about when I'm playing for the simple enjoyment of it.
you’ve already tried, exactly the same thing I could come up with. The needle is impossible to part with, unless you ‘use it’. That’s not exactly escaping, but rather just forcing yourself awake.
I considered the possibility that you might need to leave items at the base of the painted trees, even the possibility of just leaving everything with the skeleton. That total asset abandonment method eluded me, that’s why I was so thankful for the tip about the trees instead.
Stand in front of the cabin and head straight in front of it until you encounter a large dendroid (tree) with orange leaves. That’s your starting point.
As for True Sight. Apparently there are two different ways to achieve that. The easily accessible one, I will refer to my previous response to Ashekile about it.
Also, I think I understand how to use the Empty Jar correctly now... I managed to 'Seal Cloud' then the next step looked vary familiar to what we do with another item... So even though 'Nothing Happened' I'm pretty sure the issue was "Dimensional"
Still haven't managed to experience a real world Festival of Life pregnancy sequence though... I'm pretty sure that and the Broodmaiden real world pregnancy sequence might be all that's left for me on the Female playthrough.
Next I'll be playing the Male playthrough to try experiencing all possible forced feminization methods. When I happen to have enough of a break from coursework of course.
lmao, when I first encountered the c-remover journal, it was totally by accident. I for some reason just did the thing that gave me the page, before even solving the initial puzzle to be awarded the information. As a result, I hadn’t obtained the associated object yet, and so I thought C-remover referred to removing the Unwidow. Clearly, I eventually realized the truth.